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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Determinants of Burnout among the Employees of Gweru City Council

Abstract The study was about Determinants of Burnout among the Employees of Gweru City Council. Participants were 50 employees (m= 35; f= 15) who were identified and recruited through stratified random sampling. The Maslach Burnout Inventory was adopted for use in the study. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics (i.e., frequencies and percentages). Results revealed that burnout among employees of Gweru City Council emanated from work overload, interpersonal conflict, role conflict an...

Influence Of The Rebranding Strategy On Brand Preference: Case Of The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (Zbc).

ABSTRACT This research study sought to investigate the influence of the rebranding strategy on brand preference: The case of Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation. The research sought to fulfil objectives such as the influence of digitalisation on perceived quality, influence of change in television content on brand likeability and the influence of change in programming on repeat business. Internal rebranding definition was drawn from Juntunen et al (2009) and the elements of brand preference wer...

Investigation Of Funding Gap On Performance Of A Non-Profit Making Organisation. A Case Of Simukai Child Protection Programme

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the impact of funding gap on performance of Simukai Child Protection Programme. It is aligned with the background that funding gap has a significant influence on the corporate performance of NGOs focusing on Simukai Child Protection Programme since it incorporates expenditures as well efficiency and effectiveness of operating activities. The study’s statement of the problem revealed that lack of funds is a cause for concern that has resulted in ...

Value Chain Analysisfor Sawnwood From Ulanga District To Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study analyzed sawnwood value chain in Ulanga District and Morogoro Municipality. Specifically, the study mapped the actors along the chain, determined profit ateach node and examined factors influencing profitability among actors along the value chain. The sample of 66 respondents was selected for interview from four wards based on their market relationship. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data and sub-sect...

Mental Health Correlates With Gynaecomestia In Men On Art In Hwange.

ABSTRACT This study which was conducted in Hwange, Matabeleland North Province of Zimbabwe, sought through a descriptive design in nature to compare the age specific experiences of Gynaecomastia among men on ART of 15-35 age cohort and 36-56 age cohort in a bid to unpack their psychological experiences of Gynaecomastia. The research employed cognitive behavioural theory as the theoretical framework. The study followed a positivist paradigm which assumes a stable reality is one which can be ex...

Revenue Decline In Urban Local Authorities: A Case Study Of Gweru City Council.

ABSTRACT The research analysed the sources of revenue and the causes and effects of revenue decline in urban local authorities. The research was prompted by the evident decline in revenue inflows in most of the urban local authorities in Zimbabwe as the traditional sources of revenue have gone dry and this has heavily impacted on their performance. To achieve the objectives of the study, literature sources were reviewed and both secondary and primary sources were employed to obtain data on th...

Impact Of Refugees On Wildlife Habitats And Populations In Burigi And Kimisi Game Reserves, Ngara District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in and adjacent to Burigi and Kimisi Game Reserves in Ngaradistrict between October 2006 and January 2007. The main objective of this study wasinvestigating of the impact of refugee in the areas. Specifically, the study was to; i) determine anthropological activities leading to environmental degradation before and after refugees living in the study area, ii) Evaluate changes in wildlife population before and after refugees living in the study area, iii) Ass...

Regulatory And Small-To-Medium Enterprises’ Perceptions On Equity Crowdfunding In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Equity crowd funding provides a novel opportunity for small and medium enterprise to initiate business enterprise without having to rely on traditional funding mechanisms, such as banks and angel investing and in return get a stake of ownership. The use of a critical mass leveraged by internet based platforms make the raising of funds quick and less costly for entrepreneurs. In previous years, small to medium enterprises were funded through banks, angel investors and private equity/v...

Precarious Nature Of Employment In Zimbabwe”: An Assessment Of The Psychological Dynamics Of Downsizing On Survivors. Case Of Zimasco Kwekwe Division.

ABSTRACT The research aimed at assessing the psychological dynamics of downsizing on survivor employees at Zimasco Kwekwe Division. The major reason behind is that downsizing disregards the human side and affects the psychological wellbeing of the same. It remains crucial to implore the psychological facets that affect employee productivity after downsizing operations and endeavor to change employee behaviors and attitudes for better attainment of organizational objectives. The study employed...

An Assessment Of Customer Perceptions Towards The Installation Of Smart Water Meters: The Case Of City Of Harare

ABSTRACT. The research was premised on the need to understand the perceptions of the citizens towards the installation of smart water meters in Harare. The introduction of smart water meters in 2013 has been marred with a number of challenges emanating from Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) arguments based on the fact that it’s robbing them of their constitutional rights and there is compromise to social justice. The research was guided by a number of objectives including interalia,...

The effectiveness of the Zimbabwe Republic Police Criminal Investigation Department in curbing drug abuse among youths in Zimbabwe: A case of Mbare

Abstract This study seeks to assess the effectiveness of the ZRP,CID, Drugs and Narcotics department in dealing with drug abuse issues in Zimbabwe. The study used the case study of Mbare for the research. This is because Mbare is ranked highest in drug abuse cases in Zimbabwe. The study sought to uncover the nature of drug abuse in Zimbabwe and establish causes and effects of drug abuse. The study found unemployment and peer pressure among the major cause of drug abuse. The effects of drug ab...

Communities’ Consideration Underlying Valuation Of Agricultural Land: A Case Study Of Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Lushoto, District, Tanzania to identify farmers’ perceived agricultural land value determinants to establish determinants for agricultural land valuation across different land use types. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to identify dominant agricultural land uses for screening the agricultural land value determinants across the land uses. Household survey, key informant interview, and focus group discussions were used to explore farmers’ criter...

Assessment Of Current Net Benefit Of Water Resource In Different Land-Uses Around The Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Water scarcity is globally getting worse in the light of increase in demand for water use. Human and ecosystem health and economic development are affected by problems of water scarcity and water pollution. This study was carried out to assess the current net benefit of water resource in different land uses around the Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site in Tanzania. Specifically the study was conducted to identify different land uses related to water, to determine and estimate costs and ben...

Alternative Debt Management Strategies That Can Be Employed By Lobels Bread Bulawayo

ABSTRACT Lobels Bread Bulawayo faces problem of rising debt, reduction in operational efficiency and increase credit sales due to mismanagement of debtors. This has motivated the researcher to evaluate the debt management strategies employed at Lobels Bread and how they can be harnessed to decrease bad debts. This study sought to look at the applicability of debt management strategies at Lobels, to identify risks associated with debt management and to determine factors affecting implemen...

Potential Contribution Of Peri-Urban Wetlands To Livelihood Of Local Communities In Shinyanga Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Shinyanga Municipality, Tanzania to assess the potential contribution of peri-urban wetlands to livelihood of adjacent communities. The specific objectives were to examine the contribution of the peri-urban wetland ecosystems to natural capital– (food production/food security), evaluate the contribution of peri-urban wetlands ecosystem to financial capital –(household income) and assess the benefits received by farmer groups/associations formed around t...

8326 - 8340 Of 19638 Results