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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Involvement Of Local Communities In Solid Waste Management In Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT Solid waste management in urban areas in Tanzania is still a great challenge, Dodoma city is among of the urban areas which has not succeeded in management of solid wastes. There is insufficient and sustainable means of collection of wastes in households and communities. Therefore, this study examines roles played and challenges faced by community in the improvement of solid waste management. A cross section design was used to gather information from selected representative wards. P...

Contribution Of Horticulture In Livelihood Of Small Scale Farmers: A Case Of Tomato Farming In Kilolo District

ABSTRACT In sub-Saharan Africa, tomato is an important vegetable crop as it greatly contributes to the incomes of smallholder farmers. Tanzania is among of the African countries where tomato farming contributes to the income generation of small farmers. This study sought to establish the contribution of tomatoes farming in livelihood of small farmers in Kilolo District. Specifically the study aimed to asses tomatoes farming practices, to establish the contribution of tomatoes farming in inco...

Assessment Of The Determinants Of Public Servants Effectiveness In Ward Administration: A Case Of Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT The study assessed the determinants of Public Servants Effectiveness in Ward Administration drawing experiences from Dodoma City Council (DCC). The study, specifically examined the working conditions of public servants in ward administration and context in relation to their responsibilities; explored the challenges faced by public servants’ in implementing their roles in LGAs and suggested alternative solutions to enhance effectiveness of public servants at ward administration and...

Determinants Of Repayment Performance Of Group And Individual Lending In Microfinance: A Case Study In The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The main objective of the study was to compare the repayment performance of group clients and individual clients of microfinance institutions in order to bring to light factors that determine repayment performance in groups and individual credit beneficiaries. Two financial institutions namely WACCU and SRB were involved in the study. Finding showed that individual lending yielded a better repayment performance than group ...

The Effects Of Women Empowerment Programmes On Women Leadership In Public Sector Organizations: The Case Of The Ministry Of Agriculture

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of women empowerment programmes on women leadership in public sector organizations drawing on the data collected from the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. Thus, the study is built upon three key themes, namely the reasons why women are under-represented in leadership positions at the Ministry of Agriculture, the level of awareness of women empowerment programs at the Ministry of Agriculture by women employee, and the role played by other stake...

Financial Motivation And Health Service Delivery In Local Government In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Ilala Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess financial motivation and health services delivery in health institutions under the local government authority. Ilala Municipality was taken as the case study, name of the healthy facility which were involved are Amana, Mnazi Mmoja, Buguruni, Magereza Ukonga and IDC Clinic. Randomly selected were 80 respondents as a sample size of the study so as to get relevant and reliable information concerning the study and probability and non probability s...

Mitigation Of Farmer - Herder Conflicts In Mbarali District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study sought to capture information on the mitigation of farmer - herder conflicts in two villages, namely Mbuyuni and Uturo in Mbarali District, Tanzania. The study was conducted to achieve the following specific objectives: (i) to evaluate the functions of related institutions and stakeholders towards conflicts resolution and management. (ii) To assess the impacts of land conflicts among the land users and (iii) to suggest alternative strategies and /or mechanisms for mitigat...

The Contribution Of NGOs Towards Improving Living Standards Of Local Communities: The Case Of Bwembwera Area Development Programme (ADP)

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to examine the contribution of NGOs towards improving the living standards of the local communities. The study was conducted at Bwembwera Area Development Programme (ADP) in Muheza District. The research used a case study approach and collected data using interviews and documentary evidence. Participants involved in the study were ADP staff, teachers, peasants, village executive officers and health officers. The data collected were analyzed using ...

The prospects and challenges of meeting housing needs: the case of ghana’s real estate sector.

ABSTRACT  Research by scholars and experiences gathered by practitioners have established that real estate development requires multiple processes that are often risky, lengthy and complicated. This is because there exist a lot of obstacles in real estate development. In spite of the seemingly obstacles in the real estate sector, real estate development projects also present lucrative investment opportunities for estate developers. In the Ghanaian context, real estate development is bedevile...

The Role Of ICT In Improving Educational Management And Administration - A Case Study Of Public Secondary Schools In Dodoma Municipality, Dodoma Region.

ABSTRACT This study intended to investigate on the role of ICT in improving educational management and administration in Dodoma Municipality. The main objectives of the study were to investigate on the application of ICT in data and information storage for education management, to determine secondary school teacher’s performance of ICT application in educational management and to determine the barriers that hinder secondary school teacher’s practices of the ICT in educational management....

Gender Access To Microfinance: A Case Study Of Loan Repayment Determinants In Greater Accra Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Most microfinance institutions globally, have majority of their customers as women with few men or even in some cases, no men at all. The study investigated the reasons for the gender imbalances in the microfinance industries guided by microfinance loan repayment determinants. A census of 74 microfinance institutions from four districts of Accra; Tema Metropolitan, Ashaiman Municipal, Dangbe East District and finally, Ningo/Prampra District Assembly were interviewed. A sample of 370...

Edu Frontiers 129 PAGES (29309 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Community Based Health Insurance Schemes And Protection Of The Rural Poor: Empirical Evidence From TanzaniaCommunity Based Health Insurance Schemes And Protection Of The Rural Poor: Empirical

Abstract The objectives of this study are two folds: firstly to explore the magnitude of catastrophic expenditure, and secondly to determine its contributing factor,s including the protective impact of the voluntary community based health insurance schemes in Tanzania. The study covered 274 respondents. Study findings have shown that the estimated poverty line was Tsh.35,064.6 (US$21.25). Of the sampled respondents, 30.3% experienced catastrophic expenditure in the range of 10-20% of their c...

An Assessment Of Factors Influencing Revenue Collection In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: The Case Of Mbeya City Council

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing factors that influence revenue collection in local government authorities. The study was conducted in 7 wards of Mbeya City namely; Ruanda, Iyunga, Ilomba, Forest, Igawilo, Sisimba and Nsalaga. The research used a case study approach and collected data using interviews, questionnaire, documentarysources and FGD. Participants involved in the study were the principal income earners in the households. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively and quant...

Determinants Of Construction Performance Among Small Scale Construction Firms In Ghana

ABSTRACT The extant literature has under-explored the factors that determine construction performance among small scale building contractors in Ghana. Using the data set of 50 questionnaire received from respondents in the sector, this study examines the determinants that affect construction performance. The descriptive statistics as well as the analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach was used to make inferences from the data collected. The results indicate that the factors of performance of s...

The Role Of Local Government Authorities In Promoting Citizen Participation Toward Development: A Case Study Of Kizota Ward In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT For the last three decades, citizen participation has become an increasing aspect of and as a key of development within the realm of good governance across the world. It has gained ground and has been embraced in political, economic and social spheres of life. Governments emphasize participatory approaches in the development activities that intend to benefit a given community. This research aimed to explore the role of local authority in promoting citizen participation toward develo...

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