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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Critical Success Factors Of Total Quality Management Implementation In The Nigerian Banking Sector

ABSTRACT This study investigates the critical success factors of TQM project implementation in the Nigerian banking industry as a strategy for improving the quality of service delivery to customers. In carrying out the study primary data were used and a combination of Factor and regression analytical tools was used in the analysis. The Objective Evaluation Questionnaire (OEQ) was the principal instrument used for data collection. Given the nature of the problem under study, one branch each o...

Corporate Governance And Organizational Performance: A Study Of Selected Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of corporate governance on organizational performance with interest on deposit money banks in Nigeria. Five research questions and five hypotheses guided the study. A survey design was adopted. The population of the study comprised 456 top senior management staff of the nineteen (19) commercial banks. The sample of the population were 213 respondents which was arrived at through the application of Taro Yameni formula. A structured questionnaire on ...

Strategic Resources And Performance Of Public Health Institutions In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The right to health care is one of the most fundamental rights for all citizens in a country because it leads to the well-being of people consequently leading to economic growth and development. Despite the commitment of Kenya government to provide equitable, affordable and quality health care by boosting resources in the health sector the public health institutions, have not yielded the expected performance. This study therefore investigated the effect of strategic resources on the ...

Financial Innovations On Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenyat

xi ABSTRACT The Kenyan monetary sector has experienced huge changes over the most recent two decades. A ton of changes have been embraced in the segment that have prompted expansion of money related products, exercises and authoritative structures that have enhanced and expanded the productivity of the budgetary framework. Advances in innovation and changing financial conditions have made driving force for this change. Because of serious global rivalry, divided and requesting markets and the ...

Utilization Of Skilled Birth Attendants Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Central District, Kitui County

ABSTRACT Skilled Birth Attendance is one of the most important interventions in reducing maternal mortality. With only 44% of deliveries assisted by skilled birth attendants in Kenya, the number of maternal deaths is significantly higher. The aim of this study was to identify factors determining utilization of skilled birth attendants in Central Division of Kitui North District. The specific objectives were to determine the proportion of Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) utilizing Skilled Birth...

Project Management Practices And Implementation Of Information Technology Projects Among Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya

 ABSTRACT Projects in commercial banks are directed towards serving customers more efficiently and effectively and reduce costs for the banking institution. However, a number of projects in the Kenyan banking industry show that successful project implementation is a problem. Failure of such projects therefore impacts negatively on the customers as they do not get what they should from commercial banks culminating to business loss and customer inconvenience. The purpose of the study was to es...

Performance Of Health Strategies In Reducing Hiv/Aids Prevalence In The Catholic Diocese Of Homa Bay, Kenya

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS prevalence within the two counties that constitute the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay remains high despite numerous interventions and generous resource allocation both from the central and devolved governments as well as donor agencies. This study assessed the performance of health strategies in reducing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome prevalence as enshrined in the 2012 – 2016 Strategic Plan of the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay. The four strategies are; health educati...

Worklife Balance And Employee Performance In Selected Private Universities In Kiambu County Kenya

ABSTRACT Employees across the world often face several challenges in order to manage work life balance, ranging from matters concerning their private lives and families. Such challenges have resulted in stress, burn out, dissatisfaction among employees, poor employee performance, low organisational productivity as well as a lack of proper organisational direction. In an attempt to implement work life balance, private universities have experienced challenges. Nonetheless, private universities�...

Top Management Team Characteristics And Performance Of Independent Regulatory Agencies In Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been great variation in organizational performance of independent regulatory agencies in Kenya, with some exhibiting exceptional outcomes in delivering on their mandates, while others are performing dismally. Previous researches have demonstrated that top management team characteristics affect organizational performance. This study purposed to investigate the effect of strategy execution and legal environment on the relationship between top management team characteristics a...

Determinants Of High Labour Turnover Among Domestic Workers In Ruaraka Constituency, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the determinants leading to high labour turnover of domestic workers in Lucky summer estate in Ruaraka constituency. The overall objective of the study was to establish the reasons that lead to high labour turnover among domestic workers in Lucky summer estate in Ruaraka constituency. The study was seeking to establish if poor pay, mistreatment and working conditions lead to high labour turnover. Target Population was 500 house helps in Luc...

Banking Sector Instability In Nigeria: Impact On The Economy (1980 – 2011).

ABSTRACT Most of the studies relating banking activities and macroeconomic behavior of many nations focused on the effect of macroeconomic instability on banking sectors. This study rather examines the impact of banking instability on the Nigerian economy. Annual data were used ranging from 1980 to 2011 drawn from various data publication issues domestically and those outside the country. Variables taken into consideration in the course of analysis are those proxies to the banking instabilit...

Bank Performance And Credit Risk Management

ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of credit risk management enhances on the performance of the Nigerian banking industry with specific attention on management efficiency measured by return on asset (ROA) and return to shareholders measured by return on equity (ROE). The study is motivated by the increased concern based on research findings which seem to have isolated increasing portfolio of non-performing credit as a casual factor of bank failures globally. The validity of the abov...

Management Practices And The Performance Of Women-Owned Enterprises In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Studies have shown that around 60% of SMEs fail to go past the third of operation in Kenya. SMEs are important in Kenya’s economy. This is because they contribute significantly towards the GDP and employ a good number of people. This implies that SMEs are important and should be taken seriously. Many women entrepreneurs cite factors such as failure to access finances, lack of management training and cultural issues among others, as a reason for failure of their enterprises. At the ...

Workforce Diversity Management And Employee Performance In National Biosafety Authority, Kenya

ABSTRACT Workforce diversity management has been shown to directly influence performance of employees in organizations. In Kenya however, this concept has not been adopted in many organizations. The study was conducted at the National Biosafety Authority in Nairobi, Kenya. The general objectives of this study were to determine if performance of employees was impacted by managing different aspects of workforce diversity such as age, gender, marital status and educational background. The speci...

Macroeconomic Variables And Mortgage Uptake In Commercial Banks And Mortgage Finance Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenyan mortgage market has experienced slow growth over the last few years despite the upsurge of mortgage payments. The uptake of mortgage loans in the country is still considered low. Although the mortgage market is considered underdeveloped, it has the potential to grow and is important for housing and economic growth in Kenya. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of macroeconomic variables on mortgage uptake for commercial banks and mortgage finance companies i...

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