Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The impact of Village Savings and Lending Associations on Rural Livelihoods: A case of Vheneka Village: Chipinge district

Abstract Village savings and lending associations have become a strength to consider in regards to the reduction of worldwide rural poverty. The popular proposition is that by enabling poor rural households access to loans and other microfinance services, the rural populace can then embark on income generating activities which will help them in dealing with numerous adversities that the rural populace face such as unemployment, lack of access to health services, low household food consumptio...

The impact of budgeting and budgetary control on performance of great zimbabwe university.

ABSTRACT  The study sought to analyze the impact of budgeting and budgetary control systems being incorporated at Great Zimbabwe University. Great Zimbabwe University is a state owned institution which has been defied with adverse variances for the past three years up to date. The study revealed that these adverse variances was as a result of the nature of a poor budgeting system currently employed by the organization. The researcher used a descriptive research design and GZU as a case study...

Effect Of Reward Strategies On Performance Of National Police Service Employees In Tranzoia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the government reforms effort in the National Police Service, performance has continued to deteriorate with criminal activities increasing day by day. The Police received an increase of 1,448 crime cases during September to December 2018, marking 7% rise from the 19,815 incidents reported to the police in 2017. Although research has been done on motivation and training, challenges leading to this dull performance have not been adequately investigated and well understood hence...

The Impact Of Auditors’ Workload On Audit Quality: Case Of Bdo Zimbabwe Chartered Accountants

ABSTRACT  This research study was undertaken to deduce the impact of auditors’ workload on audit quality at BDO Zimbabwe Chartered Accountants. The researcher observed that audits performed under high workload pressures are more likely to be of lower quality which triggered the need for this research. The research therefore aimed to ascertain audit quality measurements, determine factors which contributes towards auditors’ workloads and in turn applicable measures to manage these workloa...

Impact Of Non Govenmenatal Organisations (Ngos) In Promoting Gender Equality: A Case Of Destiny For Women And Youth Empowerment Trust (Dweyt), Harare

ABSTRACT The study focuses on the impact of NGOs in promoting gender equality based on the Case Study of DWEYT an organization that operates in Budiriro. Gender equality is the view that everyone should receive same treatment and not to be discriminated against based on their gender. The study is examining and exhibiting whether DWEYT operations was a panacea to gender inequities in Budiriro.The study also looks at the nature of DWEYT‟s operations and projects carried out in Budiriro as a ...

Impact Of Internal Auditing Function On Good Corporate Governance In Zimbabwe’s Public Sector (2012-2016)

ABSTRACT This paper examines the impact of internal audit function on good corporate governance in the public sector in Zimbabwe with particular attention on the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The focus was on the effect of internal audit on the risk management, internal control, reporting and compliance to corporate governance. A survey of 140 respondents in the SOEs sector was carried out using the quantitative research h design anchored on the post positivism research philosophy using qu...

Analyzing The Impact of Budgetary Controls on Capital Projects to The Operational Performance.

ABSTRACT This paper specifies the impact of budgetary control measures on capital projects to the operational performance of the Zimbabwean aviation industry. In this study, the major objective was to identify the impact of budgetary control measures on operational performance. Mixed research design was used in data collection incorporating both the qualitative and quantitative approaches so that they could accompaniment each other in investigating the impact of budgetary control on capital ...

Influence Of Forgone Earnings On Primary To Secondary Education Transition In Mbita Sub-County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Free Secondary Education policy was introduced in Kenya in 2008 with an aim of making sec-ondary education affordable so as to enhance access, transition, retention and student academic performance. However, this has not been realized in Mbita sub-county where the average prima-ry to secondary education transition rate from 2010 to 2014was at 46.94%, lagging behind the neighbouring Suba sub county and the national rates at 59.78% and 72.78% respectively during the same period. A rece...

The Impact Of Non-Compliance With Accounting Standards On The Quality Of Financial Reporting

ABSTRACT 6 Issues of overnight corporate shut downs have raised some eyebrows. The trust that investors and other stakeholders had in the company executives, independent auditing firms, board of directors, financial analysts and information distributors (Corporate Reporting Supply Chain) is slowly fading away. Mitigation procedures have been dreamt of and conceived but most of them could not be birthed. This research then serves as an evaluation of the impact of non compliance to IFRSs/IASs ...

Enhancing Soybean Production, Economics And Adoption Among Smallholder Farmers In The Central Highlands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Current demand for soybean in Kenya is higher than production. The deficit which is over 95% is filled through importation from neighboring countries. Despite the high demand, adoption and production is low (0.56 to 1.1 t ha-1) against potential yield of 3.0 – 3.6 t ha-1. The low production is associated with low use of fertilizers. Farmers are using mineral fertilizers below recommended rates and they are not using organic fertilizers despite them being readily available. The obje...

Determinants of Non-Preforming Loans: A Case of Zimbabwe's Banking Sector (2009-2013).

ABSTRACT The research sought to establish the determinants of non-performing loans in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. The study covered the period from 2009 to 2013 using quarterly time-series data employing the ordinary list squares method to ascertain the factors that contribute to NPLs. Over the period, the non-performing loans have been on an upward trend despite the use of the multi-currency. The major research findings and conclusions is that inflation, unemployment and interest rates ...

Edu Frontiers 57 PAGES (12236 WORDS) Economics Project
Strategic Alliances Between Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology (Jkuat) And Middle Level Colleges In Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategic alliance is one of many methods of strategy development. It has been defined as a situation where two or more organizations share resources and activities to pursue a strategy. Alliances vary considerably in their complexity, from a simple two partner alliance co-producing a product to a one with multiple partners providing complex products, services and solution. Research on strategic collaboration between firms has received increasing attention in literature during the la...

Effect Of Knowledge Management On Performance Of Research Institutions: Case Study Of Kemri Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Research institutions are here for social good. Parastatal research institutions engage in activities relating to social and economic rights and are formed not to be suppliers of the goods and services but to advance knowledge and provide Science and technological support. However recent trends in the research sector from 2015 to date show increased beneficiaries on one hand but high employee turnover and de-motivation on another. This suggests a shortfall in application of knowledge...

Micro And Macro Environments And Implementation Of Public Private Partnership Infrastructure Development In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a long term agreement between public and private sector where risks and rewards are shared in developing a public facility. Private sector play a monumental role in bridging public finance deficit on capital projects. In Kenya, the government has created necessary environment for private sector participation in the country’s infrastructure development to spur economic growth. Despite the enactment of requisite laws and political support of PPPs, ...

Analysis Of Growth Strategy Choice And The Performance Insurance Firms: A Study Of Nairobi Central Business District

ABSTRACT The insurance industry is a lucrative field with vast opportunities to explore. There has been a growth of insurance business in Kenya, with 2017 reports from AKI for instance showing an increase of about 43.8% of insurance agents from the year 2016. Previous studies have shown individuals and entities go without taking insurance covers to safe guard their entities. Regulators have been seen to put mandatory adoption of insurance services such as in the public service vehicles sector...

8986 - 9000 Of 19638 Results