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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Determinants Of Sustainability Of Corporate Social Responsibility Projects By The Mobile Phone Service Providers In Kenya

ABSTRACT Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) does not present a challenge to any intellectual within Kenya, especially as to its outward meaning. The term is, however, still a vocabulary to many illiterate and semi-illiterate Kenyans who barely understand what it implies. Even to the intellectuals, the objectives, the basis and the underlying principles behind CSR are remotely within their realm of knowledge. CSR is, however, a powerful tool in the hands of corporate players for not only en...

Career Mobility Of Women Administrators In Public Secondary Schools In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affect the mobility of women to administrative positions in public secondary schools in Kirinyaga County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the effect of cultural factors such as gender roles on mobility of women administrators in secondary schools in Kirinyaga County. Moreover, personal and organizational factors and their effect on mobility of women administrators in secondary schools in Kirinya...

Status Of Private Accommodation For Undergraduate Students In Kenya: A Case Of Kenyatta University

ABSTRACT This study investigated the status of private accommodation facilities for undergraduate students and the effect these have on their educational output. It was done in Kenyatta University (KU). The University had a hostel capacity of 10,086, whereas the total undergraduate student population was 50,425. Specific objectives of the study were to; assess the adequacy of private hostels accommodation, establish the effect of accommodation on the undergraduate students‟ academic life, ...

Strategic Leadership And Perfomance Of Coffee Cooperative Societies In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Leadership skills have indisputably been known to influence performance in most successful firms globally. Strategic leadership practices in particular have been identified to facilitate organisations to perform effectively and efficiently in the turbulent and volatile business environment to a greater extent. Coffee farmers are concerned on how to revive the coffee sector due to the poor and untimely prices paid from the produce. The general objective of the study was to establish ...

Packaging Attributes And Consumer Buying Behavior Of Packaged Foods In Kenya

ABSTRACT Understanding consumer buying behaviour and their preference to product attributes has become a key success factor in today’s business environment which is highly competitive and rapidly changing. Consumer are now more discerning and individualistic requiring marketers to gain insights in the buying behaviour of consumers and the attitude they have on product innovation before they make the purchasing decision including the innovation used in elements such as packaging. The genera...

Uptake Of Microfinance Credit And Its Impact On Coffee Yields Among Smallholder Farmers In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The past two decades has witnessed high promotion of microfinance institutions by both the government of Kenya and non-governmental organizations which are targeting smallholder farmers. Despite increase in these microfinance institutions, coffee yield among smallholder farmers has remained low. This has negatively affected smallholder coffee farmers’ earnings from the coffee enterprise and also their economic wellbeing due to loss of income. Information on the impact of microfinan...

Determinants Of Contested Decisions In Kenya Government: A Case Of The Appeal Process At Kenya Immigration Department

ABSTRACT The department of immigration makes decisions in the course of discharging their mandate some of which are contested by those seeking services from the department. The post-work permit verification period has seen an astronomical rise in such contested decisions. Little is known about the determinants of these contested decisions. This research focused on the determinants of contested decisions in government departments in Kenya. There was need to understand the factors that influen...

Influence Of Customer Focus Strategies On Service Delivery At The Department Of Immigration In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Within an increasingly competitive environment, customer focus strategies form an .organization strategic tool for improving product/service quality. Organizations placing greater emphasis on customer focus will tend to attach a relatively high degree of importance to eliminating non value added activities and cost, building closer links with customers, having a management approach of meeting customers' need, finding solutions to poor service, and regularly measuring customer servic...

Job Characteristics And Performance Of Employees Among Private Equity Firms In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Organizations are always in pursuit of finding ways to enhance their performance. One of the ways is to enhance employee performance by incorporating job characteristics that contribute to employee motivation, satisfaction and commitment of the employees. The job characteristics necessary for better performance of employees are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job characteristics on t...

Organizational Resources And Competitive Advantage Of Airline Companies Operating In Kenya

ABSTRACT  The aircraft business assumes a big role in Kenya's economic advancement. The airline business catalyzes different parts of the economy, for example, the travel industry, assembling, cultivation and the hotel industries, which contribute billions of shillings to Kenya's economy. Competition globally is progressively making carriers working at JKIA increasingly competitive to the degree that Airline organizations are hauling out from working at JKIA, given a case of Virgin Atlantic ...

Effect Of Exchange Rate Misalignment On Bilateral Trade Between Kenya And European Union

ABSTRACT The exchange rate is an important variable in international trade due to the expectations that trade reacts to its movements and therefore determines a country’s international competitiveness. Prudent management of trade and exchange rate policies have been associated with faster growth in developing countries. In order to orient the economy outwards, Kenya has pursued various measures from 1990s to 2000s. Despite these export oriented efforts, Kenya’s trade has remained skewed ...

Edu Frontiers 154 PAGES (36786 WORDS) Economics Thesis
An Analysis Of Community Based Policing Initiative In Kenya; The Case Of Nakuru County

ABSTRACT The Kenyan government adopted Community Policing initiative as a crime fighting tool in the year 2002. The Community Policing initiative was aimed at enhancing security and safety, reducing crime, fear and improving social order. Crime happen on regular basis and continue to be an issue of discussion to policy makers, policing agents, citizens on how best community policing can be tailored to solve these security and safety challenges. This study intended to analyze how community po...

Gender Dynamics In The Access To And Control Of Benefits Accrued From Tea Farming In Kiganjo Division, Gatundu District

ABSTRACT: Agriculture is the cornerstone of Kenya’s economy with most households depending on it for food and livelihood. Women provide the largest share of agricultural labour in many households. Despite the important role that women play, they are discriminated in the area of access to and control over the agricultural benefits. In agriculture, tea farming was the main foreign exchange earner in the year 2011. But despite the important role tea farming plays in Kenya, there are gender ine...

Business Management Training On Performance Of Youth Owned Small And Medium Enterprises In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Effective management training and development programs are aimed at improving the managers’ performance. Small and micro enterprises have widely been recognized as the major source of employment for many households in developing countries. However, three out of five SMEs fail within the first three years of operation and those that continue 80 percent fail before the fifth year attributed to poor performance and consistent losses. It is against this background that the researc...

Impact Of External Debt On Inflation And Exchange Rate In Kenya

ABSTRACT External financing is necessary for many low-income countries to achieve their development objective. External borrowing compliments savings and permits an economy to carry out investment activities. It is expected to provide financing necessary for investment in infrastructure and productive economic activities thus contributing to economic growth and macroeconomic stability. Kenya has depended to a great extent on external borrowing to finance its budget. Data from National Treasu...

Edu Frontiers 76 PAGES (17390 WORDS) Economics Project

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