ABSTRACT This paper looked at human resource development and the utilisation of expatriates in Namibia's Ministries of Health and Social Services and Basic Education, Sports and Culture. The two ministries are among those which were projected to continue to suffer from scarcities of skilled and professional human resources by the National Planning Commission (NPC, 2002). The broad objective of the study is to establish the progress made in addressing skills shortages and replacement of expatr...
ABSTRACT This research investigated the role of stakeholders in the local economic development in the Swakopmund Municipality. The study sought to find out the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the local economic development in Swakopmund Municipality. It also further identified the contributing factors affecting the effective participation of stakeholders in local economic development programmes. The study employed a qualitative approach which relied mainly on semi-structured int...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between gross domestic savings and the interest rate in Namibia. It should be pointed out that the interest rate was subsumed by the repo rate. This objective is divided into two sections, namely to investigate the short and long run relationship and to test for causality between the gross domestic savings and the repo rate. The study used annual time series for the period 1981 to 2017 to test for the relationship be...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the extent to which employee wellness is implemented in the Namibian public service in general, and based its findings on a case study of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). The study seek to answer five particular questions; to what extent employee wellness is supported by the organisation, what employee wellness activities are in place at the MET, the level of interest employees have towards wellness activities, how employees rate the effectivenes...
Abstract It is usually expected for post-independence governments to rectify past injustices committed by the former colonial masters. These could be injustices in relation to social, political economical, gender, race etc. Of interest to this study is the issue of affirmative action. The study investigates the impact and consequences of the affirmative action policy in its quest to eradicate past imbalances in the employment sphere. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the Aff...
ABSTRACT Knowledge, attitude and practice of health care workers have a greater impact on proper waste segregation globally. Therefore, in this paper it was essential to explore the knowledge, attitude and practice of HCWs on waste segregation in Namibia. The aim of the study was to explore the knowledge, practice and attitude of health care workers on waste segregation at Windhoek Central Hospital (WCH) and Intermediate Hospital Katutura (IHK), Khomas region and to propose interventions for ...
ABSTRACT The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the decentralisation policy on service delivery in the education sector in the Kavango region. The findings revealed that there is a little understanding of the decentralisation policy among research participants. The study found that the insignificant changes noticed mostly on handling and processing of financial matters as well as decision-making on finance issues. Meanwhile there are still a delay in providing educational good an...
ABSTRACT This study aims at determining the major factors and causes that hinder the smooth implementation of the Decentralized Built Together Programme in the City of Windhoek, examining how and whether the needs and concerns of low-income groups of society are addressed and met effectively. Findings of the study reveal that the beneficiaries, while appreciating the existence of the DBTP, are experiencing major frustrations with regard to the programme. Frustrations are largely the result of...
Abstract Workers, individually, are too weak and not capable of having their demands met at their workplaces hence the need for a union to take advantage of the power that comes with unity and collectivism. This being the case, one recognizes as many would, the need of an effective collective bargaining unit. Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) is one of the largest trade unions which recruits its members from the, public service and parastatals. Its effectiveness in representing its members...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Although the initiative is quite new, many contributions have been made and many articles written about it. NEPAD is the latest initiative aimed at improving economic growth and development in Africa. It is a programme of the African Union (AU) and all member states of the AU are automatically members of the NEPAD programme. The other earlier initiatives such as the Lagos Plan of Action (1980), amongst oth...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to evaluate Green Scheme projects in the Kavango region with specific emphasis on the awareness, integration, and capacity building of small scale farmers. The Shadikongoro Green Scheme project from the Mukwe constituency and the Ndonga Linena Green Scheme project from the Ndonga Linena constituency, were purposively selected for this study. As per the statistics from the national census in 2001 and 2011, the Kavango region (now Kavango East and W...
ABSTRACT For more than a decade, human resource, organizational and institutional developments have become indispensable dimensions of Namibia’s socio economic development agenda, particularly of her system-wide financial performance. This study was set out to explore and establish the human resource, organizational and institutional development challenges facing the Municipality of Karibib within the context of financial performance. The central argument of the study is that human resource...
BSTRACT This thesis aimed at investigating the financing and affordability of higher education in Namibia. It will specifically look at how education is financed in Namibia and whether its affordability to those that provides students with funds to pay for all costs of studying. The study is guided by research objectives and used secondary data to compare similar works that were carried out by other researchers on financing and affordability of higher education. A quantitative approach was us...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the child justice systems dealing with children in conflict with the law. The research venue was the C-Court at the Katutura Magistrate Court and the duty stations of the key informants were in Windhoek. The researcher used qualitative and quantitative research approaches in conducting the study. The qualitative research approach applied the summative evaluation and the quantitative method utilized the survey design. A structured questio...
Abstract A quantitative case study investigated the challenges encountered by low income earners in Otjomuise in raising finance for acquiring a dwelling. The simple random stratified sampling technique was used to sample the households, housing finance schemes and the commercial banks approached for the study. Using a questionnaire, the study investigated, firstly, the challenges encountered by low income earners in Otjomuise in raising finance for a dwelling through a housing finance scheme...