ABSTRACT Due to changing of demographic, economic, political and environmental the livelihood strategies developed by aged people deserve particular attention. Lack of government support and decreasing extension family has meant that older people are increasingly expected to find their own means of support into old age to develop their own strategies and rely on their own resources. A sample size of 65 (sixty five) respondents among the population of elderly persons in fishing community was ...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the impact of crime on coastal tourism along the coastal areas of Nungwi, Kiwengwa and Matemwe in Zanzibar. The questionnaires, interview, and focus group discussion were employed to assess the social economic activities as well as the impacts of crime rate along the coastal areas. A total of 98 participants who were randomly selected were involved in the study of which 34 were from Nungwi, 32 from Kiwengwa and other 32 from Matemwe. The results of the st...
ABSTRACT Teacher motivation has become an important issue given their responsibility to impart knowledge and skills to learners. Consequently, this study investigated the effects of motivation on the performance of secondary school teachers in Nyamagana District, Mwanza Region. Specifically, the study sought to find out whether motivation of teachers had any effect on their morale to perform. A descriptive survey research design was adapted where a total sample of 100 respondents including se...
ABSTRACT The study assessed park-people relations and their contribution in community livelihoods at KINAPA and its surrounding communities. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate park-people relations, to examine the factors influencing the park-people relations at KINAPA and to examine contribution of the park to the livelihoods of communities adjacent to the Kilimanjaro National Park. A sample of 99 respondents were selected from Foo and Wari villages and involved in the ...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the strategies adopted by private organizations in employees‟ retention in Tanzania using NMB Bank in Dodoma district as a case study. Four research objectives guided the study. First, to identify the causes of employee attrition in the private organizations; second, to examine the current retention strategies in the private organizations; thirdly, to examine the usefulness of the current retention practices in retaining the employee in the private organization...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the implications of climate change adaptation measures towards the control of pests and diseases in grapevines farming. The study was conducted in Dodoma in the villages of Mpunguzi, Hombolo, Veyula and Zuzu. These villages were selected due to the fact that they grow grapevines and are likely affected by climate change with implications on the occurrence of pests and diseases. The specific objectives were; to establish the trend of climate parameters in...
ABSTRACT The explosive growth of use of mobile money has had the unintended benefit of increasing public involvement in the formal financial system, including expansion of savings accounts in the regulated financial intermediaries. In additional to those funds transferred to people living in remote areas help them to purchase basic needs. To the farmers and other business people use mobile financial to sell and purchase inputs to their activities. The study was undertaken in order to assess ...
ABSTRACT This study focused on investigating strategies for teachers’ recruitment and retention and their effectiveness in improving the process of recruiting and retaining secondary school teachers in Ilala District Council. The study adopted a case study design, which largely employs qualitative approach with some elements of quantitative approaches in data collection. The total population for this study expected to provide relevant information included forty eight (48) secondary school ...
ABSTRACT The study intended to assess the contribution of mechanized agricultural equipments in Corn production in Dodoma, the case of Kongwa District Council. The following specific objectives guided data collection: to examine the status of mechanized agricultural equipments and inputs for corn production, to examine its contribution in corn production and to explore the challenges facing farmer groups in managing and using mechanized agricultural equipments for corn production in the stud...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Dodoma Municipal office with the purpose of assessing strategies used to fight against HIV/AIDS at work places. Specific objectives were to assess the strategies which were used by the Dodoma Municipal in fighting against HIV/AIDS, assess the attitudes and responses of workers on using HIV/AIDS strategy, to study the problems/challenges which are faced by Dodoma Municipal in fighting against HIV/AIDS. Most of the literature review focused on behavior chang...
This study aimed at assessing factors influencing adoption of digital marketing in commercial banks operating in Tanzania. Specific objectives were include examining factors influencing adoption of digital marketing, determining the influence of individual factors on adoption of digital marketing, analyzing the influences of organizational factors on adoption of digital marketing and determine the influence of social factors on adoption of digital marketing. The sample size of the study was 9...
ABSTRACT The study to assess the sustainability of Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve, Zanzibar was conducted in May 2012. Four villages were involved namely Pongwe, Ndudu, Kumbaurembo and Gulioni. The data were collected by using questionnaires, interview, focused group discussions, physical site visits and literature reviews. One hundred and twenty households, four village leaders and ten forest officers participated in this study. The data were analysed using statistical package for Social Sc...
ABSTRACT The main objective of Microfinance institution in Tanzania is the provision of financial services to the low earner income who fail to acquire funds from banks. This study focused on Women empowerment through microfinance institutions. The study aimed at examining the contribution of microfinance institution to Women empowerment specifically to identify the policies or regulations guiding women empowerment, to assess the microfinance funding and utilization of funds. Also to assess ...
ABSTRACT The decision to investigate on the potentials of SMEs for youth employment in Mwanza, emanated from the increasingly unemployment problem to youth in the country. The existence of SMEs sought to reduce unemployment problem. However in Mwanza city and to most big towns there is massive unemployed youth with the presence of SMEs. Therefore, the study aims to examine potentials of SMEs in youth employment, highlights challenges hindering the sector from providing youth with employment a...
ABSTRACT This study examin es the impact of motivation on teachers’ performance in Dodoma Municipality. The study is specifica lly guided by three objectives, these are: t o evaluate motivational factors that contributes to work performance on teachers in Dodoma Municipality, t o assess the relationship between motivation and teachers perf ormance in Dodoma Municipality and t o examin e challenges facing organization for motivating teachers in Dodoma municipality. A sample of 80 respondents...