Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Financial Sustainability Of Christian Aid Ghana

ABSTRACT NGOs have recently faced issues with financial sustainability due to dwindling funding from donors. The study analyses the extent to which financial performance impact on the financial sustainability of NGOs. The research questions are to what extent financial performance impact financial sustainability and what role overhead cost plays in ensuring sustainability. The objectives are to identify the composition and trend of funding in Christian Aid, compute and analyse non-profit fina...

Situational Crime Prevention At Ngleshie Amanfro: The Role Of The Community

ABSTRACT The study explored the effectiveness or otherwise of the situational measures implemented by the community members of Ngleshie Amanfro to bring under control the sudden upsurge in the incidents of armed robbery in the community. The concurrent triangulation model of the mixed method approach was adopted for the study, using a sample of 415 respondents. The Situational Crime Prevention theory espoused by R. V. Clarke (1997) was used as the main perspective for the study. A survey and ...

A Survey Of The Awareness Of Business Ethics Among Accounting Students At Selected Secondary Schools In Ghana

ABSTRACT The concept of business ethics has become very topical over the years owing to significantly number of unethical decisions in the business world that have caused the collapse of many businesses around the World. Studies on business ethics awareness have focussed on professionals and university students. This study on business ethics awareness therefore investigates the awareness and knowledge of business ethics among second cycle accounting students and the extent to which their awar...

Understanding Consensual Unions As A Form Of Family Formation In Urban Accra

ABSTRACT Consensual unions as an alternative form of family formation is a growing phenomenon in especially urban centres in Africa, including Ghana. This qualitative study was aimed at exploring the lived experiences of persons in consensual unions. The research was conducted in the urban space of Accra and the target population was all persons who at the time of the study were in consensual unions. With the use of purposive sampling technique, a total of thirty-one participants were selecte...

Assessing The Impact Of Exchange Rate Volatility On Agric-Sector Lending: A Case Study Of Agricultural Development Bank

ABTRACT The agricultural sector is considered as one of the most important sectors of the Ghanaian economy since it constitutes a significant portion of our Gross Domestic Product. However, farmers experience challenges in accessing credit from banks. Over the years, the Ghana cedi has experienced some volatility on the back of the existing structure of the economy. This study seeks to assess the impact of exchange rate volatility on agric-sector lending using the Agricultural Development Ban...

Monetary Policy, Exchange Rate And Bank Risk-Taking In Sub-Sahara Africa

ABSTRACT In the years preceding the global financial crisis which begun in the US in 2008, it was revealed that the US and several European countries had prolonged periods of low interest rates. Since the crisis, extant literature has established a strong causal relationship between monetary policy and risk-taking mainly in the countries that were most affected. We cannot discount the effect of exchange rate when examining monetary policy. This is because during the period many of the countri...

The Media And Politics In Ghana’s Fourth (4th) Republic

ABSTRACT The notion that open and free communication is essential to the functioning of a democracy has existed for several centuries (Kumar, 1999 p 140). But for some time now, the media (particularly in Ghana) has come to face a number of challenges. Key among these challenges is the excessive politicization of media houses coupled with commercialization. This eventually raises the question as to whether the media is able to perform its expected responsibilities amidst these challenges. The...

Childrens Time Use in Ghana ; Determinants And Effects on School Attendance

ABSTRACT Children spending excessive time on market and domestic chores is common and pervasive in developing countries. This time input contributes to household’s current consumption which is beneficial to improving the current standard of living in the households. However with the tendency of affecting children’s welfare. There has been a lot of research on time use of children with more focus on children’s time on market activities whiles less attention is given to the hours childre...

Edu Frontiers 124 PAGES (28413 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Gold Price in Ghana

ABSTRACT “The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of macroeconomic variables on gold prices in Ghana”. The study used “made use of monthly data” sourced from “Bank of Ghana, Ghana statistical service and” World Bank website. The time series estimation techniques were adopted in order to examine the effect of macroeconomic variables on gold prices The study shows that Exchange rate significantly “affect Gold prices in the long run. Crude oil prices, Inflation and Inte...

Edu Frontiers 46 PAGES (9328 WORDS) Finance Paper
The Experiences And Views Of Children Assisting Adult Beggars On The Streets Of Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Many children in Ghana do not enjoy their childhood because of poverty and other socioeconomic factors that force them to become street children. Among such children are those who aide adult beggars. Working and/or living on the streets as aides to adult beggars come with several challenges such as the children having to provide their own survival needs as well as the needs of the adult beggars they aide. There are extensive literatures on the experiences of street children in genera...

Impact Of Educational Expenditure On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study inspected the connection between educational expenditure and financial economic growth in Nigeria utilizing time series and secondary data from 1981 to 2018, sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the World Bank. Significant measurable apparatuses were utilized in investigating the connections between these factors. Stationarity attributes of the factors were tested utilizing the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) procedure on Eviews. The relationships between educ...

The Impact Of Debt Maturity Structure On Risk-Adjusted Profitability

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact that debt maturity structure has on the risk-adjusted profitability of firms by assessing the effect of short-term, long-term and total debt on risk-adjusted profitability. The study also compares these effects for financial firms as against non-financial firms. The research uses data collected from the financial statements of 35 listed companies on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The data is analysed using panel regression, with fi...

CDR Coalition 62 PAGES (13905 WORDS) Finance Paper
An Assessment Of The Determinants Of Agricultural Output In Nigeria: 1981-2018.

ABSTRACT. This study assesses the determinants of agricultural output in Nigeria using annual data covering periods from 1981 to 2018. The variables employed were Agricultural Growth (AG), Agricultural Credit (AC), Government Expenditure on Agriculture (GEA) and Money Supply (MS) with Agricultural Growth (AG) as the dependent variable. The study employed the use of econometric analysis such as; Descriptive statistics, Unit root test (ADF), Granger causality test, Johansen co-integration test ...

SSA Research 66 PAGES (9124 WORDS) Economics Project
The Impact Of Public Debt On Economic Growth In Ghana (1965 – 2017)

ABSTRACTS The aim of this study is to examine the trend of public debt, economic growth, and the relationship that exists between debt (both external and domestic) and growth in Ghana using time series data from 1965 to 2017. Based on this data, this study found that the economic growth rate in Ghana has been fluctuating, with a record gross domestic product (GDP) growth of -12.4% recorded in 1975 attributed partly to the political instability at the time (Coup d'état). The debt level for th...

CDR Coalition 71 PAGES (17591 WORDS) Finance Paper
Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Most countries strive to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) because of its acknowledged advantages as a tool of economic development. Africa – and Nigeria in particular – joined the rest of the world in seeking FDI as evidenced by the formation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which has the attraction of foreign investment to Africa as a major component. This study investigated the empirical relationship between FDI and and Nigeria’s economic impr...

SSA Research 68 PAGES (12806 WORDS) Economics Project

11776 - 11790 Of 19638 Results