ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of water supply services on consumer’s choice of water meter focusing post and pre-paid water meters in the selected water Authorities in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the influence of access, delivery, and affordability of water service on consumer’s choice of post and pre-paid water meters. The random sampling was used to select the sample size of this study which involve 100 customers from Song...
ABSTRACT Tourism industry in Tanzania continues to draw attention from various stakeholders. Different tour operator companies applied different pricing strategies to ensure their good performance. This study aimed to examine the pricing strategies used by tour operator companies in Tanzania and how these strategies influence their performances. A total number of 121tour operator companies in Arusha city were involved in this study. The descriptive research design which is cross sectional was...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the challenges for implementing Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development in Tanzania. The objective was to assess the level of urban infrastructural development in Tanzania that would ensure sustainable urban development focusing on the implementation of TSCP in Dodoma Municipality. TSCP was meant to generate significant social benefits through infrastructure improvement, rehabilitation and upgrading of urban roads and drainage, construction of...
ABSTRACT Improvement of organizational performance in secondary education sub-sector in Tanzania has been an ongoing activity. This is done in order to ensure that the management capacities of the secondary schools are able to guarantee improved delivery of the service. The current study aimed at examining the role and influence of managers in organizational performance in secondary school in Tanzania. Literature regarding the role and influence of school managers suggest that managers are ve...
ABSTRACT This study on the impact of capital market on industrial development of Nigeria, covered the period, 1986-2005. Employing the ordinary least square regression analysis, all the four hypotheses proved significant even at 0% alpha level, thus suggesting that the models were wellspecified. The major findings are that the capital market exhibits a significant relationship with the levels of industrial development, fixed capital investments, new issues or capital formation and Nige...
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE……………………….…………………………………. i CERTIFICATION…………………………………………………….. ii DEDICATION………………………………………………………... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………. iv TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………. v CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY……………………………..…… 1...
ABSTRACT This study on the Impact of External Debt on Growth and Development of the Nigerian Economy from 1980-2001. The study is therefore necessitated by the need to find solution to the increasing external debt stock and service payments, which have become a constraining factor to economic growth. To find out how Nigeria has effectively managed her external debt and to identify the factors responsible for the inability of the Nigerian economy to expand irrespective of the increa...
ABSTRACT Most economic rationale for granting special incentive for attracting foreign direct investment [FDI], is based on the belief that FDI bridges the “Ideal gaps” between the rich and the poor nations, in addition to the generation of technological transfer and spillovers. Empirical literature however finds controversial, the effect of FDI on productivity growth. This work contributes to the existing studies by applying correlation and causality test in exploring the possible links...
ABSTRACT The reasons certain groups of people remain enriched by polio immunization services and why others reject them, have been a concern to researchers, some have attributed it to religious and traditional beliefs while others suggested that it is as a result in different attitude prediction and beliefs of people. The objective of the study is to examine the attitudes of people towards polio immunization in Argungu Local Government Kebbi State. The methodology employed was purely descript...
ABSTRACT This study examines the factors influencing enrolment into community health fund: A case of Songea Municipality (Tanzania)”.The objective of the study was to explore the factors influencing enrolment into the CHF, which was guided by three specific objectives. The objectives were: Exploring the community knowledge on CHF implementation; examining socio-cultural practices influences on enrolment into CHF; and finding out how the national health policy of 2007 influences enrolment in...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of liquidity management on banks’ profitability, covering a period of fifteen years, from 1990 – 2004. Three explanatory variables were selected as proxies for liquidity management (short term fund, loanable funds and cash) in order to assess their impact on banks’ profitability. The result of the linear multiple regression analysis confirms the existence of a significant relationship between liquidity management and banks’ profi...
ABSTRACT Prisons in many countries of the world are overcrowded and congested, have decaying infrastructure, lack hygiene and adequate health facilities, and, as such, prisoner’s health and life are in danger. An attempt to analyze the rights of inmates in Kaura Namoda Satalite prison is the major objective. Moreover, survey research was used for the purpose of the study which adopts both quantitative and qualitative methods of research. It samples the entire population in the prison (80 re...
ABSTRACT This study aimed to explore the role of education management of school boards after the decentralization of secondary education to determine whether it reflects the students‘ performance. The study also sought to determine the effectiveness of educational management through school boards on students‘ performance for form IV national examination in Same district council, Kilimanjaro Region. The study used both Qualitative and Quantitative methods on research design to solicit info...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Practices in Public Secondary Schools in Dodoma Municipality. The major concern was to see whether the practices were properly administered and whether the process yields the expected results. To achieve this objective, interviews, questionnaires and documentary review were used as data collection techniques. The research data were gathered from 90 respondents and data were coded and analysed using statistical Packag...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine if there is significant increase in output of the Nigerian farmers after micro credit loan had been obtained. The study made use of secondary data predominantly, especially data from the Nigeria Agricultural Co operative and Rural Development (NACRDB). The Statistical tool used in the analysis are : Difference between tow means of X and Y variable; spearman correlation coefficient of variations and finally the Z test. At the end o...