ABSTRACT Mathematics is essential for daily life and plays a crucial role in school curricula; yet students‘ performance in it remains very low worldwide, Tanzania not being exceptional. This study intended to find out whether teacher characteristics, teaching methods, use of teaching resources and student attitudes towards mathematics affect students‗ performance in mathematics or not. The study was conducted in Morogoro region at Morogoro municipality, which has a total of sixty seven p...
ABSTRACT The central focus of this study is to understand the way the local communities involve in the management of mangrove forest. It considers Bwejuu village in Zanzibar as a case study. The study used questionnaires schedules and interviews guides as tool of collecting data from the respondents concerned. Purposive sampling and the simple random techniques were resorted to whereby samples of almost 80 respondents were used to represent the total population of the universe. The study reve...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the Microfinance Institutions in delinquency management specifically at Dodoma Municipality. It is guided by four specific objectives which were: to determine the management strategies aimed at reducing MFI loan delinquency, to investigate the root course of delinquency in MFI, to evaluate the challenges facing MFIs in delinquency management and to assess the determinant parameters for effective MFI delinquency management. A sample of 110 respondents was used and ...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine current pedagogical practices in early childhood education and care in Tanzania, a reflection from policy and practices to the implementation of Learner-Centred Pedagogy and to put forward possible improvements for the future. In 2005 a new pre-school education curriculum introduced a learner-centred pedagogy so the first intention of this study was to find out how this pedagogy was being used in the classroom context. Anecdotal experiences i...
ABSTRACT This study was meant to assess the compliance towards ethical leadership among Government employees in Tanzania by taking the University of Dodoma as a case study. It also assessed how Government employees are aware and influence ethical leadership. The challenges and willingness of Government employees to comply with ethical leadership and their impact on efficient and effective delivery of public services were also part of the concern. A cross sectional research design was adopted...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of motorcycle taxi “Boda Boda” as a new paradigm for livelihood diversification. Specifically, the study aimed to get a better understanding on the socio-economic contributions and constraints of motorcycle taxi “Boda Boda” in rural areas and their implications on livelihood diversification at the household level. The study was conducted in Dodoma Region, Tanzania, whereby Chamwino District with the predominantly agro...
ABSTRACT Internal audit is vital part of management within any organization. Currently, Tanzania is experiencing the problem of ineffective Internal Audit in LGAs. This study examined the effectiveness of the internal audit on the performance of internal audit services in the selected Local Government Authorities in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to determine the influence of audit quality in the performance of internal audit services, to examine the influence of organizational settin...
ABSTRACT The study, has aimed to assess contract management and its impact in public buildings projects. The study specifically has focused on determining the extent to which stake holders perceive contract management in relation to public building projects. In additional the study determines the impact of management of quality, time and cost effectiveness, the study also determines causes for poor contract management. A cross sectional research design was adopted; sample sizes of 40 respond...
ABSTRACT This research is a study on urban agriculture as a tool for environmental management in Dodoma Municipality. The general objective of the study is to investigate the real and potential contributions of urban agriculture as a tool for urban environmental management in Dodoma municipal area. The analysis of the study utilized both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey that covered104 farming households in four wards namely, Makulu, K/Nde...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval Page - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - iv Table of Content - - - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Research Problem - - - - - - - - 3 1.2 Research Question - - - - - - - - 4 1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study - - - - - - 5 1.4 Assumption of the Study - - - - - - - 5 1.5 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - 5 1.6 Scope of the St...
ABSTRACT The literatures show that, until recently, Tanzania’s poverty indices have been calculated using an income approach only. Therefore, this study aimed at covering the existing gap of measuring poverty in multidimensional way. The main objective of the study was to calculate the multidimensional poverty index of Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to determine non-monetary deprivation levels in Tanzania; to examine the determinants of multidimensional poverty; and to determin...
ABSTRACT Human Resource Management Practices is the pivotal tool in managing organizational employee performance. A case study was carried out in Magu District Council to assess the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational employees‟ performance in Public Service Sectors. The study methodology based on the qualitative paradigm based on specific objectives: To identify and examine the awareness of HRM practices and the level of professional qualifications of Human Reso...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the impact of political culture on corruption in the public sector in Zanzibar with special reference to the Zanzibar Port Corporation. The study was guided by specific objectives, namely, to identify the effects of beliefs on favouritism in the public sector in Tanzania; to assess the influence of values on embezzlement in the public sector; to examine the influence of norms on bribery in the public sector; and to identify measures to control the n...
ABSTRACT This study explores challenges facing procurement management in Kwimba district council in Mwanza, Tanzania. It analyses a procurement management that concerns with purchasing economic resources, negotiating right items of the right prices, at a right time and getting the best quality resources for Kwimba district council operation. The primary objective of the study was to examine how the procurement management faced with the problem and possible recommendation that can reduce such ...
ABSTRACT The research was carried out to assessed the impact of corporate social responsibility on firm performance of MTN Nigeria a case study of Sokoto branch (2007-2013).Primary data were obtained from pretested questionnaire administered to forty (40) respondents (stakeholder and MTN staff). Secondary data on the annual reports of the company (2007 - 2013) were examined. Data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics at P