ABSTRACT Zimbabwe’s education system has encountered a number of challenges in the provision of basic education as one of the children rights that every state has a mandate to provide. This loophole has been highlighted by high drop out rates and low pass rates nationwide. The government of Zimbabwe after encountering an economic lapse from 2005-8 which also greatly affected the education sector, came to terms with the international donor community through UNICEF and the Eduaction Transitio...
ABSTRACT The research project is about bridging the funding gap for National AIDS Council. The major objective of the study was establishment of the existence of the funding policy if in existence, how it was constituted, frequency of reviews, implementing guidelines and controls in place, its relevance in meeting new and changing needs of the organization. Research data was collected through questionnaires and interviews and was collected from directors, middle management and finance and adm...
ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the developmental impacts of MSU relocation to Zvishavane community. MSU’s relocation is derived from the idea of expansion and growth of the University to obtain quality tertiary education reaching throughout Zimbabwe, as a result of adoption of multi campus concept. The study unearthed the social, economic and environmental impacts that were brought about as a result of the relocation. Whenever a developmental activity is done, there are always negativ...
ABSTRACT The number of unaccompanied children who migrate across borders has been on the rise since the turn of the century. These children leave their homes in the absence of their parents and/or guardians to embark on a dangerous journey of migrating to neighboring countries, Botswana as in this case and most times without the required legal travel documents, resulting in children using undesignated crossing points which are dangerous to gain entry into Botswana. Upon deportation, some of t...
ABSTRACT This research seeks to explore the effects of formal diamond mining on the community of Chiadzwa. The research seeks to assess the challenges and problems that the community of Chiadzwa faced from 2009-2015 which emanated from the formalized diamond mining in Chiadzwa.2009 marked a turnaround in the diamond mining spectrum ,diamond mining in Chiadzwa shifted from illegal to legal or formalized diamond were companies such as Mbada, Anjin acquired mining claims from the Ministry of Min...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the participation of women in street vending and then evaluate its sustainability as a livelihood strategy by women in Harare Central Business District. Livelihood indicators were used in evaluating sustainability and these include, food security, income levels, level and quality of education, ability to acquire assets and the health standards. A sample of 30 women from 5 selected vending sites were selected as respondents. The researcher u...
Abstract The research set up to assess disaster response and relief in Zimbabwe from a gender perspective. Thus looking at whether response and relief in Zimbabwe is able to meet the needs of both men and women during disaster situations using a case of Tokwe Mukosi disaster. This research was done using primary and secondary sources. The research was largely qualitative in nature through the use of research techniques such as questionnaires, interviews as well as desktop research. Research f...
Abstract This study seeks to find out the role of church based organizations in peace building using the case study of CCJP Masvingo Diocese from 2008 to 2013.The study takes a look on the nature of political violence that occurred in Masvingo in 2008 which was characterized by the use of hate speech, beatings, torture, murder, destruction of houses and property. Violence hotspots are also highlighted in the study which includes Zaka, Bikita, Chiredzi and Nerupiri. The study goes on to lo...
ABSTRACT This study explores the empirical significance of justice perception and organizational citizenship behaviour of employees in small and medium enterprises in Lagos state, Nigeria. It also aims at establishing the moderating role of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, propensity to leave, and task performance, on the relationship between justice perception and organizational citizenship behaviour. The purpose of the study is to assist managers and operators of SMEs in Nigeri...
ABSTRACT This study is concerned with exploring the relationship between job performance and motivation using data from five federal ministries in Nigeria. The aim is to build a behavioural model of the relationship between job performance and motivation. The conceptual model of the study is that job performance is a function of motivation Personal characteristics are proposed as mediating factors. The model is from the standpoint of middle level officers and their bosses in the Nigerian publ...
ABSTRACT Zimbabwe is facing interwoven economic challenges, to the extent that financial distress amongst banks has been rampant owing to perennial liquidity constraints. The research focus was on identifying the determinants of bank liquidity for commercial banks in Zimbabwe during dollarization. The broad categories of determinants of liquidity entail the bank-specific factors and macroeconomic factors. The research adopted an explanatory research design and 16 commercial banks were used as...
ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effectiveness of cutting employee related costs exercised by Altfin Holdings Ltd.It is aligned with the background that operating costs had been increasing and need arose to reduce costs and still maintain a standing in the insurance industry. The scope of the research is to assess the effectiveness of cutting employee related costs on the viability and sustainability of the organization. A review of literature was carried out in order to establish what...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at addressing the problem of persistent capacity utilization problems faced by Sable Chemical Industries limited. The major objectives of the research study were the determination of the basis of calculating capacity, capacity-utilization, under-capacity utilisation, major causes of under-capacity utilisation, and effects of under-capacity utilisation to both the entity and the economy in its entirety and to prescribe the possible solutions to reverse the endanger...
ABSTRACT The research investigated the impact of environmental change on rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe using the case study of Hurungwe Ward 13 using the qualitative research method which was complimented by the quantitative method. Focus Group Discussions, questionnaires and direct observations were used to gather information on how environmental change impacts on the livelihoods of the people in the area under study. Semi-structured interviews were also used to get information from key info...
ABSTRACT The research aimed to ascertain the impact and influence of civil society particularly NGOs in achieving broad based development in the rural district of Mberengwa. The research was prompted by the lack of effectiveness of civil society in promoting broad based development. There has been mushrooming of CSOs within the development sector but with no significant development gains. The reason for undertaking this study was to identify the role of NGOs in the promotion of broad based de...