ABSTRACT Due to globalization and technological developments, global insurance industry is in upward trend. However, insurance penetration is still low in Kenya. Limited studies have been conducted on significant influence of competitive strategies on performance of insurance companies in Kenya. The general objective of this study was to evaluate influence of competitive strategies on performance of insurance firms in Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the influence of differen...
ABSTRACT The usage of non-fiscal ways of incentives is an effort by firms to put on in the work the concepts theories of Maslow and Herzberg. Performance is considered to be related through the concepts of talent, opportunity and enthusiasm. Proprietors, supervisors and managers recognize positive incentive hints to improve performance and greater production however, may rely on the incorrect tools. Non-fiscal motivations are viewed as cheaper ways of compensating employees, thus attracting,...
ABSTRACT Measurement of efficiency levels of transport helps in identifying opportunities that enhance the public transport performance. This will facilitate effective and efficient management of fleets that provide public road transport and planning for interventions incase the sector needs improvement. Public transport sector is a key social facility that aims at improving the welfare of regions inhabitants. Across developing countries provision of efficient, fair and impartial road transp...
ABSTRACT Derivatives have been in the use by firms for the longest period. Some firms use them for trading or speculation purposes while others use them purely for hedging purposes. Despite the usage of derivatives by non-financial firms, their performance has been varying. In Kenya, listed non-financial firms use derivatives for hedging purposes while financial firms use derivatives for both speculation and hedging purposes. Contrary to the greater growth opportunities and tighter controls ...
ABSTRACT Kenya has been a recipient of Foreign aid since she gained her independence in 1963. The Official foreign aid to Kenya is always issued to the government to fund government spending especially development expenditure. The rapid growth of foreign aid and government expenditure in Kenya however, have elicited concerns among policy makers on their implication on GDP growth. Foreign aid and government expenditure to the Agriculture and Forestry, Education and Health sectors have been inc...
ABSTRACT The business environment within which the oil marketing companies operate has been very volatile. Political anxiety, competition from new entrants, social reforms, technological advancement and global changes are some of the challenges that have greatly affected the growth of the industry. The dynamism of the petroleum firms’ operating environment in the current times is posing a lot of challenges to all oil marketing companies. This study sought to assess the relationship between...
ABSTRACT The significance of strategic management in any company can be attained by having an extensive analysis of strategic management practices and the organization’s performance. Using strategic management will cause a better effectiveness within companies. Additionally, the strategy will assist companies in obtaining competitive advantages in the market, thereby, outperforming their competitors. This study analyzed the effect that strategic management practices have on the performance...
ABSTRACT The two main aims that every business organization must endeavour to achieve are achieving a point of economic gain as well as improving company's performance comparative to its players. An innovative executed approach is able to have a noteworthy influence on realization of viable improvement status. The Real estate industry in Kenya is competitive and thus, having a competitive advantage is key for survival. This research sought to evaluate results of innovation strategies on the ...
ABSTRACT This study interrogates the principle and practice of parliamentary independence in Kenya. It investigates factors that have contributed to lack of independence and assertiveness in the Kenyan parliament from 1963-2014, with a view to exposing challenges and pitfalls. This study is necessary because a lot of studies by scholars have focused on democracy and democratization but not on the importance of parliament as a driver of the democratic process. Further, a lot of studies have fa...
ABSTRACT Savings and Credit Co-operatives Societies (SACCOs) are in the business of safeguarding money and other valuables for their members besides providing loans and offering investment financial services. Credit creation is the main income generating activity for the SACCOs. But this activity involves huge risks to both the lender and the borrower. The researcher carried out this study to establish the effect of risk management strategies on performance of SACCO’s in Nakuru County, Ke...
ABSTRACT Effective risk mitigation strategies are the key to achieve performance in the Motor insurance industry. This involves knowing and analysing risks, making, and reviewing risk handling techniques and checking the progress of these to avoid and/or reduce the impact of risk on the performance of the firm. It is against this background that this Project assessed risk mitigating strategies on performance of motor insurance companies. The study’s general objective was to establish the ef...
ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the Non-financial factors that influence performance in the National Police Service in Kenya; the study focused on the General Service Unit officers Headquarters. This study established the effects of working conditions, recognition at place of work and employee training among the General Service Unit officers. General Service Unit is faced with issues of efficiency in operation, productivity and high staff turnover. The security system has also deteriorat...
ABSTRACT Access to finance by women is very fundamental in ensuring they create sustainable enterprises and meaningfully contribute to economic growth of the country. This study aimed to assess the effect of service quality on the performance of the Women Enterprise Fund, in Kisumu County, one of the programs implemented by the government of Kenya to empower women economically through enabling their access to affordable credit. The objectives of the study were to assess the effects of four va...
ABSTRACT Over time globalization has created investment opportunities for enterprise worldwide and as a result today foreign direct investment is regarded as the major source of foreign capital for developing countries. There are numerous benefits of foreign direct investment for emerging economies which include technology spillovers, enables human capital formation, improvement of international trade integration, helps create a more competitive business environment and improves enterprise d...
ABSTRACT In any nation, the financial sector is an essential segment in the advancement of its economic growth. Most disappointments in the financial sector have been caused by non-performing credits or awful obligations which are ascribed by poor or ineffectual advancing arrangement. While the consequences of credit risk management are surely understood, the bearing of the impacts are anticipated by theories and proof on their size are still rare, and revolve around managing an account segme...