ABSTRACT This research investigated the performance of Agona West Municipal Assembly (AWMA) as a District Assembly (D.A.) in the delivery on its developmental mandate in the areas of infrastructure, education and health as well as the contributions of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) in the same areas of developments. The study found out that, concerning infrastructural development, AWMA has been constructing markets, toilet facilities, roads, extending pipe borne water and bore holes and ...
ABSTRACT The necessity of building a workable synergy and desirable relationship between the forces of government both at the levels of executive and legislative systems towards ensuring democratic consolidation lies at the heart of this research.The Fourth Republic came into existence in 1999, this came after a long period of military interregnum. Democracy was highly embraced by all with expected hope it will deliver good dividends and socio-economic development. But not far into the Fourt...
ABSTRACT Mental illness is widely recognized as a major contributor to the global burden of disease. Unfortunately, there is a lack of appropriate treatment seeking among the Ghanaian population. This research sought to examine the treatment seeking behaviour of people living with mental illness in regional psychiatric hospitals in Ghana and how patient’s attitude toward professional mental health treatment and illness perception influence these behaviours. One hundred and fifty (150) parti...
ABSTRACT The contribution of taxation to any economy globally cannot be overemphasized. Apart from the revenue function it performs for the government, it is also used to assist the national government to achieve the country’s macroeconomic objectives in areas of fiscal and monetary policies. Past documentations have revealed that revenue from taxes in developed nations have high impact on its economic growth and development which is clearly seen by the amenities provided and improvements ...
ABSTRACT This research sought to explore the influence of leadership styles on organisational commitment in church administration. The study focused on the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC). Specifically, the study looked at the influence of leadership styles on the commitment of church employees. In achieving the objectives of the study, the survey method was employed. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The population for the study comprised pastors, administrativ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess customer awareness and satisfaction with regards to electronic banking in Ghana. The study was necessary since the issue of customer awareness and customer satisfaction with regards to electronic banking products/services have not received much attention in literature, particularly in Ghana. The study utilized the mixedmethod research approach through questionnaires and interviews in gathering primary data. Quantitative data collected through q...
ABSTRACT The global campaign against the use of conventional energy sources due to its resultant harmful effects coupled with the erratic nature of power supply in Ghana, high-energy consumption of hotels as well as issues surrounding environment sustainability necessitated the study. The study examined the adoption perspectives of GETs in the La Dade-Kotopon Municipality from 2010 to 2018, with focus on the types of adopted GETs, factors contributing to the adoption and non-adoption of green...
ABSTRACT Through their financial intermediation, banks perform critical functions in national economic development, as they stimulate economic growth. This function is largely carried out through loan advances to businesses and individuals and earns income from interests on these loans. However, the banks are faced with credit risks as some customers may not be able to refund credits advanced to them. Managing credit risk effectively is therefore critical to the health and sustainability of t...
ABSTRACT Financial inclusion is believed to favour mainly low-income groups such as the poor. Despite the proposition in theoretical literature that financial inclusion can bring a lot of welfare benefits to the poor, empirical investigation to that effect is rather scant (little). Using 35 countries and almost 35,000 individuals, this study explored determinants as well as the effect of financial inclusion on poverty reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa. We employed Treatment Effects version of t...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine whether emotional intelligence and job involvement can predict organisational citizenship behavior- OCBI and OCBO among selected private sector organizations in Enugu Metropolis. A total of three hundred and seventy four (374) participants, 205 males and 169 females, ages 20-69 years (Mean= 35.14, S.D= 1.18) were involved in this study. They were selected using convenient sample method from PRODA, Emene, and INNOSSON Plastic Co., Emene. 1...
ABSTRACT The study was a cross-sectional survey that assessed the influence of stress and burnout on suicide ideation among the formal and the informal sector employees of Ghana. The study also assessed social support as an ameliorating factor in the association between stress, burnout, and suicide ideation. The role of the sector of work on suicide ideation was also assessed. Three hundred and thirty-eight (n=338) employees were recruited from formal and informal organizations for the study....
ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) has played a key role in the growth and development of developing economies. However, one prominent opposing question about foreign direct investment is whether it is a blessing or a curse to the natural environment of the host country. While some argue that the positive spillover of FDI especially through green technologies improves the natural environment of the host country, opponents argue that it deteriorates the natural environment through an inc...
ABSTRACT Information Technology (IT) plays a key role in health care management. Over the years, numerous IT artifacts have been introduced to improve health care delivery and access. These artifacts are often largely under the control of health professionals with little or no patient involvement. Recently however, there is a growing phenomenon of user-controlled health IT artifacts that give direct power and control to its users. One of such health IT artifacts are so-called infomediaries wh...
Abstract This research was embarked on to evaluate gender and politics and women in politics in Nigeria with special interest in Enugu State 1999-2016. The study formulated three objectives and three research questions to navigate the study. The major limitation to this study was that women participation in politics in Enugu State has no much record for use for analysis. In the literature review, the study looks at empirical study of women participation in politics. The study adopted feminist...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the role of the office of the company secretary in strengthening corporate governance and administrative justice in listed companies in Ghana. Methodologically, the study took the qualitative approach and used interview guide and face-to-face interview to extract data from respondents. Ten (10) company secretaries from thirty eight (38) listed companies were used for the study. The data was analysed using thematic approach. The study found tha...