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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Shea Industry: A Tool For Poverty Reduction Among Rural Women In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the last three decades Agriculture has gained enormous success in reducing poverty on a global scale. In Africa, much of the impetus behind the large and increasing support from governments, NGOs and benevolent agencies for the Agricultural sector including the Shea industry, hinge on the assumption that its economic and social impact are momentous and influential in alleviating poverty among the unskilled labour force most especially among the rural folks and its contribution ...

Pub Network 141 PAGES (33036 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Infrastructure Growth, External Debt And Exchange Rate Nexus in Africa

Abstract The econometric nexus among infrastructure growth, external debt and Exchange Rate in the SubSahara Africa region has been investigated. The study period covered 1980 to the year 2017 for 42 countries in the Sub-Sahara Africa region. The study utilized co-integration and Vector Error Correction Mechanism, a type of Panel Vector Autoregression to test the nexus between infrastructure growth, external debt, and real exchange. Granger causality test examines the causal nexus among the v...

Edu Frontiers 123 PAGES (27606 WORDS) Finance Dissertation
The Effect Of Funding Sources On Leading Patterns Of Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the effect of funding sources on the lending patterns of banks in Ghana. Using a large and representative sample of 22 banks operating in Ghana from 2005 to 2011, the study investigates the funding sources, the lending patterns of banks in Ghana as well as the effect of funding sources on lending patterns.The study made use of a panel data methodology using a panel corrected errors estimation technique. The findings of the study indicate that depos...

The Politics of Service Delivery in Local Governance Units in Ghana: A Comparative Study of Waste Management And Building Permit in The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA)

ABSTRACT       The delivery of waste management and building permit has engaged the attention of governments, development partners and citizens because of its deleterious consequences on public health, the environment and socio-economic development. Several frameworks and regulations including the Local Governance Act, 936 (2016), Environmental Sanitation Policy (1999), National Building Regulations, LI 1630 (1996), and the Town and Country Planning Ordinance of 1945 (Cap 84) have been i...

The Impact Of An Appraisal System On Employees Performance In Ghana: A Study Of The Ministry Of Food And Agriculture

ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to examine the impact of performance appraisal system on employee’s performance, at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). The study adopted the descriptive survey design and employed the quantitative research approach. The population of the study was staff at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Convenience sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The study used questionnaire to collect data from the respondents. Data processing was do...

Modelling Energy Supply Options for Long-term Electricity Generation - A Case Study of Ghana Power System

ABSTRACT Electricity continues to be a major contributor to the development of the economy of every country, Ghana not exempted. There is, therefore, growing interest to ensure that the supply of electricity meets the demand in all sectors of the Ghanaian economy. The economic costs and environmental issues underpinning electricity is, however, a huge bottleneck to the aspirations of Ghana as a country. The study seeks to explore a long-term (2018 to 2048) comprehensive energy supply strateg...

Edu Frontiers 130 PAGES (26355 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Pension Reforms And Retirement Income Security In Ghana: Implications For The Inclusion Of The Informal Sector Under The New Pensions Act

ABSTRACT This study examined pension reforms and retirement income security for Ghanaian workers. The study also considered how the three-tier pension scheme is positioned to meet the retirement needs of informal sector workers. Using a qualitative research method, the research sampled views from 83 informal sector workers from selected markets and 3 officials from the regulator, regulated and informal sector foundation using a combination of elite interviews and focus group discussions. Re...

Popular Political Participation Under Ghana’s Fourth Republic

ABSTRACT Research conducted on political participation over two decades of democratic governance in Ghana, have been overly skewed towards the conduct of elections. Also, explanations on popular participation have been largely descriptive, with exclusive focus on structural or macro level explanatory factors. First, it begs the question of what the actual levels and the trends in political participation among Ghanaians are. Again, as research conducted focused on institutions and sociopoliti...

The Role Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council In Promoting Non - Oil Exports In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Agricultural products like Cocoa, Palm Kernel/ Oil, Groundnut, Cotton, Timber amongst others, formed the bedrock of the Nigerian economy in the pre-independence period. Hence, non-oil exports sustained the Nigerian economy and served as the source of the country's foreign exchange earnings from around 1 900 up to 1 9 6 5 . However, the discovery o f crude oil i n commercial quantity resulted to a decline in the agricultural sector. Revenue generated from the non - oil export ...

The Impact Of The Swedru Junior Boys Correctional Centre On The Reformation Of Junenile Offenders

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the Swedru Junior Boys Correctional Centre facilitated the reformation of juvenile offenders who have passed through its walls. Cross-sectional research activities were undertaken based on a triangulated approach which used both quantitative and qualitative research strategies. As methods of data collection, the quantitative research made use of the face-to-face interview while the qualitative strategy made use of key...

The Resettlement Policy In Urban Centres: The Case Study Of Abuja

ABSTRACT The emergence of Abuja as urban centre today is traceable to the quest for a new capital city for the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Being a new artificial creation, it should be expected that the inhabitants whose land had been acquired for the development of the new capital city be justly compensated and resettled . However, since the promulgation of the enabling Decree that created the new federal capital in 1976, the question of resettlement and compensation to the original inhabit...

Understanding Patients’ Beliefs About Voices (Auditory Hallucinations) And Patients’ Adopted Coping Strategies

A B S T R A C T The purpose of this study was to obtain information regarding the understanding of the schizophrenic patients’ beliefs about voices (auditory hallucinations) and their adopted coping strategies. The Ways of Coping Checklist, a Semi-Structured Questionnaire and the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale were used to explore the beliefs patients suffering from schizophrenia have about auditory hallucinations and the ways of coping patients adopt to cope with auditory hallucin...

The Political Economy Of News Reportage And Presentation Of News In Nigeria: A Study Of Television News

ABSTRACT This study investigated how ownership of television stations, the social structure of the Nigerian society and the deregulation of the broadcasting industry influence the reportage and presentation of news on television in the country. The research further investigated how preferential access in news reportage is given to different social classes in Nigeria. The methodology for this research is both through use of primary sources: Focus Group Discussions (FGDs); Semi-structured Inter...

SSA Research 300 PAGES (67385 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
The Management Of Public Enterprises In Nigeria: A Case Study Of Nigerian Telecommunication

ABSTRA CT This thesis provides information on the Management of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: A Case Study of Nigerian Telecommunication, a Federal Government statutory public corporation, dealing with communication aspect in Nigeria. It focused attention on all relevant bodies that have connection with communication. This project attempt to explain the general concepts of public enterprises, and its management, thereby relating it to the Nigerian Telecommunication Limited. The constraints o...

The Indigenization Decree Of 1972: Class Issues, State And Economy

ABSTRACT Ever since Nigeria's independence in 1960, Leaders, Elites and Scholars have engaged in various debates on the notion that political independence without economic independence would be ridiculous. Which simply put, national yearnings and aspirations of Nigerian Leaders and Scholars have both economic and political connotations. There is this general consensus that where economic power is concentrated in the hands of foreigners, the economy 1s undersiege as foreign investors drain the...

11416 - 11430 Of 19638 Results