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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effects Of Deforestation On Livelihoods Of Forest Fringed Communities In The Awutueffutu- Senya District

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to determine the effects of deforestation on livelihoods on forest fringed communities along the Yenku and Obotomfo forest reserves in the Awutu-Effutu-Senya District of the Central Region. These two FRs exhibit different levels of forest cover. The study found a high level of livelihood diversification in FFCs along both reserves with FFCs along the Yenku exhibiting higher standards of living than FFCs along the Obotomfo. The study found a higher ...

The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticidestreated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Region

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

Consumer Perceived Risk And Online Shopping In Ghana: The Moderating Role Of Electronic-Word Of Mouth

ABSTRACT Despite increase in technology and convenience associated with online shopping, the progress of acceptance has been very slow in Ghana. There is a theoretical argument that the perceived fear people associate to technological innovations serves as a barrier for it acceptance. However, in Ghana, perceived fear and online shopping adoption been under researched. The current study examined how different dimensions of consumer perceived risk influence online shopping behaviours in Ghana....

SSA Research 118 PAGES (25162 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
The Effects Of Tax Awareness And Tax Knowledge On Tax Compliance In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tax awareness and knowledge on tax compliance among SMEs., The researcher employed simple random sampling to arrive at the actual participants considered in the study. Structured questionnaire with close-ended questions were used to solicit data from 150 respondents. Structural Equation Modelling was employed in the analysis of the data. The results showed that majority of the participants had no knowledge or attended any ed...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (9349 WORDS) Accounting Paper
Africa Can Solve Its Own Health Problems. Africa Needs Less Globalisation And More Real Assistance

Editor—The article by Holmes and the accompanying commentaries essentially aim to explore the evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of the psychotherapies and how this should be applied in everyday clinical practice.1 It is ironic that the arguments against cognitive therapy include numerous instances of idiosyncratic use of research evidence.

Ghana’s Export Performance: The Role Of Exchange Rate Volatility, Exchange Rate Policies And Challenges To Export Diversification

ABSTRACT The thesis is divided into three empirical papers to address the core issues regarding the main drivers of Ghana’s export performance both at the macro and micro levels with focus on the role of exchange rate volatility and exchange rate policies, and the constraints to Ghana’s export diversification effort by examining its economic complexity levels as well as the product space and the prospects for structural transformation. The empirical chapter one, titled “Ghana’s Export...

SSA Research 286 PAGES (82498 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Banking Competition And Efficiency: Empirical Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at evaluating the effects of competition on cost efficiency in the Sub-Saharan African (SSA) banking sector. The study also evaluated how competition affects bank cost efficiency in the various income classifications of countries in SSA. Due to the endogeneity issue between competition and cost efficiency, a two-stage least square method was employed to examine the data of 235 banks from 17 SSA during the period 2006-2012. The results of the study show evidence that ...

SSA Research 154 PAGES (38902 WORDS) Finance Dissertation
The Role of Public Sector Accountants in the Adoption of New Public Management Reforms in Public Sector Accountancy

ABSTRACT  Public Management reforms in public sector accountancy, more specifically, the adoption of accrual basis IPSAS is considered a relevant improvement to the cash basis of accounting since it enables comprehensive reporting on financial transactions of the public sector.This study examines the roles of public sector accountants in the adoption of accrual basis IPSAS in the public sector. Particularly, the study attempts to provide the roles of public sector accountants in the acc...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (22156 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Donor Aid And The Financial Performance Of Rural And Community Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT Rural and Community Banks (RCBs) in Ghana play a very important role in the financial intermediation agenda for the rural populace in Ghana. The concept of donor aid has been identified as a key sustainable approach to ending poverty in Africa through the injection of funds and the provision of technical support for the thriving of rural activities such as farming and fishing. An understanding of factors that improve the financial performance of RCBs is important for the achievement ...

The Determinants Of Ownerships Of Toilet Facilities Among Households In Madina-Zongo In The La Nkwantang Municipality, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Quite often sanitation issues have been relegated to the background, nevertheless development economists suggest that achieving high sanitation standards can save the economies of low and middle-income countries of almost 5% of their Gross Domestic Products (GDP) (Hutton, 2015; 2012). Indeed, the selected theme ‘Toilets and Jobs’ for the 2016 UN World Toilet Day (WTD) emphasized the vital role toilets play in creating strong economies, improving health and protecting people’s s...

Institutional Framework For Sustainable Electricity Supply In Kasoa In The Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT Electricity plays an integral role in the socio-economic development of people around the world. Its access has immense impact in reducing poverty and increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) of beneficiaries. Enhanced access to electricity also reduces the dependence on fossil energy sources such as fuel wood and charcoal, whose consumption depletes the natural forests. With adequate access to electricity, deforestation tendencies that are associated with the use of fossil energ...

A Study To Assess The Three-Tier Pension Scheme In Ghana

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to assess the three-tier pension schemes in Ghana. Specifically, the study examined the standards of the mandatory tier one and tier two pension schemes in Ghana; evaluated the current voluntary tier-three pension scheme in Ghana, and examined the relationship between the benefits of pensions schemes, and an assessment of the three-tier pension scheme to the Ghanaian worker. A cross-sectional survey research strategy, coupled with a quantitative methodologica...

SSA Research 82 PAGES (17150 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Maternal Mortality Audit, a tool to identify the causes of maternal mortality with communities’ perspective, a case study of Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipality

ABSTRACT As the world gradually enters the last stage of MDGs target, concerns are raised with countries lacking the achievement of MDGs 5 on maternal mortality. In the 2010 Ghana Population and Housing Census, it is indicated that 33,347 women died in the last 12 months preceding the census. Out of the number, 3,026 are recorded as pregnancy-related deaths (i.e. died during pregnancy, delivery or within 42 days of the termination of a pregnancy - GSS, 2012). Since the development of the MDG ...

Electoral Competition In Ghana’s Fourth Republic: A Case Study Of Odododiodioo And Akwatia Constituencies 2000-2012

ABSTRACT Since 1992, Ghana has engaged in competitive elections that have produced interesting results. However, violence has characterized most of the elections which have undermined their competitiveness. The two constituencies, Odododiodioo and Akwatia have been cited to notorious election violence areas. Relying on the empirical data from these constituencies, the study found that the two dominant political parties, the NPP and NDC have demonstrated persistence intolerance. The parties ha...

Assessing The Effect Of Corporate Governance On The Financial Performance And Market Value Of Firms Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange

Abstract The main aim of the current study is to investigate the effect of corporate governance on the financial performance and market value of firms listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. Based on the aim of the study, the study specifically seeks to examine the relationship between board size and financial performance, to investigate the relationship between board composition and financial performance as well as to assess the influence of board committee structures on financial performance of...

11191 - 11205 Of 19638 Results