ABSTRACT Despite the existence of many SMEs, there are several factors that limit SMEs from accessing business advisory services. In Namibia, the problem facing SMEs in accessing advisory services is not different from other countries. This study sought to investigate the factors affecting SMEs’ access to business advisory services at the Windhoek Incubator Centre. A mixed research method was used for this study. Using Slovene’s formula, a sample of 38 businesses was drawn from the popula...
Abstract This study makes use of ordinary least squares (OLS) technique in conjuction with the cointegration and error correction models to determine factors influencing investment in Namibia, using data for the period 1960-2006. The results suggest that in the long run, real investment in Namibia is positively related to and influenced by GDP and investment in uranium mines by Rossing during 1970s, while negatively related to the prime lending rates and the inflation rates. In the short-run,...
ABSTRACT Introduction: Numerous incidents related to work stress have been reported in the media. Aggressiveness and use of force are some of the evidence in reports of the Namibian Police Force. As with many other countries, police officers in Namibia have a higher propensity to be stressed because of the nature of their work where they are constantly encountering trouble, crisis and conflict in the work environment. The present study was aimed at investigating work stress management in the ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect revenue collection at Erongo RED. The Regional Electricity Distributors (REDs) in Namibia face numerous non-technical problems of which inadequate revenue collection is one (Von Oertzen, 2009). The researcher used a descriptive survey research design which uses both the quantitative and qualitative methods in conjunction with data collection instruments such as questionnaires and interview guides, with a sample of 1...
Abstract Although micro lending can provide some benefits to the low income socioeconomic grouping, it often results in over-indebtedness for many families. The focus of this study was on the factors contributing to indebtedness of public servants of Fransfontein Settlement in the Kunene region. The study objectives were to determine decisions for loan sizes that they acquire; assessment of the levels of indebtedness; identification of the impact of micro lending on public servant’s consump...
TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………………ii DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………iii DECLARATION ……………………………………………………………iv LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………….x LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………xii LIST OF ACRONYMS ...............................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................. v DECLARATION ..............................................
ABSTRACT Violence amongst women has become a concern worldwide, including in Namibia. These violent and aggressive behaviours stem from various challenges experienced by women, overall. If such behaviours persist, the role of women as caregivers will be compromised as incarceration would be inevitable and their absence may have adverse consequences on the overall functioning of their families. Understanding these factors can assist in the application of gender-sensitive approaches, tailored s...
ABSTRACT Corporate governance is a challenge in many state owned institutions. Telecom is a private company in which the major shareholder is the government. The researcher sought to investigate the factors that affect corporate governance at Telecom. The population of this study comprised of the executive employees of Telecom and its board of directors. Good corporate governance practices are believed to be one of the effective strategies for redressing poverty, maximising revenue, increasin...
ABSTRACT There are over 1 million orphans in the country, half of whom live in conditions of extreme poverty. These poverty conditions compromise children’s futures because they cannot afford basic education despite the “Free Primary Education” policy. This study was carried out in Lusaka. 180 orphans and non-orphans were compared to find out whether orphans were more disadvantaged than non-orphans. The study investigated the family structures of orphans, quality of education they recei...
Abstract Affordable housing is one of the most important economic indicators of a country. The shortage of affordable housing is not only limited to the city of Windhoek but affects the country as a whole. A major concern pertaining to affordable housing is that it affects mostly the less privileged people in the population who are in the low and middle income groups. The study focused on the shortage of the affordable housing supply in Windhoek Combination of quantitative and qualitative app...
Abstract The study investigates why the probation process has become a mere formality in the public service institutions in Namibia. It particularly evaluates the existing probation process, identifies factors and challenges of probation in the Oshana Regional Council (ORC): Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture (DOEAC). A questionnaire and interview guide were designed to collect primary data on factors influencing staff performance during probation in the public service institutions in...
ABSTRACT: For generations, Customary/Community Courts have played a vital role in the resolution and settlement of disputes among community members. Traditional leaders have been instrumental both as law-makers and as enforcing judges of the customary law observed by the majority of the population of the area under their jurisdiction. Usually chiefs and specific headmen are empowered to hear and determine law and custom brought before them by the residents within their respective areas of jur...
ABSTRACT One of macro-economic theories suggests that there exists a causal relationship running from budget deficit to current account deficit, and this concept is referred to as the Twin Deficit Hypothesis. Previous studies on the twin deficit hypothesis generated mixed findings. Some of the studies supports the hypothesis while others do not. This study is aimed at analysing the relationship between budget deficit and current account deficit in Namibia, while taking into account interest a...
ABSTRACT Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic role in many developing and developed countries all over the world. In Namibia, for example, the SME sector contributed over 13 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product in 2012 according to the National Statistics Agency report. As another example, the development of SMEs has increasingly contributed to China’s economic growth whereby they make up over 99 per cent of all enterprises in China (Liu, 2008). Despite their sign...