Abstract The study is about womens ' education and poverty reduction. It provides information on womens ' education and poverty reduction in the Tamale metropolis . It focuses on the relationship between womens ' formal education and upbringing of girls. Similarly, it provides perspectives on different groups within which the relationship between variables such as age, education , religious background of respondents and their idea about womens ' education and poverty reduction. Interviews we...
ABSTRACT Inter-ethnic conflicts have flared up intermittently in Ghana, especially in the northern part of the country, which has a large number of different ethnic communities. These conflicts have left damaging implications for socio-economic development, but also for inter-ethnic relations. This study sought to analyse the Gonja-Nawuri conflict of 1991-1992 in Kpandai in the Northern region. The objective was to establish the impact of the conflict on inter-ethnic relations. A cosmopolit...
ABSTRACT Social Protection Programs in various countries provide protection for citizens to reduce poverty. Ghana introduced social policy interventions such as NHIS, school feeding, school capitation grants and the livelihood empowerment against poverty (LEAP) programme aimed at reducing poverty. Cash transfers are complemented by existing services and can subsist successful in achieving preferred impacts and ensuring their sustainability. Cash alone cannot assuage non-financial and structu...
ABSTRACT Cash-less policy is a situation where the volume of the physical cash been used in the economy is reduced rather than total elimination of such. This had been in practice in most advanced countries. However only on Jan1, 2012, the pilot scheme of the policy was introduced as one of the financial services by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in Lagos as a pilot state, been the economic nerve of the country. This policy takes the form of where no one uses cash for major purchases but...
ABSTRACT The purpose the study sought to examines the impact of loan management on firm performance of microfinance companies in Ghana. With this study sought to determine the relationship between loan portfolio management in MFIs and financial sustainability, to assess the impact of loan portfolio management on MFI profitability, to recommend strategies for enhancing MFI sustainability. To achieve this the study employed an econometric approach using 10 microfinance firms listed on the Ghan...
ABSTRACT Social media has become common place in Ghana. The younger generation adopted the use of social media at the beginning of the millennium. Their usage habits characterised and dominated the social media-scape. However, due to the subsequent ubiquity and penetration of social media in Ghana there is an increased involvement of the older generation in the use of social media. Social media has become the central communication media for both the young and older generations as well as inc...
ABSTRACT The sort bin is a simple compartmentalized bin that encourages the segregation of waste types and seeks to encourage recycling habits in Ghana. This business plan highlights the description of the business, the market and competition, organization and structure, the production process and operational plan, financial highlights and the growth and exit plans.
Abstract Decomposing economic time series into their temporary and permanent components have followed two broad paths: trend versus difference stationary models and detrending versus filtering. Whereas the former breaks down due to their inability to capture the underlying data generation process (dgp), the latter are either one sided filters or are based on ad hoc procedures in achieving parsimony. In this paper, we propose structural time series models in which trends, cycles, seasonal comp...
Education gives you wings! If you want to fly high in 21st century you must be highly educated and this applies to individuals as well as to all communities. Though the overall literacy rate of India has improved over past few years , its largest minority is still struggling to make its presence felt in the educational field. Here I try to find out various reasons for educational backwardness of Muslims in India and the role played by the State and the community to improve the level of educat...
With the promulgation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989, children are now recognised as active actors and subjects of human rights. The UNCRC mandates all Signatory States to educate their citizenry, including children about children's rights. Ghana is on record for being the first country to ratify the UNCRC and has since harmonised its national laws with the UNCRC. Yet, little is known about the extent to which children in Ghana know about thei...
This study investigated how courier industries in Ghana apply service guarantees to their operations in serving customers. It explores what internal mechanisms (processes), couriers have in place as service guarantee policies when there is service failure. The fact that service is performed and consumed in real time is intangible and has the consistent dyadic interaction between its representatives and customers, gives rise to its failure prone nature. This study adopts the qualitative r...
Population ageing is occurring in almost all the countries of the world (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2013, 2015). This numerical increase of older persons is a result of a demographic transition resulting from decreasing fertility and mortality, improved nutrition, reduction in infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as improvement in health care, education, and income (Mba, 2010a; Ghana Statistical Service, 2013; de-Graft Aikins et al., 2016). Populatio...
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) has replaced the traditional annual approach to budgeting in most Sub-Saharan African countries. Ghana and Nigeria adopted and implemented it in 1996 and 2009 respectively. However, its implementation in the Sub-Saharan African region is not as smooth as theorised. This suggests a comparative study to reveal the bottlenecks in the implementation process of MTEF in countries in the region. This study is built on the political economy theory, to asc...
Unemployment is often cited as one of the macro-economic indicators measuring the strength and growth of an economy. Given that the youth are three times more likely to be unemployed, it is only prudent that in addressing issues of unemployment, programs, and policies are structured to address youth unemployment. In an attempt to better understand the dynamics of youth unemployment this study takes a brief look at the patterns of unemployment in Sub Saharan Africa, particularly Ghana, to...
Stakeholders in the fight against modern slavery play a vital role in the socio-economic development of Ghana. Despite stakeholder’s important role in the fight against modern slavery, donors have been a major contributing force in the fight. This study identifies and discusses the funds received by stakeholders in the course of eliminating modern day slavery. The analysis first reviews the sources of funds for stakeholders by focusing on both external and internal sources. The study t...