Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

A Study On The Impacts Of The Iniscriminate Disposal Of Solid Waste On Environment: A Case Of Harare Urban 2008-2017

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of indiscriminate disposal of solid waste on environment in Harare. It highlights as part of the objectives the factors affecting the proper management of solid waste, impacts on environment and suggestions brought forth by the respondents. To acquire adequate information the research used stratified sampling and purposive sampling to select five different areas and key stakeholders respectively to be a representation of Harare. Da...

EFFECT Iof Irisk Iassessment Ipractices Ion Isupply Ichain Iperformance Iin Ipublic Icorporations: CASE Iof Ikenya Ipower Icompany

ABSTRACT Risk iassessment ipractices ienable iorganizations ito iprioritize irisks ito iestablish imost ito ileast icritical iimportance iin iranking. iRisks iare ievents icaused iby iuncertainties, iwhich ican ihave ipositive ior inegative ieffect ion ithe iproject iobjective. iSupply ichains ihave iexpanded irapidly iover ithe idecades, iwith ithe iaim ito iincrease iproductivity, ilower icosts iand ifulfill idemands iin iemerging imarkets. iHowever, ithere iare irisks iwithin ithe iorganiz...

A time to reflect on Zimbabwe‟s rural Local Governance: Case of Bulilima RDC”

ABSTRACT The 2015 MDG deadline draws nigh and the need to assess the progress that has been made towards their achievement has never been greater. So great is the need, it calls for robust strategies to accelerate the achievement of the MDGs. On the other end, the Zimbabwean populace still suffers extreme poverty. Unemployment is on the upsurge and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. The consequences of the catastrophe are even more severe in the rural populace. Although there ...

Bridging The Funding Gap On The Statutory Functions Of Statutory Bodies: A Case Of Upper Manyame Sub Catchment Council [2013-2015]

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to bridge the funding gap at Upper Manyame Sub Catchment Council. The research will enhance funding in statutory bodies by searching for other means of funding statutory functions in statutory bodies not relying on the traditional sources of revenue. The researcher used qualitative research approach to analyse the possible ways of bridging the funding gap on the statutory functions of statutory bodies. Qualitative research focuses on phenomena that occur in...

The Effects Of Livestock Rearing On Livelihood Of The Borana Community, Funaan Qumbi Village, Marsabit County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally it is estimated that pastoralism is practiced by between 200 and 500 million people. In Africa they reside in over 21 countries across the continent. They usually inhabit areas which are hard to carry out other livelihood ventures like farming. Today, pastoralism is being threatened by climate change causing frequent droughts. Pastoral communities in Marsabit County have had to combat the effects of droughts on their livelihoods by adopting livelihood diversification. Howeve...

Prevalence Of Bovine Dermatophilosis Infection And The Associated Risk Factors In The Communal Area Of Murehwa; Zimbabwe

Abstract A study to investigate the prevalence and associated risk factors was done in Murehwa district; Zimbabwe. The research was aimed at determining the prevalence of the disease and also determining the associated risk factors as determinants of the disease. The study was done by using questioners to randomly selected farmers who had reported the disease to the Veterinary Services. A total of 378 cattle were examined in the dry and the wet season. Statistical analysis was performed using...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Distribution Logistics Among Manufucturing Firms In Kenya: A Case Study Of Kibos Sugar Company Limited

ABSTRACT Empirical studies shows that distribution logistics impact tremendously on performance of an entire organization as it links the organization to the customers. Kibos sugar company report in 2016 revealed that there was a performance drop from 56% in 2014 to 47% in 2015 and this was attributed to distribution logistics. Therefore this study established factors affecting performance of distribution logistics among production firms in Kenya: a case of Kibos Sugar Company limited and all...

SSA Research 48 PAGES (10251 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Effectiveness Of Funding Strategies For Non Profit Making Institutions: A Case Study Of Cg Msipa Scholarship Trust

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the effectiveness of fundraising strategies for not for profit social welfare organizations using the CG Msipa Scholarship as a case study. Literature on fundraising strategies for not for profit strategies was reviewed in order to identify the gap in theory and practice this study would address. The literature was extracted from textbooks and journals. Data was collected from trustees and administrator of the CG Msipa Scholarship Trust through the use of questi...

Investigation Into How Delta Beverages Kwekwe Maltings Can Regain Its Export Market

ABSTRACT Companiees strive to be competitive in the products they produce in both the domectic and export market.It is easy to penetrate in the doemstic market than it is in the export market as companies will be operating within extremely diverse economic condotions.Exports ares vital for the business and thecountry at large.It is in this view that this research focuses on the decline of the export market for Delta Beverages KweKwe Mlatings.Data was collectec through interviews,questionnaire...

The Effectiveness of Basin Tillage on Maize Production in the Semi-Arid Dayataya Ward of Southern Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study examines the effectiveness of basin tillage in maize production in Dayataya ward located in the semi-arid district of Zvishavane ward in southern Zimbabwe. The study was based on questionnaire surveys and interviews with key informants, field observations, and secondary data sources. The major findings of the research were that even though many small scale farmers have adopted basin farming in the Dayataya ward, most of them have not fully implemented the requirements of b...

Participation Of Zimbabwean Youths In Electoral Processes: A Case Of Harare Central Constituency 2008 To 2013”

ABSTRACT Contemporary global trends show a growing international anxiety for youth empowerment. Since independence Zimbabwe has incessantly experienced a decline in youth electoral participation. In Zimbabwe, youths represent 67 % of the country’s population; according to the new constitution youth fall in between the ages of 16 and 35 years. Compared to older citizens, youth especially females have increasingly preferred to stay away from participating in electoral processes and their part...

Challenges Faced By Local Authorities In Solid Waste Management: A Case Of Beitbridge Town Council.

ABSTRACT Solid waste management has become a major public health and environmental concern in Zimbabwe is no exception. The magnitude of the problems being faced due to improper Solid Waste Management cannot be understated for example Open dumping and burning of municipal solid waste is a common phenomenon in most towns in Zimbabwe. The academic study regarding solid waste management has been widely researched focusing on larger cities like Harare by scholars (e.gTevera ,1991;DNR ,1994 ;Milgr...

Causal Relationship between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Southern Africa: A Static and Dynamic Panel Data Approach (2006-2015)

ABSTRACT The study seeks to investigate the causal linkage between financial development and economic growth of 14 Southern African countries over the period 2006-2015. The study utilises static and dynamic panel regression models with private sector credit ratio and broad money ratio as financial development indicators. Mixed findings are found in this study depending on the method used. There is, however, convincing evidence of causality running from financial development to economic growth...

Effect Of Human Capital Management On Employee Performance In Public Teaching And Referral Hospitals In Kenya: A Case Of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching And Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Kisumu County Annual Development Plan 2017-2018 reports that, there are 120 public health facilities consisting of one county referral hospital, six sub-county hospitals and 113 primary care facilities. The current health care staffing levels in the county is represented by a “nurse to population ratio” of 1:1697 and a doctor to population ratio of 1:38511. Kisumu County, compared to other counties in Kenya, has topped from 2011-2017 show that inadequate medical services contribu...

Analysis Of Performance Determinants Of Microfinance Institutions And Factors Affecting Their Performance: A Case Of Harare Microfinance Institutions

ABSTRACT Microfinance main objective is to reduce poverty, to achieve this amazing objective microfinance institutions have to become strong in financial performance because donor dependency is uncertain. The research aim was to analyse the performance determinants of microfinance institutions and factors affecting their performance. This study was conducted focusing microfinance institutions in Harare. The main objective is to determine performance of microfinance institutions in Zimbabwe. T...

9256 - 9270 Of 19638 Results