Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Growth Strategies And Perfomance Of Selected Milk Processing Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT Business organizations strive to grow and increase their sales and profits. Growth is imperative and not an option as such turning a small company into a big one is never easy. Therefore, companies have to adopt suitable growth strategies to boost performance. The stiff competition among the various milk-processing firms in Kenya has led to collapse of some of diary firms. In efforts of growing and increasing profitability, companies in the milk-processing sector have adopted various...

The effects of public participation on delivery of services by county governments in kenya: a case of nairobi city county

ABSTRACT Public participation is viewed as a mechanism by which the citizens contribute towards governance and service delivery. This study has taken interest in public participation with a bias towards service delivery at the County Government of Nairobi. The study was informed by continuous lawsuits and complaints that the County Government of Nairobi was not considering the views of the public before developing its services. The objectives will be to: examine the awareness of public partic...

Effect Of Information Technology On Hanks Customer Satisfaction In Cooperativj:<~Bank Of Kenya

ABSTRACT In the current climate, competition in the banking industry is intense, with new financial service providers emerging all the time. Quality of service is seen more than ever as a key differentiator in the marketplace. One question relates to whether automated, telephone and Internet banking represent positive change and are delivering enhanced service quality. Whilst technology can save time and money and eliminate errors, thereby addressing certain issues associated with changi...

Intergrated Financial Management Information System Trainings And Management Of Public Funds In Nyamira County, Kenya

Abstract The Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) is to streamline management of finance resources in organizations where there is unplanned expenditure resulting to huge pending bills, misappropriation of county funds, and mismanagement of cash flows. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Integrated Financial Management Information System Trainings and Management of public funds in Nyamira County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to...

Financial Management Practices And Financial Performance Of Small And Medium Manufacturing Enterprises In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Manufacturing SMEs play a crucial role in building and sustaining the economy in Kenya. They ensure that goods and services are provided to the citizens, reduction of poverty and promotion of other sectors of the economy. Despite their importance, manufacturing SMEs in Kericho County continue to perform poorly. Majority of the manufacturing SMEs (seventy two percent) recorded return on capital employed of less than five percent with only twenty eight percent of SMEs generating return...

Determinants of utilization of government online services in kenya: case of national transport And safety authority nairobi

ABSTRACT In a digital information-based economy, governments must modernize to survive or risk becoming irrelevant. In Kenya, e-governance is being used as one of the government’s strategy cornerstone for enhancing accessibility of services to citizens. However, despite the increasing adoption of e-governance, researchers conclude that low uptake and use of the available online services has been witnessed in Kenya. This study sought to examine determinants of how government online services ...

Factors Influencing Sustainability Of Rural Water Supplies In Kenya: (Case Of Unicef Supported Rural Water Projects In Lake Victoria South And Lake Victoria North Water Services Board Regions

ABSTRACT Sustainability of community based and managed rural water supplies in Kenya remains a challenge. In spite of concerted efforts to transfer ownership of rural water supplies to beneficiary communities and increasing participation of the communities in the operation and maintenance of these facilities, more than a third of all rural water supplies fail within three years of development. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that moderate the effect of various comm...

Strategic Actions Of Board Of Management And The Performance Of Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru County, Kenya:

ABSTRACT Performance has remained poor in most of the public secondary schools in Kenya. This is despite the government’s commitment to improve standards of education through the constitution of school board of management (BOM).The strategic approaches by the BOMs can be attributed to the performance of public secondary schools. This study therefore purposed to examine strategic actions of boards of management and the performance of public secondary schools in Nakuru County Kenya. The study...

Effects Of Older Persons Cash Transfer Funds On The Well-Being Of The Elderly In Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was an assessment of the effects of older persons cash transfer funds on the well-being of the elderly in Kibera informal settlements,Nairobi County,Kenya.The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the recipients of OPCT program in Kibera informal settlements; examine the different implications of OPCT funds on the well being of the elderly;establish challenges that OPCT program face in addressing the needs of the elderly; and identify the best strategi...

The Response Of Kasikeu River To The Impacts Of Anthropogenic Activities In Its Catchment Area

Abstract River catchments sustain human civilization and related biodiversity. The numerous resource bases from river catchments include: drinking water supply, abstraction of water for agriculture, for hydropower generation, recreation, transport, construction materials and fishing. However, despite their value to mankind river catchments are under pressure and are facing degradation and threat from communities and from climate change. Kasikeu River catchment is located within the Kilungu ca...

Effects Of 4ps Marketing Mix On Sales Performance Of Automotive Fuels Of Selected Service Stations In Nakuru Town.

Abstract Effects of marketing Mix elements on sales performance of automotive fuels in Kenya have not received sufficient attention. This knowledge gap inspires this proposed study. The broad objective is to examine how product, price, promotion and place can applied to increase sales volume of automotive fuels especially regular, super, and diesel in Nakuru town. A survey of selected service stations in the town is chosen to determine the effects of the 4 Ps on sales performance of the produ...

Total Debt Servicing And Macroeconomic Performance In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya seeks to meet the Millennium Development Goals, under the guidance of The Kenya Vision 2030. The leading challenge to this course remains the soaring debt servicing obligations, capturing a significant portion of the national budget. Kenya has been borrowing externally at higher rates and continually expanding the debt ceiling. The government will therefore in future spend a significant portion of its revenue repaying the debts at the cost of important local investment. The gov...

Determinants Of Infidelity Among Married Couples In Mwingi Central Constituency, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Infidelity impacts negatively on relationship functioning and stability of the marriages making the study of this phenomenon crucial and timely endeavor in the Mwingi Central Constituency (MCC). Although, many African communities have regulations against infidelity especially in marriage, many married couples are involved in extra marital affairs ((Drigotas, Safstrom, & Gentilia, 1999). Infidelity in MCC has led to marital strife leading to separations, wife battering, prostitution, ...

An Assessment Of Solid Waste Management In Kisauni Division, Mombasa County

ABSTRACT The implementation of sustainable integrated solid waste management is one of the key parts to addressing sustainable development in the current generation. Current global trends of population growth urban and consumerism have dramatically increased the generation of waste in urban area. Inadequate waste services have led to informal burning and dumping in streets and open spaces, which is degrading the environment and creating profound public health concerns. With no strategy in pla...

Management Practices And Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Vocational Training Centers In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In this era of dramatic change, global alliances, and a variety of environmental pressures, the potential for failure is very real in the implementation of strategic plans. Provision of vocational education has been gradually registering the low number of students’ enrolments because it has been facing various problems. Many countries have been crying foul over the challenges facing the education sector, including lack of learning resources and maximum utilization of the available ...

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