ABSTRACT This study informs of the attitude toward Self-Service Technologies among retail customers of commercial banks in Tanzania using the data generated from the retail customers of the National Micro-finance Bank. It attempts to uncover the types of Self-Service Technologies offered by National Micro-finance Bank, the attitudes of retail customers towards Self-Service Technologies, and the most preferred SelfService Technologies offered by the bank. The cross-sectional design was used ...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in order to assess the market relations between smallholder seaweed farmers and buyers for poverty reduction in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study was set in order to meet three objectives, namely; to examine the benefits of seaweed to farmers at household level with regards to livelihood improvement, to understand challenges facing seaweed farmers and buyers, to analyze the relationship between seaweed farmers and buyers. The Study was conducted in Uroa vil...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the climate change impacts and adaptation methods practiced by small scale farmers in Mkuranga district. This study was conducted in three villages of Kimanzichana ward February 2016 .It was guided by three objectives; to investigate the awareness of small scale farmers on climate change, to investigate the impacts of climate change to the small scale farmers and to investigate the strategies taken by small scale farmers to minimize the impact ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the effectiveness of citizen participation in service delivery in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: a case of Dodoma City Council (DCC) with special focus on Nzuguni and Mtumba Wards. The study was guided by three specific objectives which included: assessing the current status of citizen participation on service delivery in Dodoma City Council (DCC), assessing the relationship between effective citizen participation and services delivery in DCC, and d...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the implementation Assessment of the Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania a case of Kibondo District Council. The was specifically put in place to fulfil four objectives, namely; to assess how efficiently and properly has OPRAS been implemented/operated in Kibondo District Council, to assess the level of awareness of employees about OPRAS, to investigate on the role played by OPRAS in improving ...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in four villages namely Mpunguzi, Mbabala, Bihawana and Mvumi in Dodoma region, Tanzania. Objective of the study was to analyze factors limiting contribution of wine grape farming to the improvement of livelihood of small scale farmers. The specifically the study intended to analyze social economic characteristics of small scale wine grape farmers, to analyze the wine grapes marketing system and to analyze challenges facing wine grape small scale farmers in ...
ABSTRACT Delays and Cost overruns in roads construction projects have immense effects and their determinants have been a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinants of delays and costs overruns in roads construction in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to examine the factors for delays, cost over runs and explore possible measures to address the formers. The study used a triangulation of approaches where case study and cross sectional design were employed...
ABSTRACT The study aims at assessing the Trends and Extent of Employee Turnover in Local Government Authorities: A Case Study of Dodoma Municipal Council. The researcher used the cross sectional design that allowed the researcher to use questionnaire, interview and documentary review during data collection. The sample size was 85 respondents. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. Descriptive statistics summarized the information from the colle...
ABSTRACT The study assesses the implementation of Accrual-Based International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Public Corporation. The study specifically focused on the influence of custom value factors, applicative, and demographic factors towards the implementation of IPSAS. This study employs primary data to attain its objectives. Data were analysed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), whereby the principal component analysis and multiple regression were used t...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assesses the Challenges facing Dodoma Municipality in supplying water services in Dodoma Municipality was carried out in Kizota and Chamwino Wards. Specifically, the study focused on identifying issues and problem-related to accessibility in water supply; explore the institution's intervention to address the problem of water supply. Data were collected using different methods namely questionnaire surveys, interviews and Focus Group Discussions. A total of 96 res...
ABSTRACT This study investigated challenges facing disabled persons in employment opportunities within the public civil services using Dodoma Municipality as a case study. Specifically, the study intended to: establish the extent of employment for people with disability in the study area, examine the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in employment processes, and identify options to improve the employment status for people with disabilities. Qualitative and quantitative data colle...
ABSTRACT The need of this study was to investigate the relationship between generic pricing strategies and the performance of tour operators in the Southern Tourism Corridor of Tanzania. This study was conducted in Dar es Salaam and Iringa Region using cross-sectional research design to collect data from a total of 117 tour operators with the sample of 109 tour operators. The data were collected using questionnaires and they have been analyzed using Linear Multiple Regression Model (MLRM) an...
ABSTRACT Exchange rate policy in any economy aims at improving balance of payments, promoting level of export as well as achieving macroeconomics variables. This research aimed at assessing the impacts of exchange rate and devaluation policy on Tanzania's balance of payment accounts. The study intended to fulfil three objectives, namely; assessing the extent to which exchange rate policy objectives in Tanzania have been met, comparing the effects of exchange rate on BOPA before and after dev...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out in the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) headquarter, Dar es Salaam. The objective of the study was to assess the advantages of PSPF investments to its members and suggest for common guidelines which will govern investment of social security funds in Tanzania. Specific objectives were to determine how assets allocation are made strategically among various categories of investment portfolios of Pension Funds in Tanzania, to examine how best the guidelines ...
ABSTRACT The General objective of this study was to assess the customers’ perception on the effectiveness of simbanking in the transfer of money in CRDB Bank system among CRDB branches in Dodoma. The study specifically focused on the user’s perception on the reliability of simbanking services to transfer money, user’s perception on the way CRDB handles complaints on simbankingand user’s perception on the responsiveness of CRDB on money transfer challenges. The study used a case study...