ABSTRACT Over the past decade, there has been a somewhat convergence in thinking regarding the contributions of cash transfers to social protection and vulnerability reduction. As a result, governments of most developing countries in Asia and Africa have begun embracing the idea of cash transfer through a rollout of various schemes all in a bid to address issues of poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion. This study analyses the contributions so far made by the Livelihood Empowerment Aga...
Abstract This paper contributes to the debate on the educational reforms and the role of the polytechnics in economic development of Ghana. The paper was an outcome of a review of secondary data supported by interviews with, polytechnic Rectors, polytechnic administrators and government officials across seven polytechnics in Ghana. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the key informants and qualitative analysis procedure was used. The study examined the educational development fro...
ABSTRACT The study evaluated the performance appraisal system and its effect on employee performance at the Northern Regional Co-ordinating Council, Tamale. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. Primary and secondary sources of data were used for the research. Close-ended questionnaires were used in the collection of the primary data with a sample size of 86. Quantitative approached was adopted to analyze the data. This revealed that, the Northern Regional Co-ordinating Counc...
ABSTRACT The act of street begging has been associated with some challenges such as accidents, harassment, low self-esteem and others. Limited studies have actually focused on persons with disabilities involved in street begging in Ghana despite the distress resulting from interactions of these experiences. Therefore the aim of this study was to understand the psychological experiences of visually impaired street beggars in Ghana. The study employed a qualitative approach specifically phenom...
ABSTRACT Millions of dollars get wasted due to inefficient and ineffective procurement structures, committees, policies and procedures. Against this backdrop the study assessed procurement committees and procurement laws in the northern region of Ghana by specifically determining the level at which the procurement committees comply with the contract value threshold in the Northern region, examining whether there are significant differences in the use procurement methods in reducing corruptio...
ABSTRACT The connection between security and development cannot be overstated. This is because human security is a vital objective of development which when not in place can have negative consequences for development. Crime is one of the major precipitators of insecurity globally, and capable of impeding development. The continuous increase in high rate of crime even in the presence of traditional policing is said to have triggered the call for shift from military-based policing to a democra...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ...................i Approval Page ...................ii Dedication .................iii Acknowledgements ..........................iv Table of Contents ..........................v CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study ........................1-4 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem .....................4-6 1.3 Objectives of the Study ......................6 1.4 Hypotheses of the Study ........................7 1.5 Significance of the Stu...
ABSTRACT This study examines the performance management practices of universities in Ghana, using the principles of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a benchmarking tool. Specifically, the study examines the nature of the Performance Management Systems (PMSs) of the universities, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the universities, the factors that determine these KPIs, and also their performance reporting practices. The study adopts the multiple case study design of a qualitative resear...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the relationship between parenting styles, adolescents self-esteem, assertiveness and emotions (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) of adolescents. Two hundred adolescents between ages 12 and 19 were sampled randomly from five senior secondary schools in the Greater Accra Region. Participants responded to the parental Authority Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and The Assertiveness Inventory. Two major paren...
Abstract Siblings’ relationships are one of the longest and one of the most influential relationships in the development of psychological well-being, and the formation of attitudes. The present study investigated the influence of the presence of having a brother or sister with intellectual disability and the positive and negative sibling relationship on the psychological well-being of the siblings. A sample of 69 siblings of a brother or sister with intellectual disability from four speci...
ABSTRACT The adolescent stage is a critical transition period in the human development cycle in which a person undergoes personal, physical, and psychological development which shapes his or her goal attainment in life. However, in a patriarchal society which is characterised by a preference for a male child and male dominance over a female, most female adolescents’ future aspirations are hindered. The study was conducted to explore the future aspirations of female adolescents, life experi...
ABSTRACT Available studies suggest that there is still little primary data in the Ghanaian context to show whether rural banking activities hold any prospect for women’s socio-economic empowerment, hence the need for this study to assess to the efficacy of rural bank’s credit in empowering women in the research area. The objective of the research was to find out whether women can be empowered in the process of accessing and utilizing the rural bank credit in their socio-economic activiti...
ABSTRACT This study attempts to find out the factors that affect the job satisfaction of teachers of some selected senior high schools in Accra, Ghana. A cross-sectional design was used to collect data. Simple random sampling was used to select the population, and stratified sampling was used to select the respondents from each of the schools according to the various departments. A total of 155 questionnaires were administered to teachers of three selected senior high schools but 120 questi...
ABSTRACT Customer Retention is a sine qua non for the survival and sustainability of firms in today‟s competitive but volatile business environment. Retaining the customer is good for the health and the general well-being of firms. The economic benefits of customer retention cannot be over-emphasized as it culminates in the overall profitability of firms. The open skies policy in the air transport industry in Ghana sparked intense competition and has witnessed the proliferation of airlines...
ABSTRACT The present study examines experiences of work-family conflict and its impact on psychological strain among military personnel in Ghana. The study adopted a concurrent mixed-method approach involving two phases, a qualitative phase and a quantitative phase. In the qualitative phase, 17 military personnel were interviewed using face-to-face semi-structured interviewing. The quantitative phase involved a cross-sectional survey with 200 military personnel. Thematic analysis of the qua...