ABSTRACT This study was designed to determine the contribution of palm craft materials to household income in Western lowland zone of Mwanga district. Data was collected by social economic survey and field inventory. The social economic survey involved interviewing sampled respondents in households, sellers and customers of palm craft materials and products in the market place and discussion with focus groups. Information gathered was type of species, quantity harvested, type of products prod...
ABSTRACT The study of the response of sediment yield to land use and land cover changes is quite critical for watershed management and policy formulation. This research investigated the effect of land use and land cover changes to sediment yield from upper Sebakwe and upper Nyazvidzi sub catchments. Changes in land use and land cover were determined by the use of Landsat Thematic Mapper ™ imagery for years 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2010 using ArcMapTM 10 tool. Sediment yield resulting from the l...
ABSTRACT This study focused on credit risk management for salaries loans to government employees using a case of Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB). It aimed at examining how the Bank grants loans to employees in public owned institutions, identifying the trend of non-performing loans (NPLs) at TPB, finding out the reasons behind the rising problem of non-repayment of loans and examining measures that could solve the problem of non-performing loans. Interviews, questionnaires and observation were u...
ABSTRACT The research was used for the analysis and the impact of purchasing and supply strategies implemented by Parracombe packaging and its effect on the financial performance of the firm.The tremendous decline in revenue, cash flow movements, the reduced financial performance and the financial position of the firm made a way for a research to be undertaken. The researcher was conducted with reference to literature that was already done. Closed ended questionnaires and interviews were used...
ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of collaborative technology such as social media influence on employee performance in the workplace. The research examines the positive and negative effects of social media on employee performance and its variables which include knowledge, skills, motivation and productivity and elaborate on the opportunities and threats for organisations that are presented by the use of social media in the workplace. The researcher was guide...
ABSTRACT There was a lack of detailed information of factors affecting the performance of dairy cattle kept in smallholder farms in Temeke municipal. Two approaches were employed to identify factors that affect the productivity and reproductive performance of dairy cattle kept in the study area. The first approach used structured questionnaire which were administered to 84 dairy farmers using a cross sectional survey technique to collect data from 12 villages. The second approach was a longit...
ABSTRACT This research study was triggered by the researcher’s experiences during Work Related Learning at Bulawayo City Council. The researcher observed that although information technology was making business easier for Bulawayo City Council, the impact of information technology on Bulawayo City Council’s audit department was not being addressed. The research made an in-depth review of the literature related to the impact of information technology on internal audit.This review aimed at ...
Abstract The study is about an analysis of e-insurance as a cost cutting method at RM Insurance in Harare. The study made an examination into the effectiveness of this model as employed by RMI. The research made use of a case study design and henceforth interviews and questionnaires were used to gather data. The results showed that e-insurance was not reducing underwriting costs as anticipated due to various factors. However, it was noted that the model yielded some positives in the operation...
ABSTRACT In many developing countries people have viewed buffer zones as a way to accommodate the needs of national parks and other categories of wildlife protected areas and in sustaining livelihoods of the local communities living adjacent to these protected areas. This study was done from September 2015 to April 2016 in eight villages adjacent to Kilimanjaro National Park in order to assess the impacts of annexing Kilimanjaro Half Mile Forest Strip (HMFS) to KINAPA. Household survey questi...
ABSTRACT The study is entitled “Biological disasters mitigation strategies in rural communities. The case of Chimanimani district.” Biological disasters are impacting negatively on nations and communities. Chimanimani district is at risk of biological hazards among other districts in Zimbabwe. Various organisations in the district which constitute the District Risk Reduction Committee sought out ways to limit the incidences of biological disasters through mitigation approaches. However, t...
ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate how accounting informationn systems affect decisions made by management at Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe.The information system background of the company is made up of stand-alone systems which includes Sun system the main Accounting Information System and Excel spreadsheets.The initiative was driven by the challenges that are associated with usingtwo systems such as production of erroneous reports, difficulties in consolidation of loc...
ASTRACT This study was carried out in Bikita South District in Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in environmental management in Bikita South. Targeted population were drawn from Bikita South ward 2 from the traditional leadership of the area, Agriculture extension officer and the general populace using qualitative research method through purposive sampling and snowball. The research found out that th...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the impact of generic strategies on company performance; a case of the bakery industry in Zimbabwe. The researcher therefore seeks to establish whether the varying efforts made in implementing generic strategies is generating results or not and also what can be done to enhance results of the same. The following are the objectives of the research: to find out the ways in which bakeries are applying cost reduction strategies, to identify focus strategies th...
Abstract Like many other fossorial rodents, gerbils are known to modulate their environments by changing the soil characteristics and conditions via their activities such as ground bioturbation, foraging, defecating and urinating. They play an important ecological engineering role because they can affect water hydraulic conductivity and water holding capacity, mineralization rates, thus plant-available-nutrients and moisture stored in the soil profile. If the bioturbation activities of gerbil...
ABSTRACT The research focused on the reliability of fair value presentation to investors in a depressed economy being a case of Zimbabwe. The research was inspired by an increase in the number of cases where investors lost their investments in companies that presented their financial statements using unreliable fair values. Both foreign and domestic investors are losing millions of dollars to companies which are using fair values to window dress their financial statements hiding the true econ...