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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Impact Of Livelihood Skills Training Programmes On Youth Development In Wedza District

Abstract Livelihood skills training programs have become very important in reducing lack of skills and unemployment in the globe. The youths in Zimbabwe constitute a greater proportion of the total population and the rural youths are the most marginalized in issues to do with obtaining skills that are necessary for them to improve their livelihood. The government has introduced various programs to make sure that youths attain necessary skills but it has rather neglected the rural youths. This...

An Investigation Into Challenges Of Achieving Targeted Dipping Fee Collection By Veterinary Services: The Case Of Mt Darwin District.

ABSTRACT The research was on investigating challenges faced in achieving targeted dipping fee collection. The study was motivated by the fact that there is persistent decline in the collection of dipping fee by the Department of Veterinary Services in Mt Darwin District. It is upon this background that this study seeks to search the causes of the challenges faced in achieving targeted dipping fee collection and solutions that can help to increase the collection of dipping fee by Veterinary Se...

The Plight Of Children In The Chingwizi Camp In The Aftermath Of The Tokwe Mukorsi Flood Disaster.

Abstract A growing number of development approaches that focus on reducing the risk of disasters tend to treat children as passive victims with a limited role to play in communicating risks or preventing and responding to disasters (Mitchell and Tanner 2009). It follows that the subject of children‘s rights in disaster management has not been given much attention. Children are a vulnerable group that usually constitutes the biggest number in terms of population. The vulnerability of childre...

The Impact Of Savings And Credit Cooperatives On Sustainable Livelihoods In Chivi District (2000-2013): A Case Of Chivi Sacco

Abstract The purpose of the research was to examine the role played by Savings and Credit Cooperatives in sustaining the local communities in Chivi District. In conducting the study, the descriptive survey design was used and both the questionnaire and interviews were employed as the main research instruments. The purposive sampling technique was used in the study and the sample from which the data was collected was made up of ordinary as well as members of the management committee drawn fro...

An Analysis On The Impact Of Cost Control On Financial Perfomance Of An Oranisation

ABSTRACT A continuous increase in costs were cited by the management at Bak as the major causes behind the sharp reduction of annual profits between the periods 2014 to 2016.A descriptive research design was employed using a mixed approach with a targeted census population of 30 staff members most of whom were from the administrative and operations departments. A total of 30 questionnaires were distributed and 3 interviews were conducted. The research found out that poor cost control causes i...

The Effectiveness Of Urban Agriculture As A Survival Strategy Among Gweru Urban Farmers In Zimbabwe

ABTSTRACT Almost 70 percent of the respondents maintained that urban agriculture is important for them as they use all the produce for household consumption. They also highlighted that the crops provide them with fresh supplies and a variety of food cheaply. Almost the same number of people produces less than 6 bags (50 kg) of maize yearly. About 18 percent produce 7-15 bags while the rest could not quantify their produce. Some rear chickens and pigs for sale and grow crops in order to feed t...

Real Empowerment Or Mere Political Rhetoric”: A Formative Evaluation Of The Youth Empowerment Facilities In Gweru Urban District (Zimbabwe)

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe embarked on a youth empowerment drive in 2009 through the setting up of Youth Empowerment Facilities. The Youth Empowerment Facilities are a partnership between the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Youth Indigenisation and Empowerment and various financial institutions that include CBZ Bank, Central African Building Society and Stanbic Bank. The Youth Empowerment Facilities are a micro credit scheme whose broad objective is to alleviate poverty amongst the you...

Assessment Of Changes In Land Cover And Forest Composition And Structure In Okongo Community Forest, Namibia

Abstract Land cover refers to the observed vegetation, structures, or other features that cover the land such as closed forests, open forest, woodland, grasslands, bushland, and settlements. Land cover change is one of the serious threats to the forests and woodlands of Namibia, and it is mainly triggered by forest resource utilization and conversion to agriculture by local communities. As one of the mechanisms to control land cover change, Namibia introduced the Community Forests (CF) progra...

The Impact Of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) On Financial Reporting Quality In Public Sector: Case Study Rushinga Rural District Council.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this project was to examine the impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards on financial reporting quality using a case of Rushinga Rural District Council. The major issue that gave rise to the research study across this area was the increased demand for high quality information by public sector stakeholders after the 2008 economic crisis that left public sectors with huge amount of debts. This study employed a qualitative research approach in ans...

An Investigation On The Effectiveness Of Centralisation On The Financial Performance Of Cimas Medical Laboratories

ABSTRACT The research was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of centralisation on the financial performance of Cimas Medical Laboratories. The objectives sought to find out the effects of centralisation of authority on the financial performance of an organisation. Descriptive design was used in this study and the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data was done using tables, charts and graphs. A sample of 30 participants was used being drawn from the population and managem...

Evaluating The Utilisation Of Ict As A Service Delivery Tool In Urban Councils. A Case Of Harare City Council

ABSTRACT Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly being incorporated into the internal workings of government, globally. This is done in pursuit of a more effective, efficient and responsive machinery of governance. The research evaluates the utilization of Information Communication and Technology as a service delivery tool in Harare City Council. Research objectives where to establish the link between service delivery and Information Communication and Technology (IC...

An Evaluation Of The Adequacy Of The Retirement Benefits And The Social Security Schemes In Zimbabwe: Case Of Midlands Province

ABSTRACT The importance of social security benefits comes from the ability of the benefit to be able to satisfy the needs and demand of the beneficiaries by the time they are going to receive their benefits. Social security systems have been under challenges and that the labour organization systems are too expensive harm to the socio-economic well-being of employees. It is observed that retirement time kills more than hard work period ever does. It has been a common burden to family members t...

Prospects and Limits to Social Accountability Tools towards Enhancing Service Delivery in Bulawayo Urban

Abstract Demand-side governance and social accountability approaches have steadily gained prominence as a means of achieving and improving a range of development outcomes (Holland et al, 2011). A good number of local authorities across the world in both the developed and developing counties are investing in social accountability tools such as citizen participation, budget tracking and expenditure monitoring, community score cards and others to ensure that citizens have a voice in the planning...

Contribution of Life Skills Training to Youth Development at University Institutions: A Case of the Passport To Success Pilot Programme In Zimbabwe

Abstract Existing research shows that life skills are an important part of education and serve the purpose of complementing the hard and academic skills that young people get in university. This research met its crucial aim through an embedded mixed methodology research which used qualitative method research primarily with quantitative techniques allowing for description of the target sample population. This was a case study of the International Youth Foundation Passport to Success Pilot Prog...

An Investigation Of The Effects Of Budgetary Controls On Firm Performance: Case Study TSF.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out with the aim of investigating the effects of budgetary controls on Tobacco Sales Floor’s performance during the period from 2011 to 2013. Although the TSF made profits during these years targeted performance were not met. TSF reports indicated that it is having difficulties in implementing its budgetary controls resulting in experiencing adverse variance in its expenditure for the past three to four years hence necessitated this research. Quantitative a...

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