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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Mobile Banking Strategy And Performance Of Kcb Limited Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Banking institutions encounter a lot of problems ranging from debt crises to exponentially increasing rivalry in the market which affects their performance significantly. Currently, customers of financial institutions are well informed and have all the information regarding the operations of such institutions and as a result they have created brand and product loyalty. This has been escalated by the introduction of mobile banking services in financial transactions and hence financial...

Change Management Practices And Performance Of National Police Service In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Globally, organizations are constantly trying to find ways of improving their performance. To achieve this, many of them try to transform themselves by effecting change within the organization. For implementation of change to be executed successfully, the human capital should, as a matter of necessity, accept and support the change. Change management practices support behavioral and organizational adjustments thus ensuring that change is accommodated and sustained in the organization...

Credit Risk Management Practices And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Commercial banks all over the world enhance the economic growth of nations by providing funds to customers of investments. The survival of commercial banks like every other financial institution depends largely on their profitability. However, the profitability of these banks is dependent on the risk management practices which they adopt. This is because granting of loans to borrowers is accompanied with its own risks. Credit risk is regarded as the most adamant risk faced by banks d...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (12986 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Nancial Inclusion And Bank Stability Of Commercial Banks Listed In Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Listed Commercial Banks still control financial intermediation channel in emerging market economies such as Kenya. After the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, financial institutions, regulators, and policy makers, in recent years have heavily invested in reforms aimed at improving bank stability. The study sought to evaluate the effect of financial inclusion on bank stability of commercial banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Evidence indicates that financial inclusio...

Determinants Of Employee Performance In Kakamega County Government

iv ABSTRACT There are questions about the viability and sustainable performance of county governments in the 2010 constitutional dispensation. Central to this question is how county governments prioritize employee performance to meet the increasing expectations of citizens. The main objective of this study was to assess determinants of employee performance in Kakamega county government. The specific objectives were: to assess how employee participation determines employee performance in the C...

Institutional Factors And Project Performance In Postal Corporation, Kenya

xiii ABSTRACT Performance of any project is deemed as a source of concern to both the private and public sector clientele. Project success needs creating a well detailed and planned project plan and also understanding the key success factors. Delays in implementation of a project are dangerous which quite often result in cost overrun, time overrun, disputes and in some cases total abandonment of projects. The key objective of this research study was to establish institutional factors affectin...

Inter-Ethnic Conflicts Between The Gabra And Dassenetch Communities Of Marsabit County, 1960 - 2011

ABSTRACT African societies and the developing nations have been undergoing difficult times in terms of ethnic conflicts and antagonisms. The Northern part of Kenya is infamous for the frequent conflicts and counter conflicts as communities are pitied against each other since the pre-colonial times. Against this bedrock this study explored inter-ethnic conflicts between the Gabra and Dassenetch communities of Marsabit County between 1960 and 2011. The study was guided by three objectives which...

Factors Affecting Performance of Staff of Local Authorities in Kenya. (Case of Kisii Municipal Council).

Abstract In order to have a developed country, all regions of the country must move forward in uniform speed and uniform levels. Local government has been a system of central govenrmnet through which it could distribute its public goods to all its systems. Through the local government the central government can be centralized some of the services which otherwise could be sort from the country‟s headquarters a situation which is not only cumbersome but it‟s also wasting and hence inefficie...

Project Management Practices And Implementation Of Market Development Projects In The County Government Of Kisumu

xii ABSTRACT Successful implementation of the project may be evaluated according to time, expense and efficiency. In order for a project to be effective, it must be carried out within the defined or scheduled budget, follow the scheduled deadlines and provide an end result which conforms to the quality and requirements established by the procurement agency. However, the expected level of development as per the proposed county government development plan has not been realised as expected due t...

Drivers Of Information Communication Technology Adoption By Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Of Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler Top 100 Small And Medium Enterprises

ABSTRACT The SME sector is important in the social economic development of Kenya and is perceived as an engine for economic growth. However, SMEs seem ill equipped to confront the challenges of globalization, whose hallmark is ICT and information a major determinant of competitiveness. Whereas large enterprises have embraced ICT to gain a competitive edge, evidence relating to ICT adoption and use by SMEs has suggested a slow response and limited progression. The objective of the study was to...

Effect Of Agricultural Performance On Human Development And Households’ Welfare In Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of agricultural sector in Kenya over the last twenty-five years has not only been declining but low as well. This has been attributed to various factors including; continued erratic weather conditions, high production cost including high prices of fertilizers and high quality seeds, inadequate access to farm inputs and relevant technology, poor implementation of agricultural reforms, policies and programmes, declining prices for primary commodities in the internationa...

Credit Management And Financial Performance Of Selected Airlines In Kenya

ABSTRACT Sound credit management is a prerequisite for a financial institution’s stability and continuing profitability, while deteriorating credit quality is the most frequent cause of poor financial performance and condition. Firms must therefore ensure that the management of receivables is efficient and effective. On that basis, it is simply good business to put credit management at the front end by managing it strategically. Therefore this study sought to establish the effect of credit ...

Strategy Practices And Performance Of Kenya Union Of Savings And Credit Co-Operatives Limited

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between strategic practices and performance of KUSCCO. While the purpose of KUSCCO is to mobilize SACCOs to become affiliated to it hence the increase in saving portfolios from Ksh. 1.4B to Ksh. 2.0B but only 1.27 billion was achieved at the end of that Strategic Plan 2009-2013 period; this failure to build enough SACCO saving portfolio, through recruitment of more SACCOs, is attributable to weak or poor or inappropriate s...

Record Keeping And Growth Of Micro And Small Enterprises, A Case Study Of Thika Municipality In Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the effort made by the government of Kenya to support the growth of MSE sector by creating enabling environment through appropriate legal and regulatory procedures, and in spite the fact that banks have recently made micro-credit accessible to MSEs (MESPT, 2011), there is no indication that the sector is growing. Research has shown that sixty percent (60%) of MSEs fail within few months of their operation (Bowen, 2009). Furthermore research has also confirmed that poor or lac...

Effects Of Bursary Scheme In The Retention And Completion Rates Of Public Secondary School Students In Kamariny Division In Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to establish the effects of the bursary scheme in the retention and completion rates of Public Secondary School students in Kamariny Division, Elgeyo Marakwet County in Kenya. The study aims at establishing the criteria used to award bursaries to needy students and its effects on retention, establish the adequacy of the bursary funds distributed, the timing of the release of funds, its influence on drop-out and ways of strengthening the communication on Se...

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