ABSTRACT Migration in general has its benefits and adverse effect in rural society, the primary aim of this study was to examine migration and rural productivity in Ekiti State, a case study of Ise/Orun Local Government Area. The study further on rev1ewmg comprehensive and comparative literatures, which presented thematically, the study was supported by Push-Pull theory of migration and Dependency theory of development. For the purpose of this study, Survey design was adopted and missed meth...
ABSTRACT This study is about climate change adaptation and small scale maize farming in Ifunda village. The problem under research is „effectiveness of climate change adaptation for small scale maize farming in Ifunda village.‟ The sampling techniques applied were simple random sampling for 85 household respondents and purposive sampling for 15 key informants. Data collection methods employed were survey using questionnaires for household respondents, interview using interview guides for...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to examine the factors that account for high employees‟ turnover in the banking industry in Tanzania taking the National Bank of Commerce (NBC), Dodoma branch as a case. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted to carry out the study. A sample size of 63 employees was selected from NBC workers from Dodoma branch. These included both primary and secondary data were collected. Focus group discussions, interviews and questionnaire were used to ...
ABSTRACT Studies have been carried out in both developed and developing countries in examining childlessness and its effects on the coping mechanisms employed by the' childless couples. This study investigates childlessness among married couples in Oye and Ado local Government Area in Ekiti state. The study focuses on couples without children from different ethnic and socio- economic backgrounds, with varied education. Data was collected using questionnaire and structured interviews. The...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the contribution of computerized internal control systems to the public sector financial management in Dodoma City. The general objective of the study was to assess the contribution of computerized internal control systems in the public sector financial management. The study employed a case study design, which provided opportunity to deeply study on the individual case of Dodoma City Council. Data were collected through questionnaire and interviews. The sample ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the factors motivating employee‟s performance in the delivery of public services, and the impact on socio economic development using a case study of the Ministry for State President Office Public Service and Good Governance – Zanzibar (PO-PSGG). Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used and a sample of 43 respondents was taken, where 36 were the lower level employees, 3 were the managers, and 4 were the human resource officers. T...
ABSTRACT Despite of the existence of internal audit units in public institutions, misappropriation and embezzlement of funds, has been a common practice as reported by CAG from year to year. This study was established to assess the auditing function as a tool for accountability in LGAs. The study intended to accomplish three objectives, namely; to investigate on the adherence of auditing procedures in financial management in LGAs, to analyze the performance of auditing function in Local Gove...
ABSTRACT In Nigerian Universities, an essential factor is academic adjustment. There is always the need for adjustment among undergraduate students. This study examined gender disparity, emotional regulation and social anxiety in the academic adjustment of first year university students. This study adopted an expos! facto research design. A total of 297 participants were sampled in this study using convenience sampling technique. The participants' mean age was 19.24 years with standard devia...
ABSTRACT Agriculture for over fifty years now is regarded as the backbone of Tanzanian economy, and women are estimated to be involved as about 70 to 80 percent. Among the major crops cultivated, rice is the second most important crop after maize. In 2013, Tanzania is estimated to produce 883 tons of rice while consumption is about 1,006 tons, making Tanzania to be self sufficient for rice to the extent of only 91%, and to date it is ranking 14 in Africa and 137 in the World, and the second ...
ABSTRACT The government of the United Republic of Tanzania has been struggling to deliver services of high quantity and quality to her citizens, and to ensure effective mobilization of resources. Basing on this core objective, the government-mandated a tool, called Open Performance and Review Appraisal (OPRAS), for appraising purposes in its institutions. The major purpose of introducing OPRAS was to enable proper and more effective use of human resources among others. Despite of government ...
ABSTRACT China is essentially a state par excellence, a strong state like the United States with expansionist behaviour and attitudes. Demographically, China has the largest population in the world, 1.3 billion inhabitants that is more than the entire African continent. It has the third largest stock of foreign direct investment after the United States and United Kingdom. Its ideology has been the socialist market economy which embodied elements of pragmatism, free market and state dirigisme...
ABSTRACT The historical ties between the United States and Israel is a crucial factor in determining the United States Middle East policy. The policy thrust of successive American leaders in the Middle East has been to preserve the state of Israel and help it to maintain military and economic advantage over her neighbors. However, the relationship between the present American Administration and her Israel counterpart has been strained over disagreements on the best strategy to adopt in confr...
ABSTRACT The study‟s aim was to find out the causes of mass failure of Zanzibar O‟level examination for the period of 10 years from 2002-2012. The study was guided by three tasks. First, to find out the causes of mass failure in Zanzibar secondary schools from 2002 – 2012, Secondly, to examine the impact of having secondary school in every constituency in Zanzibar, finally, to suggest the possible ways of solving the problem of massive failure. The sample of the study constituted 116 r...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the “Role of Team Work in Promoting Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Tanzania Electricity Supply Company Limited Dar es Salaam”. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of team work in promoting organization performance and specifically the study focused on examining the relationship between various department and their responsibilities in company‟s performance. The relationship between team work and organizational perform...
ABSTRACT This study examined Attitudes towards the use of modern contraceptives in family planning among the community of the selected four wards in Mugumu town, namly Machochwe, Natabigo and Kisangura of Serengeti district, Mara region. This study intended to examine attitude towards the use of modern contraceptives based on the following specific objectives: 1) to assess perception on the use of modern contraceptives, 2) to identify types of modern contraceptives that are commonly used, a...