ABSTRACT Climate change has negative implications on small scale farmers in Zhombe Communal area as evidenced by the failure of agricultural production and poor rural living standards. The farmers within the area have adopted different improvisation strategies as a way of adapting to the climatic changes. The strategies include plant staggering, stream bank cultivation, irrigation farming, organic farming, conservation farming, harnessing IKS, and growing of small grain drought resistant crop...
ABSTRACT Establishing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) brings positive attributes to the community. Amongst the prospects of establishing SEZs include enticing Foreign Direct Investment which would spur employment in the revived firms which would eradicate poverty and improve the standards of living of the community. Establishing SEZs also improves Council’s revenue inflows due to the fact that residents would be employed in the revamped firms, therefore they would be able to pay their financi...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of cost cutting measure on financial performance using ZETDC as a case. The research objectives outlined the nature of cost cutting techniques, how cost cutting affect financial performance and challenges faced in the implementation of cost cutting. The descriptive survey research design was used and data was gathered through the use of structured questionnaires and interviews and a total population of 41 employees which inc...
ABSTRACT Suicide is one of the leading cause of death around the world. All age groups are targets of suicide. Major causes of suicide are depression, mental illness and even different life constraints. Pesticides, guns, poison and hanging are some of the other risk factors to suicide. The study reviewed that even though research has been done on suicide a blind eye has been paid to the experiences of people bereaved by suicide hence the purpose of this study. The qualitative approach was use...
ABSTRACT Climate change has resulted in several effects which include floods, droughts and shifts in marginal agriculture systems leading to a reduction in agriculture output which has led to food insecurity in the country. Following some analysis, adaptation has been suggested as the way to combat the effects of climate change, but however, these adaptation strategies are area specific and affected by different factors thus the researcher sought to analyse the factors affecting climate chang...
Abstract The distribution of the world’s flora and fauna is shaped by different environmental factors. Such factors operate either locally, regionally or globally to influence species distribution. Studies of vegetation-environment relationship are very crucial especially under current and future changes in climate. The Kalahari basin also known as ‘thurstland’ offers an excellent basis for these studies at a sub-continental scale due to its variability and uncertainty of rainfall, high...
ABSTRACT The research investigated the role played by local authorities in service delivery using a case study of Kadoma City Council. The study analyzed different sources of service delivery and their contribution to the community at large. The research aimed at bringing out the understanding of the role of local authorities including the factors and causes of poor service delivery which was reviewed and discussed .The role of local authorities in service delivery is vital to human developme...
Abstract: Issues of constitutionalism, good governance and democracy are determined by the type of leadership in a country and/or continent. Despite colonial legacy, leadership in Africa has struggled to promote pro-people policies that accommodate the needs of the populace. Leadership deficiency is a cause for concern in African countries in terms of progressive and visionary leadership. Perspectives on political leadership in Africa vary from the“criminalisation” of the state to politic...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the relationship between ownership structure and firm performance in companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The study analysed the various types and forms of ownership structure and how the influence the performance of the listed companies. Deferent forms of performance measures and determinants were also explored. The study made use of secondary data collected on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange for a period of four years (2010-2013) and the data was...
Abstract The defeat of ZANU PF party in first round of the March 2008 election resulted in a massive violence against its oppositions the MDCs. The violence attracted attention from the international communities, thereby leading to the intervention of SADC in Zimbabwe. The research noted that a summit was held to discuss Zimbabwe’s political violence. The former president of South Thabo Mbeki was to lead a peace keeping mission as a mediator between the ZANU PF party and the MDCs. The negot...
ABSTRACT The study set out to establish why there seemed to be contrasting discourses emanating from The Herald and Newsday‟s framing of a proposed opposition alliance prior to the 31 July 2013 elections. While polarisation of the media in Zimbabwe had been documented before, the period in which this study takes place was unique in that the country was in a dispensation of a government of national unity (GNU). The previous polarised environment was expected to have been corrected or at leas...
ABSTRACT This study considers the effect of urbanization on key economic social and environmental variables. These variables are used to develop indices to measure sustainable development in the urban areas of south-west Nigeria. It is done by assessing the impact of urbanization and some other driving force of development on urban economic growth and the quality of life and quality of the environment in the area. A thorough review of issues and concerns relating to urbanization economics gro...
ABSTRACT This study examines the interactive effects among road transport infrastructure development, economic growth and poverty level in Nigeria. This was with the view to providing empirical evidence on the linkages among road transport infrastructure, economic growth and poverty level. The study used secondary data. Annual time series data from 1980 to 2013 on road network, Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) and Real Consumption Expenditure per Capita were collected from Central Bank of N...
ABSTRACT The main objectives of this study are to: (i). develop two valid and reliable psychological instruments for assessing safety management practices (SMP) and situation awareness (SA) in accident-prone Nigerian work organizations; (ii). investigate the relationships between situation awareness and safety management practices in the selected Nigerian work organizations; ;(iii) determine how situation awareness and safety management practices would predict effective performance (commitme...
ABSTRACT Loganiaceae is a family of flowering plants classified in the Order Gentianales (Bendre, 1975). The family was first suggested by Robert Brown in 1814 and validly published by von Martius in 1827 (Nicholas and Baijnath, 1994). Members habits are in form of trees, shrubs, woody climbers and herbs. Some are epiphytes while some members are furnished with spines or tendrils (Bendre, 1975). They are distributed mainly in the tropics, subtropics and a few in temperate regions (Backlund et...