ABSTRACT In the era of global business and competitiveness, for organizations to survive and effectively adapt to the changing environment, as well as achieve their set marketing goals and objectives, they need to design different marketing strategies and policies. Relationship marketing is one of such contemporary marketing strategies employed in both developed and developing economies. This research study sought to explore whether relationship marketing is adopted by organizations in the Ni...
Abstract This research effort is a baseline study, designed to obtain empirical evidence on the current state of the forensic accounting profession in Nigeria; and the level of compliance of the profession with the International Quality Assurance Accreditation Standards (IQAAS). It is an evaluation of the extent of quality standards enforcement mechanisms (QSEM) in the profession in Nigeria. The study used both primary and secondary data. The primary data source consisted of a set of questio...
JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Ajibolade, S. O. (2006).An evaluation of research reporting activities of business students. Global Journal of Accounting, 2(1), 133-162. 2. Ajibolade, S. O. & Ogundele, B. O. (2006). A cultural perspective of financial disclosures in Nigerian corporate financial statements. The Nigerian Accountant, 39(3),49-62. 3. Ajibolade, S. O. (2006). Impact of leadership style on managerial budget performance in Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Management Research (Accepted for pu...
SUMMARY The project was aimed at achieving two objectives. To determine, first the quantitative value of anxiety that differentiates normals from psychopathological groups and second the magnitude of anxiety at different developmental stages of psychopathology. These objectives which have implications for research and therapy have been notable problems in clinical psychology (Martin & Sroufe, 1970). The objectives were achieved in three interrelated studies with a total of 1,330 subjects. In ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between psychosocial and ethnic factors on organizational behaviour of workers in the oil refineries The objectives of the research were to determine the differential impact of psychosocial and ethnic factors on organizational behaviour. The psychosocial factors addressed were personality variables and work groups within the organization. The organisational behaviour variables studied were job involvement, organizational commitment and job sat...
ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean economy is in a transition from multinational conglomerates dominated economy into a locally owned entrepreneurial system. However although fairly new, local entrepreneurship now owns the gateway to Zimbabwean competitiveness in the global market hence this study sought to assess its competitiveness going into the future. The research sought to analyses the competitiveness of local entrepreneur’s products as compared to international products brought by internationa...
Abstract Pine bark is locally available in Zimbabwe and is widely in vegetable seedling production. However, it lacks essential nutrients for seedling growth. Goat manure was used to supplement nutrients when pine bark is used as growing media. The main object of the study was to determine the effect of pine bark amended with goat manure on tomato seedling emergence and seedling quality parameter which were stem diameter and stem length. The study was carried out at the Tobacco Research Boar...
ABSTRACT Gender-based violence (GBV), a universal challenge that has left no stone unturned globally, has reared its ugly head in Zimbabwe, affecting more women than men. Although several players such as government and civic society organisations have united to implement various programmes that include campaigns to bring an end to GBV, it remains a never ending phenomenon. Driven by the need to help fight GBV, this study sought to establish the effectiveness of rural women empowerment progra...
Abstract An integrated approach continues to be recognized as the most prudent path to sustainable development. The assumption is that any successful development must take into account the economic, social, cultural, environmental and geographic realities that shape the lives of people. The study therefore sought to examine the impact of the integrated development management approach on the delivery of WASH services to the rural poor. The study used a case study design by focusing on Binga d...
ABSTRACT The majority of the Zimbabwean Industries were in the collapsing realm as indicated by a decline in the aggregate demand leading to the loss of market share. This unwelcome relapse has caused companies to defy the odds such as Tanganda by resorting to market share strategies in order to insulate itself. Faced with this situation prompted the researcher to carry out research on the relationship between market share and corporate performance for firms in the tea industry: Case of Tang...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between the mining export and economic growth in Zimbabwe using time series data for the period 1985 to 2016 as well as employing the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) approach. The study was aiming at examining the impact of mineral export on economic growth in Zimbabwe. The results obtained showed that mineral export, real growth in agriculture, population growth and tax revenue significantly affect economic growth. Moreso the results also s...
Abstract The research was aimed at studying the factors affecting profitability of small to medium enterprises. It sought to establish these factors affect profitability levels of Novatek (Pvt) Ltd as it was experiencing a decline in profitability. The research further sought to determine the ways that could be employed to improve profitability. The mixed research method , descriptive research design and a case study of Novatek Animal Feeds (Pvt) Ltd was used in the research. Interviews and ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the causes of social security contribution evasion in Zimbabwe. In this study 228 social security contributors were used. The researcher used questionnaires as research instruments. The study showed that the main causes of social security contribution evasion in Zimbabwe are the negative macroeconomic fundamentals, planned behaviour and poor compliance culture. The study revealed that Economic deterrents do not influence the social security contribut...
Abstract In developing countries, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in fostering socio-economic development. They create employment opportunities, empower communities and make positive contributions towards the gross domestic product. The survival of SMEs is therefore crucial in alleviating poverty and achieving sustainable development. This research aims to investigate the factors that affect the performance of SMEs in the retail sector in Namibia. The research will be...
ABSTRACT The research evaluates the effectiveness of conciliation and arbitration as an alternate dispute resolution mechanism in the Ferro – Alloy Industry. A case of ZIMASCO and Zimbabwe Alloys International, 2 major players in the industry, were examined in a descriptive research design. Backing the research is the concept of legal pluralism which then defined conciliation and arbitration as alternative dispute resolution systems. A sample size of 35 comprising of Management and Trade Un...