Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Relationship Between Interbank Transaction Volume And Exchange Rate Volatility In The Kenyan Shilling Against The US Dollar

ABSTRACT The stability of exchange rate of a currency is an integral function of the overall economic performance of a country. This study sought to evaluate the effect of interbank transaction volumes on the exchange rate volatility of the Kenya Shilling against the US Dollar. The specific objectives were: to determine the causal relationship between interbank transaction volumes and exchange rate volatility of the Kenya Shilling against the US Dollar; to investigate the dynamic response of...

An Assessment Of The Role Of Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms In Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Child defilement continues to plague global societies including Kenya. This prevalence is on the rise despite the existence of robust and concrete legal and policy frameworks on child protection in the country. Criminal investigation of defilement is vital and integral in ensuring effective implementation of the laws by ensuring perpetrators are held to account. It is imperative that child protection systems especially at community level are strengthened through comprehensive policy...

Influence Of Information And Communication Technology Usage On Resource Optimization In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Resource management and control have become critical issues in developing countries toward achieving development status. Developing countries struggle to optimize the available resources to achieve desired results within a set timeframe and budget efficiently and effectively. The need to optimize resources is particularly evident when the citizens' demands tend to exceed available resources such that citizen’s wellbeing is compromised. When a state is governed using a systemic app...

Contribution Of Post-Harvest Loss Prevention To Household Food Availability: A Case Of Helvetas Project In Kongwa And Kondoa Districts

ABSTRACT This study provides scientific evidences on the contribution of Post-harvest loss prevention trainings to food availability in the households of smallholder farmers. It focused on Grain Post-harvest Loss Prevention trainings provided by Helvetas-Swiss GPLP Project to smallholder farmers in Kongwa and Kondoa Districts in Tanzania. The study used cross-sectional research design and mixed method to guide the findings. Focus Group Discussion, Personal Observation, and Documentary Review...

Role, Practice And Challenges Of Nyumba Kumi Initiative In Crime Reduction: A Case Study Of Makongeni Estate, Delta Zone, Thika, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This research study aimed at establishing the role, practice, attitudes and challenges of nyumba kumi initiative in crime reduction in Makongeni estate, Delta zone, Thika, Kenya. The objectives of the research study were; to determine the role of nyumba kumi initiative in crime reduction in Makongeni estate, Delta Zone, Thika; to establish the practices of nyumba kumi initiative in Makongeni estate, Delta Zone, Thika; to establish the attitudes of the local residents and police serv...

The Role Of Top Management, Resource Availability And Stakeholder Engagement In Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy In Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT There is an increasing consensus that corporate social responsibility has moved from being a business subject to becoming a critical business strategy. The general objective of the study was to investigate the role of top management, resource availability and stakeholder engagement in implementing CSR strategy in commercial banks in Kenya. Specific objectives were to establish the influence of top management support, resources availability and stakeholder involvement on implementati...

Impact Of Coastal Zone Tourism Development On The Environment: A Case Of Mwera Ward (Tanga)

ABSTRACT This study analyzed the impact of coastal zone tourism development on environment a case of Mwera ward in Tanga. The study used a case study type of research in order to collect detailed information about the problem. Questionnaire and interview guides were used as tools of collecting data. Stratified sampling and the simple random techniques were employed. A sample of 98 households out of 799 households was used to represent the total population of 4601 people from Mwera ward. Curr...

Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities On Brand Awareness Of Tea Manufacturing Firms In Bomet County

ABSTRACT The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has been growing among business communities in recent years. There have been questions as to whether there is any benefit to organizations engaging in CSR activities which are sometimes viewed as costly to the organization. From most empirical literature, firms’ CSR activities do have positive impact on company’s brand image, recognition or reputation which leads to higher performance through more purchases. This study sought to ana...

The Effect Of Civil Aviation Regulations On The Growth Of The Domestic Airline Industry In Kenya

ABSTRACT The domestic airlines in Kenya have experienced considerable growth in the last few years despite increased competition from other regional and international carriers. With the current change in the regulatory framework the study sought to examine the effect of civil aviation regulations on the growth of the domestic airline industry. The study specifically examined the effect of operation of aircraft regulations, personnel licencing regulations, air operator and administration regu...

Exploring Hand Hygiene Practices Among Healthcare Workers In Ruiru Sub-County Hospital

ABSTRACT The individual, household and economic impact of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) globally cannot be overstated; therefore, how healthcare workers perform and comply to hand hygiene practices is essential for mitigating its effects. The aim of this study was to understand the hand hygiene practices at Ruiru Sub-County Hospital, a level 4 facility in Kiambu County, Kenya. A cross-sectional descriptive study was done using a modified WHO hand hygiene questionnaire to assess knowled...

The Determinants Of Long Run Share Price Performance Of Initial Public Offerings: A Case Of Firms Listed At The Nairobi Stock Exchange - Time Frame: 2000-2015

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to investigate the determinants of long run share price performance of initial public offerings of companies listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE), Kenya. This study adopted the explanatory research design to understand the influence of financial and non-financial factors on share prices. The study focussed on the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) as well as the fundamental theory of capital markets. The target population was all firms lis...

The Interface Between Increased Number Of Public Secondary Schools And Educational Development In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Manyoni District

ABSTRACT This study has examined the interface between increased number of public secondary schools and educational development in Manyoni district. It has examined the contribution or impacts of the rapid increase of public secondary schools on education development in Manyoni district. It has assessed the educational status in Manyoni district and examined the measures which could be taken to improve the educational status and to ensure that the services given meet the needs and expectatio...

Effectiveness Of Cowso’s Management In Sustainability Of Rural Water Supply Projects In Tanzania: Case Of Kilombero District, Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT  The study analyzed the effectiveness of the Community Owned Water Supply Organization (COWSO‟s) management in sustainability of Rural Water Project in Kilombero District. Specifically the study aimed to examine how the COWSO managed the RWP and analyzes their sustainability on post construction stage. The study adopted a cross sectional study design where by a total of 6 projects were surveyed across the study area and 34 users and 12 key informants were interviewed. In addition ...

Factors Influencing Teachers Turnover In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbozi District Council

ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors influencing teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Tanzania taking as a case of study of Mbozi district Council, Mbeya region. The main goal was to determine the factors influencing teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Mbozi district council and to highlight the magnitude of teachers‘ turnover in public secondary schools in Mbozi district council in Tanzania. Methods of Data collection used were interviews, questionnaire ...

Managing Employee Retention In Government Secondary Schools: A Case Of Selected Government Secondary Schools In Tabora Municipality

ABSTRACT This study assessed the managing of employee retention in government secondary schools, a case of selected government secondary schools in Tabora municipality. The main goal was to examine the management of employee retention in government secondary schools, a case of selected secondary schools in Tabora Municipality. The methods of data collection used were interviews and questionnaires. A total of 83 respondents were involved, among them 13 respondents including ten heads of gover...

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