ABSTRACT This study investigates the performance and motivational challenges affecting the service delivery in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in Namibia. A questionnaire was designed to collect primary data on factor affecting services delivery in the MoHSS. Literature was done on best practices that motivate employees to increase organisational performance. The overall results reveal different factors that affect performance and motivation of employees in the Ministry of ...
Abstract Food security occupies a significant place in development discourse, planning and implementation. This study focused on examining the effectiveness of NGOs food security interventions, with particular focus on CARE International Zimbabwe’s projects in ward 18 of Zaka District. The primary objectives of the study was to establish the extent of food insecurity in ward 18 of Zaka District, and identifying food security interventions under CARE International Zimbabwe as well as identif...
ABSTRACT Fire is an ecological disturbance that may kill or topkill woody plants and control the biomass of woody species in disturbance prone areas, thus maintaining the co-existence of trees and grasses in savanna ecosystems. Relatively recently, savannas have been altered worldwide by a phenomenon known as bush encroachment, which is the suppression of grasses by woody species due to the increase in woody biomass. Terminalia sericea is a woody encroaching species which occurs in woodland s...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate on how financial institutions integrate risk indicators into their corporate performance management. The major objective of the study was to find out how financial institutions go about in identifying risk indicators for the various risks they are exposed to, who is responsible for the process of measuring and monitoring risks and how they report risk profiles and performance at the same time. The other objectives were to identify the various...
Abstract This research sought to unearth the role of financing in the sudden downturn in the operational cycle of Cool Ice Private Limited and its overall effect on SMEs’ viability in the manufacturing sector of Jaggers, Msasa, Harare Industrial Area. Literature was reviewed on the views of different writers on SME financing and linked to the Case study. The literature cited high borrowing costs, lack of collateral and high risk profile as the major constraints on SMEs financing. Various ef...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the link between the international accounting standards and the quality of financial reporting by the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency. The study used quantitative methodology with self-administered questionnaires to obtain data from employees of the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency. Structured interviews were also used to determine the relationship between international accounting standards and the quality of financial reporting. Limit...
ABSTRACT The research study was an evaluation of financial literacy’s impact on business performance, the Zimbabwean SMEs experience. The study was based on a survey of SME businesses across Zimbabwe who were reached for responses through structured questionnaires and interviews. The researcher used both primary and secondary data sources from a sample of 300 respondents. The sample was chosen from various value chain players across industries dominating the Zimbabwean SME landscape. The da...
ABSTRACT This study sought to analyze cost control measures and their impact on profitability of manufacturing companies. An increase in cost (operational and production costs) which added to reduced profitability in the manufacturing sector produced the need to address the problem through this research. The study was limited to cost control in manufacturing industry and as such it did not extend to other sectors of the economy. It was based on the assumption that all the responses from the c...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this project was to determine the impact of diversification on financial performance, so as toenhance the effective implementation of the diversification strategy. The central issue that gave rise to this research is the increased attention and growing popularity of diversification among Zimbabwean companies. This study adopted the descriptive research methodology to answer the research questions which were both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Both prima...
iv ABSTRACT The study sought to measure the effectiveness of Corporates Social Responsibility Activities on service delivery among the companies operating in Harare. The problem to be investigated emanates from the criticism the City of Harare had suffered over failure to deliver the anticipated services to the residents. Most companies are operating without much consideration to the environment and society within which they operate and some operations have led to outbreak of diseases through...
Abstract The main thrust of the study was to carry an analysis of e-banking as a costs reduction measure at CABS. The focus was on the analysis of the effectiveness of the e-banking model at CABS. A research was prompted as many authors castigated that e-banking present banks with a perfect opportunity to reduce costs and maximize profits but after having introduced e-banking at CABS costs did not reduce thereby creating a basis for researching into the reasons why. Empirical evidence was gat...
ABSTRACT Wheat is the second most important staple food crop in Zimbabwe after maize. However, because of lack of irrigation infrastructure and high cost of production the country is not meeting national demand and is relying on imports thereby losing a lot of foreign currency. Currently winter irrigated wheat production constitutes more than 90% of the local production. The country’s water reserves are also drying up due to low rainfall being received, meaning we cannot increase irrigated ...
ABSTRACT Taxation and other regulatory requirements were cited by the management at TVFH as the major causes behind the sharp reduction of annual profits and unfavourable working capital between the periods 2013 to 2015.A descriptive research design was employed on a sample population of 22 staff members at TVFH most of whom were from the administrative departments. A total of 18 questionnaires were distributed to the sample population while interviews were carried out on 4 heads of departmen...
ABSTRACT There was an outcry in the past three years over the salaries that State Enterprises and Parastatals bosses were awarding themselves yet service delivery has been lacking. This was termed the “Salarygate” by the media and saw a number of executives being relieved of their duties. The government moved in and set a top salary cap of $6,000 for all heads of SEPs, including benefits. Albeit all the efforts by the government, the Executives continued to receive huge salaries against p...
ABSTRACT The study set out to establish why there seemed to be contrasting discourses emanating from The Herald and Newsday’s framing of a proposed opposition alliance prior to the 31 July 2013 elections. While polarisation of the media in Zimbabwe had been documented before, the period in which this study takes place was unique in that the country was in a dispensation of a government of national unity (GNU). The previous polarised environment was expected to have been corrected or at leas...