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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Poor Policy Implementation In Nigeria: Implications On The Attainment Of The Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) By 2015.

Abstract This Research Work Was Primarily Designed To Finds Out The Implication In Nigeria On The Attainment Of The Millennium Development Goals By 2015 As Was The Target Set By The United Nation General Assembly In September, 2000. The Study Adopted Analytical Research Design In Assessing The Performance Of Nigeria In The Attainment Of The Eight Goals Set Globally By The United Nations Starting From The Year 2000 To 2009. It Was Based On Data Collected On The Recorded Performance Or Achieve...

Ecological Effects And Community Perception Of Cattle Grazing In Miombo Woodlands In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The study was conducted in Kilosa District to assess ecological effects and community perception of cattle grazing in Miombo woodlands. The ecological study conducted within Ihombwe village Community Based Forest Management (CBFM). Soil samples collected for analysis of soil physical and chemical properties before and after cattle grazing within 30 plots. Circular plots design used for inventories and all plants, trees with height ≥ 1cm, coppices and root sprouts were identified ...

Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation Strategies Of Small Scale Agriculture Production In Micheweni District Pemba, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in three Shehias within Micheweni district, Pemba to assess the extent of climate change impacts and crop yields. Specifically, the study aimed to identify and assess climate change impacts to small scale farmers, assess the link between precipitation, temperature, sea level rise, crop/fish production, identify and assess climate change adaptation strategies by small-scale farmers in the District. Primary data were obtained through focus group discussions, k...

African Growth And Opportunity Act And Politics Of Textile Production In Nigeria, 2000-2012

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the impact of the implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on the development of Nigeria’s textile industry, particularly the export of Nigerian textiles and apparels to United States of America. It adopted the qualitative descriptive research methodology for its data generation and analysis. It anchored analysis on the framework of complex interdependence which refers to the various, complex transnational connections and inter-dependenc...

Potentials of acacia Senegal (l.) Wild as fodder in livestock production in bukombe district, shinyanga, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Bukombe District which is one of the eight districts of Shinyanga Region, in Tanzania. The research was done in Mbogwe, Ushirombo and Runzewe forest reserves in the district. The aim was to assess the potentials of Acacia senegal as a source of fodder for livestock production. Sixty-nine circular plots with radius of 15 m, sampling intensity of 0.01% and sample size of 0.071 ha were used for determining the population and distribution of Acacia senegal tr...

The Place Of Internal Auditing In Ensuring Effective And Efficient Financial Management (A Case Study Of Post Primary Schools Management Boardppsmb- Enugu State)

ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to review and appraise the place of Internal Auditing in ensuring effective and efficient financial management in Enugu State Post Primary Schools Management Board (PPSMB). This was based on the premise that internal auditing is strategic and very crucial towards effective and efficient financial management for the attainment of organizational goals. Internal Auditing has also been acknowledged as one of the most desirable form of audit because it is...

Impacts Of Mining Activities On Land Cover And Forest Stock In Mbozi District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in three villages of Nanyala ward in Mbozi District to assess the impact of mining activities on land cover and forest stock. Landsat images of 1991, 2000 and 2011 were used to assess the trend of land cover changes. The Forest was stratified into mined and un-mined forest area. A concentric circular shaped sample plot with sampling intensity of 0.19 % was used. 70 sample plots were laid and measurements were taken for estimation of stocking, basal area, volume...

Effect Of Selected Firm Specific Factors On Financial Performance Of Real Estate Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to find the effect of selected firm specific factors on real estate firm financial performance. Financial performance was measured by return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). The objectives of the study were to; determine the effect of liquidity on financial performance; assess the effect of leverage on financial performance; and examine the effect of firm size on financial. The study was based on the Trade-off theory, Shiftable theory and Liquidity prefer...

Arab Spring And The Challenges Of Democratization In Egypt

Abstract It is argued, historically that Egypt is the cradle of civilization. Unfortunately, Egypt has been in turmoil ever since nineteenth century (1879) to the popular 1952 revolution. All these were geared towards good governance and total independence for the people of Egypt. The recent Arab Spring that swept across the North African region made the populace too optimistic of enthroning government by popular sovereignty. However, this was not realized when they witnessed the failure of ...

Multidimensional Poverty Measurement In Nigeria: Evidence From Demographic And Health Survey

Abstract Poverty Is Profoundly Endemic In Many Countries Especially In Less Developed Countries. In Nigeria, Poverty Is A Reality That Depicts The Lack Of Food, Clothes, Education, And Other Basic Amenities. Severely Poor People Lack The Most Basic Necessities Of Life To A Degree That It Can Be Wondered How They Manage To Survive. There Are Several Effects And Deficiencies Associated With Poverty In Nigeria. One Of The Main Effects Of Poverty Is Poor Medical Services, As Is Reflected In...

The Relationship Between Executive Compensation And Financial Performance Of Insurance Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT A manager whose compensation consists entirely of a fixed salary would have no incentive to increase shareholder wealth because the manager does not share in any of the resulting gains. This incentive problem can be reduced by making part of an executive’s compensation depend upon the firm’s financial performance. The study examined the relationship between executive compensation and financial performance of the insurance companies in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study w...

Ethnopsychiatry Of The Nsukkaigbo Of Southeastern Nigeria: An Ethnographic Survey

Abstract There is a growing view that for more success in mental healthcare, a contextual approach is necessary either as stand alone or complimentary to the orthodox approach. In this inquiry, the autochthonous Nsukka psychiatric system was studied using ethnographic approach, and compared with orthodox health system. The principal data collection strategy used was the full participant observation technique. This was supplemented with focus group discussion and indepth interview techniques....

Attitudes And Perceptions Towards Ecotourism Among Pastoral Communities In Laikipia County Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya rangelands are characterized by low income, poverty, low and unreliable rainfall and conflicts. Pastoral communities in these areas have developed land use diversification and livelihoods mechanisms to help them cope with these challenges. Ecotourism is one of the strategies these communities engage in with the aim of conserving the environment as well as generate income. However, there has been no empirical study done on issues about attitudes and perceptions of local comm...

A Study Of The Factors Affecting The Export Performance Of The Food And Beverage Manufacturing Firms In Zimbabwe

Firm export performance is regarded as one of the key indicators of the success of a firm’s export operations, and as such, has been an extensively studied phenomenon. Numerous studies have been conducted pertaining to providing a better understanding of the factors (firm- or environment-specific) and behaviours (e.g., export strategy) that make exporting a successful venture. However, the research results to date are far from being uniform and conclusive. The objective of this study i...

The Contribution Of Micro Enterprises To Sustainable Rural Livelihood: A Case Of Mulobezi District

Micro enterprises play a crucial role in addressing the obstructions of poverty, inequality and job creation and ultimately achievement of the sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. They are an important source of employment, particularly for low skill workers and the youth. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the contribution of micro enterprises to sustainable rural livelihood in Mulobezi district of Zambia. Data was collected through structured interviews schedule and the use ...

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