ABSTRACT End user involvement in specifications development refers to a process in which an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service is given by a buyer to the supplier. The research concerns itself with the critical role played by the end users in the supply chain performance. The study sought to establish the effects of end user involvement in the supply chain performance of higher learning institutions in Kenya. This study therefore, assessed the effe...
ABSTRACT Non-financial firms listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) have faced numerous challenges ranging from declining after tax profits, delisting or suspension at 21.3% between 2012 and 2018. This indicates that financial leverage also remains a challenge. Further, studies reviewed on leverage-performance and firm size-performance relationships posted mixed results. While the reported studies have been conducted elsewhere, no known study has attempted to integrate the three vari...
ABSTRACT The influence of soil fertility management technologies on crop production has widely been researched in Tharaka-Nithi County. However, data on their contribution towards national greenhouse gas budget is scanty. This study aimed at characterising smallholder farming systems and simulating greenhouse gas emissions, maize yields, yield scaled nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and N2O emission factors from different soil fertility management technologies in Tharaka-Nithi County. Three hund...
ABSTRACT The present lifestyle calls for both gender in a household to work in order to lessen the burden of high cost of living. In Africa, massive increase of women in labour force has led to the neglect of unpaid household chores to full time employment. Traditionally, house work usually falls to the women who struggle to fend for the family. It was however not known how their commitment to work had impacted on their multiple household roles. This study’s objectives assessed the influenc...
ABSTRACT In any institution, success is majorly determined by the procurement practices adopted and how well these procurement practices are implemented. A function that greatly influences the strategies of an organization, as well as the smooth flow of services, is the procurement function which is built around procurement practices. The study specifically assessed the effect of procurement planning, financial resource management, strategic partnerships and inventory management on supply cha...
ABSTRACT Globally, strategic management of organizations is important. This is driven by numerous and dynamic challenges organizations continue to experience in the environment in the form of increased competition, depletion of resources, heightened government involvement in the market and increased concerns on safety, standards and environmental conservation. In Kenya, many organizations have adopted strategic management approach in which they conduct strategy analysis and make a choice ever...
ABSTRACT The global business environment is today faced with uncertainty and various complexities. Innovation, taking risk and ability to pioneer ideas has been proven to contribute immensely to the financial wellness and strategic value of big corporations as well as small and medium enterprises. In the quest to address the causation for intrapreneurial orientation in organisations, the study investigated five independent variables namely; management support, work discretion, rewarding intra...
ABSTRACT Liquidity management is one of the most important duties in any company and thus it cannot be overlooked. Sound liquidity management is integral for financial institutions stability and profitability since deteriorating liquidity management is the most recurrent cause of poor financial performance. In many financial institutions, the biggest risk is lending money and not getting it back leading to liquidity problems as most MFIs in Kenya have no access to a lender of the last resort ...
ABSTRACT Supplier selection has become an integral function of any organization, seeking to identify, evaluate and contract suppliers. Organizations are often outsourcing non-core activities, leading to dependence and reliance on suppliers. However, question arises as to the criteria used by public sector in selecting and evaluating suppliers. It is in public domain that public sector’s runaway expenditure and tendency of delivering substandard goods, works and services. The County Governme...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find answers to the questions on implementation of strategic decision whereby it focused on private secondary schools in Nairobi County. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the effects of top management commitment, coordination of activities, employee skills and responsibilities and organization culture on implementation of strategic plans in private secondary schools in Nairobi County. A descriptive study was used since it was seen by the researcher as a...
ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the relationship between stakeholder management strategies and the financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in Kenya. The SACCO subsector is part of the Kenyan Co-operative sector comprising of both financial and non financial cooperatives. Saving and credit co-operative (SACCO) are the financial cooperatives. They are an important part of the financial sector in Kenya, providing savings, credit and insurance services to a large portion of the pop...
ABSTRACT The small and micro enterprises (SMEs) have to date remained the driving engines of several countries including those in the European Union (EU), where they make up 57.4% of value added in the non-financial sector. In South Africa, they contribute over 36% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Locally, these establishments account for 92.2% of employment in Kenya. In spite of this, performance of the SMEs in a majority of the counties have not been that robust with over 71...
ABSTRACT The research investigated risk management by the internal audit function-a case of Mutare City Council. Descriptive research was used while questionnaires and interviews research instruments were mainly used. The research has a sample size of twenty respondents. Graphs and tables were used for data presentation and the results were analyzed using measures of central tendency and hermeneutical analysis. The results show that the risk management policy does not exist at Mutare City Co...
ABSTRACT Strategic leadership globally, regionally and locally is increasingly and becoming a crucial issue that most organizations are facing today. Kenyans need an adequate, efficient, readily available and affordable public transport. Matatu industry is Kenya’s leading mode of public transport with over 170 registered Sacco’s. The Sacco’s experiences poor performance including de-registration due to non-compliance, loss of fleets to other Sacco’s, frequent accidents attributed to c...
Abstract The purpose of the study is to assess the effect of gender identity on the consumption of alcoholic beverages advertising in Zimbabwe‟s Delta Beverages. The research therefore sought to establish if males and females interpret alcohol advertisements the same. The way males and females interpret alcohol advertisements was analysed to assess if gender identity plays any role in the consumption of alcoholic beverages advertisements. The research also aimed to evaluate if masculinity ...