ABSTRACT The potentials of local government as basis for development, as a structural/institutional apparatus for political and administrative decentralisation and social services delivery, and as a bedrock for a solid political system through making governance relevant at grassroots level are now becoming widely acceptable among policy makers and researchers in Nigeria. Similarly, the arguments for a shift of emphasis from law and order oriented local government to cne coping with social ser...
Abstract The need for development has been the main contemporary discourse dominating the history of Zimbabwe. A radical introspection into the process of growth points and rural development is urgently required to allow Zimbabwe to define its future in terms of urbanisation and development. Growth points were adopted in Zimbabwe slightly before independence by the colonial government in order to provide for accommodation and decentralised government services for people living in the communal...
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate on school climate factors of bullying among gweru urban high school adolescents. A survey design premised on quantitative and qualitative paradigms was used stratified random sampling was used to select 2 of the 6 days and 2 of the 7 days boarding school.
i ABSTRACT Land use changes have been occurring as a result of human uses for developmental purposes. These changes will certainly have a negative influence on the hydrological characteristics of catchments, thereby inducing an increase in surface runoff, soil erosion and sediment inputs. In the year 2000, Rio Tinto discovered kimberlite diamonds in Murowa, Zvishavane. This discovery led to the relocation of 142 families to Shashe resettlement block in Masvingo Province near Mashava. The area...
Abstract There has been a country wide outcry from citizens about the poor performance of councilors and that they are not doing what the electorate wants them to do. Throughout all the local authorities in Zimbabwe it has been realized that, there is poor oversight, judgment and overwhelming corruption which has in turn led to serious poor service delivery. What is not disputable in Zimbabwean politics is that the ordinary citizens have in most cases been by and large remained political spec...
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ABSTRACT the study sought to identify common method of academic cheating, situation when academic dishonesty took place and the perceived reasons for engaging in such behaviours. form 5 and form 6 student sampled from 4 gweru urban high school (n-238) responded to a Questionaire that used to collect data.
ABSTRACT PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of this study is to examine the link between the regulatory framework of accounting reporting in Zimbabwe Public sector and the quality of financial reporting. METHODOLOGY: The study used questionnaires to survey 15 staff members of Civil Service Commission .Qualitative and quantitative approach was used to determine the link between the regulatory framework of accounting reporting and the quality of financial reporting. FINDINGS: Results indicate th...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at unveiling the challenges that have been faced by Zimbabwe in the 21st century. This study mainly focuses on the challenges that have had a negative impact to peace and in some instances reconciliation. The research branched out the challenges into economic, social and political categories so as to create a proper path of how they affect peace. In other sections of this research the dimensions of the categories shape shift into two distinct parallels which are e...
ABSTRACT The research was primarily aimed at assessing if it is feasible for National Social Security Authority (NSSA) to extend contributory social security scheme to the informal sector. The research was motivated after realizing that the informal sector in Zimbabwe is increasing at the expense of formal sector which is leading to the contribution base of NSSA to decrease since only formally employed workers are the ones who are obliged to contribute. This leads to a funding gap where contr...
ABSTRACT Motivation is crucial for organizations to function; without motivation employees will not put up their best and the organisations performance would be less efficient. The situation is even more serious in developing countries where working conditions are unattractive. It is in view of this that this study was conducted to assess the role of motivation on employee performance in parastatals: a case study of the rural electrification agency. The case-study approach was adopted for the...
Abstract The study’s aim was to understand the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in livelihoods provision. The Plumtree-Mutare road rehabilitation was done under the PPP framework. It was necessary to study the impacts in Gweru because some of the national benefits are overstated, elitist, and remote which the poor cannot easily feel. PPPs were chosen as government had no funds thus it formed Infra-link, a joint venture with Group 5 International financed by a USD $206 million doll...
ABSTRACT Financial derivatives are used for hedging and transferring of risks in the financial system, government planning and regulatory systems. Derivatives have been used as a tool to identify risks and develop strategies to address the risks in Agriculture. The study’s main aim is to investigate the applicability of weather derivatives on tobacco farming in Zimbabwe and examines its role in production. Thus by studying the issue within the context of Zimbabwe weather patterns and their ...
ABSTRACT This study is an investigation into the effectiveness of livelihood projects as a strategy in reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV). The study explored and highlighted the major causes of GBV, the livelihood options for women, the relationship between GBV and livelihoods and the extent to which livelihood projects as a strategy have reduced GBV and empowered women using the case study on Nyanga, Ward 27. The major causes of GBV are poverty, lack of economic independence among women, p...
ABSTRACT In Zimbabwe, food security has been always a major challenge in parts of the country especially in the rural areas and many households in the country remain food insecure. Maize being the staple food for the nation and a strategic crop for food self-sufficiency for the nation it been suppressed due to the lack of effective economic policies and this has resulted in the low production of the crop amongst the farmers especially communal farmers in the country. Developing countries have...