ABSTRACT This study focused on the influence of business development services on performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Dodoma City when mediated with owner’s attitudes and perceptions. Specifically, the study mapped business development services offered to the MSMEs, determine the influence of advisory services on the performance of MSMEs, determined the influence of technical supports on the performance of MSMEs and finally, determined the mediating effects of atti...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the Impact of Revenue collection in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania on the improvement of social services: a case of Dodoma City. Specifically, this study aimed to: identify the influence of revenue collection in local government Authority on improving health services in Dodoma City, examine the influence of revenue collection in local government on improving education services and examine the influence of revenue collection in local government on impr...
ABSTRACT This study, investigates the impact of children obesity on health issues in Tanzania a case study of higher income earners in Dodoma. Morbidity, mortality, and life expectancy were used as proxies for health issues. The specific objectives, were to examine the contributing factors to children obesity in Dodoma, to evaluate the impacts of children obesity and to suggest measures to be taken to overcome the problem in Tanzania. The study, employed cross - sectional design on which com...
ABSTRACT The focus of this study was to explore and examine the use of accounting information in decision making of an organization, the Case of Tanzania National Parks. It sought to find relevant applications of information gathered through accounting data and information. In the end, it suggests some ways to effectively implement the gathered information for the advantage and benefit of the organization paying particular attention to the day to day decisions. The objectives of the study we...
ABSTRACT This study was involved with the Business to Business relationship on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Dodoma city. It was guided by five specific objectives namely: to assess the status of business to business relationship between NHIF and accredited health facilities, to assess customer satisfaction among NHIF members and loyalty, to determine the effects of business to business relationship on customer satisfaction and loyalty with the health facilities in Dodoma city. A samp...
ABSTRACT The study was about the Assessment of the local government financing towards quality education in public schools in Karatu district. The study particularly sought to determine whether there is relationship between finance/funds provided by local government and students‘ performance in public secondary schools in Tanzania. In fact, most of public secondary schools get inadequate amount of funds which is also associated with delay and this obviously has negative consequences on stud...
ABSTRACT Scholars and institutions have illuminated that the internal control system is important to control fraud and ensure financial performance in the organizations. This study illustrates this importance using the findings of the assessment made to know the effect of the internal control system on financial performance in Tanzania one mining company. The study examined the effects of control environment on financial performance, risk assessment on financial performance, the control acti...
ABSTRACT This work is about the Role of Input Vouchers in Improving Agricultural Productivity among Smallholder farmers in Geita District, Tanzania. The study was carried out in four villages of Geita District, namely Nyakamwaga, Ntono, Imalampaka and Buyagu. The study was associated with the use of improved inputs like inorganic fertilizer, seeds and pesticides in the study area with its adoption rate in improving agricultural productivity. A sample size of 100 respondents was selected usin...
ABSTRACT Food vendors are striving to accumulate knowledge to increase market share and profitability is mostly in demand. The study focused on the entrepreneurship training on enhancing business performances of food vendors in Tanzania taking a case of Dodoma City. This study specifically managed to address the type of entrepreneurship training attended by food vendors in Dodoma City, the influence of entrepreneurship training attended by food vendors on increasing food vendor’s profitabi...
ABSTRACT The research has studied the relationship between the environmental effects and the disposal of the substandard assets by the public utilities. Tanzania as a developing country face a problem of environmental effects due to mismanagement of substandard assets, procured by the public utilities. In most developing countries, like Tanzania, clear cut policies and procedure, rules and regulations, coordination in procurement activities, presence of corruptions and top management interfe...
ABSTRACT In this study, the researcher focused mainly on assessing the challenges facing the performance and accountability of local government in Zanzibar (LGs) through their roles and services to the society, whereby the selected case study was urban/west district at Unguja island in Zanzibar , The specific objectives aimed to examine the roles or functions , challenges and find out the extent to which the Urban - West local governments are accountable/responsible to the society of their l...
ABSTRACT The contribution of TASAF project to poverty alleviation among rural women in Makunduchi – Zanzibar was assessed. To accomplish the study data was collected from four (4) villages and these were: Kijini, Mzuri, Kajengwa and Nganani. The information on major economic activities of the women, value of capital assets owned by women, challenges that women face during the funds receiving was examined. Tools such as questionnaire, interview guide and group discussion checklist were use...
ABSTRACT This study is about the contribution of District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPS) to the income benefit of small scale farmers. A case of Bahi District Agricultural Programme in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study was conducted at Bahi District in Dodoma region. Descriptive analysis was adopted in which four Local Governments Authorities (LGAs) was selected for the study. The selection was based on DADPs performance criteria as per DADPs quality assessment framework. Indeed, Bahi Dist...
ABSTRACT The study was intended to examine the role of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery a case study of Dodoma Municipality. It was guide by three specific objectives which are: to evaluate the extent of implementation of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality, to examine the impacts of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality and to analyze challenges facing LGAs in decentralized se...
ABSTRACT The idea that corporations have social responsibility (CSR) to the society is as old as commerce that started almost 2000 years ago. This study focused on the impact of corporate social responsibility on firm‟s financial performance. The aim was to analyze the consequences of corporate social responsibility on financial performance. Specifically the study aimed to determine grounds for the companies to engage in corporate social responsibility, to determine types of corporate soci...