Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

A critical analysis into the introduction of private sector management and accounting techniques to the public sector. A case of beitbridge town council.

ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to investigate on the appropriateness of employing private sector management and accounting techniques through the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) at Beitbridge town council. The non-compliance with IPSAS provisions, non-compliance with IPSAS due to the need for complying with statutes, high volume of errors in the financial statements, consolidation complications of IPSAS municipal financial statements and IFRS based sta...

Variance Analysis: A solution to financial performance in a non governmental setting. (A case of World Vision)

ABSTRACT This research was carried out with the aim of establishing the relationship that exists between variance analysis budget control technique and organisational performance. World Vision has experienced wide adverse budget variances due to ineffective variance analysis by the organisation resulting in the organisation repetitively over spending and under spending, los ing donor confidence and trust and hence motivation to this study. A descriptive research design was used in gathering t...

An Evaluation Of The Impact Of E-Commerce On The Quality Of Financial Reports. A Case Of Soledd Finance

Abstract We are living in a dynamic world characterized by spontaneous changes happening in the twinkle of the eye brought about mainly by advances in technology. This research was set out to evaluate the impact of e commerce on the quality of financial reporting (A case of Soledd Finance). The research was mainly prompted by the observations that the researcher witnessed during industrial attachment experiences within an e commerce firm. The choice to focus on this study was due to the chall...

An Investigation into Credit Risk Management on Non-Performing Loans in Microfinance Institutions. A case of Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (ZMF) 2017 - 2018

ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate into credit risk management as a tool to bring down the level of non-performing loans in Microfinance Institutions .A case of Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (ZMF) .The study is arranged starting with the introduction of the chapter which was followed by the background of the study highlighting factors related to credit risk management and non performing loans. Statement of the problem will show what triggered the researcher to carry out such a research....

Tax Incentives and Foreign Direct Investment: The Namibian Experience

Abstract This study poses a general question of whether or not foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have come to Namibia because of the tax incentives offered to foreign investors; and thus whether or not offering such incentives has been beneficial to the country. To answer this question and as dictated by the availability of data, the study reviewed the FDI inflows into Namibia and attempted to assess the benefits and costs through an investigation of related indicators and making infer...

Challenges Faced Sdcs In The Management Of School Development In Mt Darwin District Of Mashonaland Central Province

Abstract This chapter encompass the important aspects of this research that is,(background to the study, statement of the problem and the objective of the study). The objective of the study is to unearth the challenges that SDCs are facing in the management of school development. This chapter gives precedence to all the other chapters and it begins with giving an overview of how SDCs came into being. The legal framework governing the operations of SDCs and their core functions. The chapter th...

An Assessment On Sales Promotional Activities As Key Fundamentals In The Improvement Of A Company Performance: A Case Of Bimco In Redcliff

ABSTRACT The study sought to analyse the sales promotional activities as key fundamentals in the improvement of BIMCOs’ performance. The objectives of the study were to: identify the sales promotional activities being used by BIMCO, to determine the impact of sales promotional activities on sales turnover, to determine the impact of sales promotional activities on market share, to determine the impact of sales promotional activities on customer retention, to establish weaknesses of the cur...

Integration And Participation Of Older Persons In Socio-Economic Development Of Harare Metropolitan Province

ABSTRACT The research examined the integration and participation of the elderly in the socio-economic development of Harare Metropolitan Province (HMP). It targeted religious denominations, industry and commerce, non-governmental organizations, tertiary institutions, state enterprises and parastatals and a local authority. The research identified serious stigmatization of Old Persons (OPs), leading to their ostracism by HMP institutions in particular, and ordinary citizens in general. The les...

Challenges and Survival Strategies of Employees under Precarious Employment within the Agricultural and Hospitality Industries in Zimbabwe. The case of Border Timbers Limited and Chimanimani

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced and survival strategies used by employees under precarious employment at BTL and CH representing the agricultural and hospitality industries in Zimbabwe respectively. Out of 1666 total population at BTL and 68 employees at CH, the sample size of 20 participants was chosen from each organisation through quota, convenience and purposive sampling. Qualitative research approach and the multiple case study research design wa...

A Comparative Analysis On The Psychological, Social And Economic Wellbeing Of Adolescents With Parents In The Diaspora And Home Country At Nemakonde High School

ABSTRACT The absence of parents as a cause of migration has had negative implications on the psychological, social and economic wellbeing of the adolescents left behind. The study then sought to find if there are any significant differences in the psychological, social and economic wellbeing for adolescents with parents in the diaspora and adolescents with parents in the home country. The study adopted the quantitative research paradigm, and used the descriptive survey design. The research dr...

The Impact Of The “Buy Zimbabwe”Campaign On Performances Of Zimbabwean Companies In The Retail Sector

Abstract The majority of the Zimbabwean retail companies were in the collapsing mode as indicated by a performance decline of more than 50% over the past ten years. This miserable predicament necessitated the government to craft locally driven remedies, and one of them was the “Buy Zimbabwe” campaign launched in 2011. This prompted the researcher to assess the impact of the “Buy Zimbabwe” campaign on the performance of the Zimbabwean firms. The study objectives were to establish the i...

The Impact Of Planned Budget Deficit On Stock Market Returns In Zimbabwe (2009-2016)

ABSTRACT The notion that chronic budget deficits impose costs on the stock market performance through depriving the private investors of the much-needed foreign currency and rising short and long-term interest rates, has been generally recognized by experts in finance and the popular financial media. In Zimbabwe over the years, the local stock market has not been providing capital up to sustainable levels that promote business, economic growth, development, improve standards of living and mos...

An Investigation Of New Revenue Sources To Improve Funding Gap. Case Study Of ZINWA

ABSTRACT This dissertation was undertaken with the purpose of finding out new revenue generating sources that ZINWA can implement to alleviate the expanding funding gap at the organization .The research sought to determine the possibility of ZINWA in engaging in aquaculture and public private partnership to increase revenue .Literature review was given with regard to the potential revenue sources. An investigation by use of questionnaires and interviews, to get the opinion of employees at ZIN...

Entrenching Ethics In Zimbabwean Rural Local Authorities: The Case Of Gutu Rdc

ABSTRACT The research seeks to explore the aspect of entrenching ethics in Zimbabwean Rural Local Authorities. The research study was influenced by a high rise of corruption and related unethical practices within the Local Government system which are greatly militating against the provision of efficient and effective service delivery. The research sought to identify; the unethical practices prevalent at Gutu Rural District Council (GRDC), to analyse the measures put in place to enforce ethica...

An Analysis Into The Causes Of A Decline In Profitability : A Case Of Innscor Bread Company

ABSTRACT The study examined the causes of a decline in profitability. The key objective of most businesses is to get a profit. Making profit in business environment usually indicate a healthy business. A favorable effect of business that generates profits is the ability for the company to expand and grow its operations. The study is an analysis of the causes of the decline in Profitability at Innscor Bread Company in Harare. A number of problems in the company performance were experienced whi...

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