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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Tax Evasion: Causes And Implication On Enugu State Government Revenue (A Study Of Enugu State Board Of Internal Revenue)

ABSTRACT A widely views has it that taxable adults in Enugu state evade tax payment, thereby depriving government of revenue.  For this reason, this study focused on tax evasion: causes and implication on Enugu state government revenue so as to understand the importance of taxation towards improving internally generated revenue in Enugu state to enable government of the state provide her citizens with adequate amenities without hoping on statutory allocation.  In the light of this study, t...

SSA Research 57 PAGES (13647 WORDS) Accounting Project
North-South Migration And Urban Poverty in Ghana; The Case of Greater Accra

ABSTRACT More than half the world’s population in recent times lives in cities. Urban growth is over 90 percent in developing countries, with an annual increase of about 70 million migrants migrating from rural areas to urban areas. The number of urban drawlers is expected to increase in the world’s two poorest regions (South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa) in the next two decades. The study aims at the relationship between rural-urban migration and urban poverty in Ghana with a focus on so...

Competition And Corporate Tax Avoidance: Empirical Evidence From Nigerian Deposit Money Banks

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of competition on tax avoidance activities among Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. Tax Revenue is essential for the growth and development of any economy. The objective of the study was to examine the effects of competition on tax avoidance and also determine the impact of managerial efficiency and non-performing loans on tax avoidance has on the Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. To achieve the objective, this study used panel regression model to analyse the da...

The Role Of Women In Community Development In Izzi Local Government Of Ebonyt State

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the Role of Women in Community Development in Izzi  Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. A total of six (6) communities in the study area were used for the study. 230 people were selected through simple random sampling techniques to complete the questionnaire. The instrument used for the study was a structured questionnaire designed by the researcher for the collection of data and t...

Role Of Internal Audit In The Management Of Fraud (A Study Of Zenith Bank Plc Enugu)

ABSTRACT   The aim of the study is to appraise the role of internal audit in the management of fraud with special emphasis on Zenith Bank Plc. The main objective of this study is to ascertain the role played by internal audit in the management of fraud. The specific objectives include; (1) to examine the role of internal audit in the detection of fraud, (2) to examine the role of internal audit in the prevention of fraud and (3) to examine the role of internal audit in the control of fraud...

SSA Research 35 PAGES (11061 WORDS) Accounting Project
Role Of Internal Audit In Organisational Performance (A Study Of Diamond Bank Plc Enugu)

ABSTRACT                                    The aim of this study was to ascertain the role of internal auditing in organizational effectiveness focusing on Diamond Bank. The specific objectives are; to determine the role of internal auditing in promoting organizational performance of Diamond Bank, to examine the effect of internal auditing in the internal control systems of Diamond Bank,to ascertain the effect of auditors’ independence on the efficiency ...

SSA Research 35 PAGES (11129 WORDS) Accounting Project
Role Of Fraud Management In The Profitability Of Nigerian Banks (A Study Of First Bank Nigeria Ltd)

ABSTRACT   This research looks at the role of fraud management in the profitability of Nigerian banks (A study of first bank Nigeria plc). The objectives of this study include to ascertain the role of fraud detection and the contribution of fraud investigation in the profitability of Nigerian banks. Ex-post factor research design was adopted for this study because secondary data was used. Data was collected from the bank’s annual report and fact books covering from the period 2006 –2015...

SSA Research 29 PAGES (10060 WORDS) Accounting Project
Public Perception On The Impact Of Childlessness On Married Couple: A Study Of Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The problem of childlessness which is majorly caused by sickness, diseases and infertility in Awgu L.G.A gave rise to this study. This study investigated the Public Perception on the Impact of Childlessness on Married Couples in Awgu Local Government Area, of Enugu state. The study was conducted between November 2017 and May 2018. Six research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. The research design used was sample survey descriptive design. The quantitative and qualitative...

SSA Research 43 PAGES (14935 WORDS) Sociology Project
Association Between Corporate Attributes And Extent Of Compliance With Accounting Standards Disclosures By commercialized federal Government enterprises In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Prior studies’ findings on accounting disclosures showeddiverse relationships between accounting disclosures and firm attributes. Similarly, the Report of the Auditor-General for the Federation on Audited Financial Statements of commercialised enterprises indicated that these enterprises complied partially with the disclosure requirements of relevant accounting standards in preparing financial statements in Nigeria. The objective of this research therefore,wasto confirm or refute t...

Ethno-Religious Conflicts, Mass Media And National Development: The Northern Nigeria Experience

Abstract This study has examined the extent to which the mass media serves as instrument of escalation, generation and de-escalation of religious-related conflicts in the Northern part of Nigeria and the consequent effects of the role of the mass media in the development of the region and the nation as a whole. The secondary sources of data were the main method employed in the collection of data. The study examined critically news reports and analysis, editorials, advertorials and special col...

SSA Research 294 PAGES (79481 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Public Perception Of The Influence Of Gender On Employment Opportunities For Women In Enugu East L.G.A, Enugu State Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study is based on the influence of gender on employment opportunities for women (A study of Enugu East Local Government Area). The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 400 (four hundred ) was got using Taro Yamane formula out of the population of a total of (367,958) residents. 400 questionnaires were administered to the respondents and 330 was returned, which was used for the data.  The data for the study was gathered using a questionnaire. An in-depth inte...

Public Procurement Act And The Implementation of Public Policy In Nigeria

.ABITR.ACT It is a lon g held belief tha t the grea test a rea of wa ste, corrup tion and misapp rop ria tion in the pu blic sector is on p rocu remen t and con tra ct mana gemen t. These executive excesses a re largely a ttribu ted to la ck of p rop er regula tion and ad equa te con trol. This resea rch is design ed to look in to the issu e. The en tire resea rch work wa s focu sed on the effect of the govern men t du e p rocess policy on pu bl ic p rocu remen t and con tra ct mana gemen t u...

Policy Making And Implementation In Oji River Local Government Area Of Enugu State

                                             ABSTRACT This study focuses on the policy making and implementation in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State. The objectives of this work are to ascertain the quality of policies made and implemented in Oji River Local Government Area, To find out  the impact of the policies made and implemented, To discover the challenges facing the policy making and implementation and identify the possible way of enhancing the po...

Problems Of Development Policy-Making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at identifying the problems of development-policy making in Obudu local government area of Cross River state. The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the planning theory propounded by Fainstein (2000). This research adopted the survey method given the nature of data. The population of the study consists of the staff of Obudu local government of Cross River state which is one hundred and eight seven (187) respondents. The sample technique adopted in th...

Pre and Post Banking Sector Consolidation of Selected Commercial Banks’ Performance in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study compared the pre and post banking sector consolidation periods performance of some selected banks’ in Nigeria, for the period 1997-2014. The performance indicators of the selected banks were limited to total equity, total assets base and profit after tax. The study adopted ex-post facto research design using secondary sourced data extracted from the published financial reports of the selected banks. Three banks selected were United Bank for Africa Plc, First Bank of Nige...

11476 - 11490 Of 19638 Results