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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Deforestation In Ghana The Role Of Incentives

ABSTRACT The fast rate at which the nation's forests are being depleted as a result of unsustainable land-use practices adopted by economic agents, has become a serious concern to policy-makers. Even though several afforestation and reforestation schemes are being undertaking by the government and private individuals, they seem inadequate compared to the rate of destruction. A combination of econometric analysis, a survey, and tabular representation and analyses have been used to analyse the ...

PSN Africa 132 PAGES (29499 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Environmental, Social And Governance Disclosures And Assurance In Ghana: Perspectives Of Regulatory And Quasi-Regulatory Bodies.

ABSTRACT This study examines the perspectives of regulatory and quasi-regulatory bodies on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures and assurance in Ghana. Despite the increasing role of accountants in ESG issues, a lot remains unknown with several controversies regarding accountants providing ESG assurance. Also, regulatory and quasi-regulatory bodies who have been identified as crucial to ESG issues almost seem marginalized and under-researched particularly in developing coun...

SSA Research 163 PAGES (36544 WORDS) Accounting Thesis
The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticides Treated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Regi

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

Gender Role Ideology And Marital Satisfaction. The Mediating Effect Of Marital Role. A Study Among Married Individuals In Ghana.

ABSTRACT The cross-sectional survey examined the relationship gender role ideology (traditional and modern) and marital satisfaction among married couples in Ghana. The study also examined the mediating effect of marital role (instrumental and relational) in the relationship between gender role ideology and marital satisfaction. The effect of Religiosity on the level of marital satisfaction was also examined. Two hundred and fifty two (252) married individuals fully completed and submitted qu...

Effects Of Urbanization On The Availability Of Land For Crop Farming: A Case Study Of Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT The city of Accra currently accommodates about four million people. The city has now expanded to the fringes that were previously rural settlements. Most of these rural settlements were farming communities that provided food for the city. However, urbanization has affected agricultural production and farmlands are being lost to other land uses. This study examines the effect of urbanization on the availability of land for crop farming in the Ga East Municipality. The study used a mix...

Balancing The Gap Between The Hidden Contradictions In Tqm Implementation

ABSTRACT The signing of the European partnership agreement (EPA) between the ECOWAS economies and the European Union in April 2014 has facilitated trade agreement between the two economies. This coupled with increasing globalization and technology has contributed to the adoption and implementation of total quality management (TQM) by most organizations in West Africa to provide products which are consistent with the needs and expectations of all stakeholders and to enhance competitive advanta...

Dynamic Productivity Differences Between State And Private Ownership In The International Oil Industry

ABSTRACT The participation of countries in the international oil industry in the form of national oil companies started in 1914 and has continued to this date. Although their role in market systems has been seen in literature to be a major cause of inefficiency, active state participation does not seem to be waning. This is primarily because of state dependence on oil products, growth of major state-owned oil companies and the belief that state control over its resources is a major sign of na...

Experiences Of Caregivers Of Children With Cleft Lip And/Or Palate Receiving Treatment At The Reconstructive Plastic Surgery And Burns Center Of The Korl-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Globally, the issue of cleft lip and/or palate is a growing concern in many developed and developing countries. This study explored the experiences of caregivers of children with cleft lip and/or palate receiving treatment at the Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Burns Center of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The objectives of the study were to (a) explore caregivers’ beliefs about the causes of cleft lip and/or palate (b) identify the challen...

Multiple Sexual Partnerships And Sexually Transmitted Infections

ABSTRACT Multiple sexual partners (MSPs) are one of the major risk factors in the acquisition and spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The socio-cultural dynamics and high level of mobility especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as Ghana for socio-economic advancement increase the exposure and the risk of MSPs and STIs. This study assesses the relationship between multiple sexual partnerships and the incidence of STIs among adult Ghanaians, using data from th...

Cash Transfers And Multidimensional Child Poverty In Ghana

ABSTRACT LEAP is a flagship program of Ghana government that seeks to leap poor households out from poverty. Since the inception of this program, limited studies have explored the effect of the program on child poverty in Ghana. This study sought to quantify the impact of LEAP program on multidimensional child poverty using Global MPI. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study used secondary data obtained from Institute of Statisti...

PSN Africa 85 PAGES (17927 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Mental Health Competence In Two Urban Poor Communities In Accra, Ghana: A Social Psychology Of Participation Approach

ABSTRACT Poor communities in Africa are disproportionately affected by mental disorders globally. Current research proposes that improving mental health in poor communities requires building their mental health competence. There are however limited community mental health competency studies in African context, to inform diagnosis of social realities of mental health in such communities and guide intervention planning. Integrating the social psychology of participation and community mental hea...

PSN Africa 255 PAGES (66524 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
The Politics of Railway Transportation And Development in Ghana: A Case Study of NSAWAM And AKIM ACHIASE Junction Railway Stations

ABSTRACT Railways are significant for the realization of innovation, creativity, and development. Railways contribute to social enthusiasm in addition to market competitiveness by conveying millions of consumers as well as personnel to urban places and villages around the world. All over the world countries are recognizing the important role that railways contribute to their economy. In The 1950s, Ghana’s railway transport was considered to be one of the best on the continent of Africa. Th...

Tax Reforms & Revenue Mobilisation: A Case Study Of The Mining Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT A strong and efficient tax system provides the basis for enhanced economic growth and development. Ghana‘s fiscal structure prior to 1983 had generally been characterized by low revenue. As a result, Ghana undertook a number of reforms prescribed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank under the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) and the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). Under the programmes, numerous policies were amended to establish a more attractive inve...

SSA Research 134 PAGES (27946 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Solid Waste Management In Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT The study investigated waste management in the Awutu Senya East Municipality. This study sought to critically assess the types of solid waste generated in the Awutu Senya Municipal area. It also sought to identify how people disposed of domestic waste, how frequently waste was collected and disposed of, the resources that are available in collecting the waste generated and challenges faced by Awutu Senya Municipal Assembly when it comes to solid waste management. The study was partic...

Management Accounting And Supply Chain Performance Of Healthcare Institutions In Ghana

ABSTRACT This work analyzes the contingency effects of supply chain integration (SCI), information sharing (or knowledge exchange), supply chain (SC) risk and uncertainty and management accounting system (MAS) design on hospital SC performance in Ghana. Increasingly seen as crucial in the management accounting (MA) literature over the past three decades has been the design and implementation of effective MASs that extend beyond organizational boundaries for the management and performance of r...

SSA Research 284 PAGES (75353 WORDS) Accounting Thesis

11221 - 11235 Of 19638 Results