Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Role Of E-Payment Systems On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates the role of e-payment systems on economic growth in Nigeria over the period of 2010-2018. Specifically, the study analyses the role of e-payment systems on economic growth using value of e-payment transactions and volume of epayment transactions. The study used quarterly time series data for value of POS, ATM, mobile, Internet transactions and real GDP for model 1 and volume of POS, ATM, mobile, internet transactions and real GDP for model 2. The multiple regr...

SSA Research 104 PAGES (20406 WORDS) Economics Project
The Effect Of Financial Technology On Financial Inclusion In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The concept of financial inclusion has been gradually accepted in the global world since it is known as one of the key driver of economic growth and development. The Central Bank of Nigeria’s cashless policy introduced in Nigeria in the year 2011 has in its objective, the financial inclusion. In view of this, the researcher seeks to assess the impact of electronic banking on financial inclusion in Nigeria. The study utilized the total number of automated teller machines, point of s...

Impact Of Service Sector On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The service sector is a crucial component of every country’s economy, and it has been identified as a sector with the capability to become a significant driver of sustained growth in Africa. This study examines the Impact of Service Sector on Economic Growth in Nigeria from the period 1981 to 2019 using annual time series data sourced from the CBN statistical bulletin. The econometric approach of the paper is based on ordinary least square (OLS), Augmented- Dickey Fuller test, Joha...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (14183 WORDS) Economics Project
The Effect Of Population Growth On Nigerias Economic Growth

Abstract Over time there has been mixed and controversial evidence in the literature regarding the relationship between population growth and economic growth and development. This study is an empirical analysis of economic growth and population growth in Nigeria, some writers have found a positive relationship between the two variables, others noticed a negative relationship, and some examined little to no correlation between the two variables. The purpose of this research paper is to observe...

SSA Research 45 PAGES (8669 WORDS) Economics Project
The Effectiveness Of Monetary Policy In Controlling Inflation In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper investigated the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation in Nigeria using secondary annual data spanning from 1981 to 2019. Money Supply, Treasury bills rate, monetary policy rate and exchange rate were the variables used in the study to check inflation. The paper employed cointegration method to check for the long run relationship between the variables, Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test to check if the variables are stationary or non-stationary, Gra...

SSA Research 82 PAGES (17201 WORDS) Economics Project
The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuations On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations and its impact on the Nigerian economic growth. This study made use of secondary annual data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s statistical bulletin & publications from the National Bureau of statistics (NBS). This study adopted the classical least regression model and ordinary least square method (OLS) to analyze the data. This study has been able to demonstrate that exchange rate fluctuations is pivota...

SSA Research 86 PAGES (14424 WORDS) Economics Project
Analysis Of Financial Statements In Performance Assessment Of Selected Banks In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between financial statements and bank performance in Nigeria- A case study of zenith bank, GTbank and UBA over a ten-year period (2010-2019). Banks are a very integral aspect of an economy due to the fundamental role they play as intermediaries, therefore it is important to establish an efficient analysis of the health of the bank as it also reflects the state of the economy. Financial statements are effective sources of information to analyse...

An Assessment Of The Institutional Mechanisms For Dealing With Corruption In The Nigerian Public Service, 1999-2020

ABSTRACT One of the major challenges of governance in Nigeria is corruption especially in the public service. In response to this challenge, the Federal Government established the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) to combat corruption and promote transparency and accountability. Over the years however, the fight against corruption seems not to have achieved the desired re...

Organizational Climate And Employee Job Satisfaction In British American Tobacco, Abuja

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of organizational climate on employee job satisfaction, using British American as a case study. Using Taro Yamani formulae, 70 sample size was drawn from the population of 85 employees of the organisation. The study adopted survey research method to administered (online) 38 structural questions (five-Likert scales) questionnaire to obtain the primary data from the sample.50 representing 71.42% of sample responded to the questionnaire. The regression sta...

Effects Of Training On Employee Performance: A Case Study On Airtel Networks Limited, Abuja

ABSTRACT Robust training of employees will enable organizations to maintain the right set of workers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitude. It will also ensure that plans are put in place to meet the challenges of skills deficiency, for industries in the future. This research study reviews the effects of training on employee performance in a telecommunications company - Airtel Networks Limited, Abuja. The survey research methodology using a questionnaire was employed in this stud...

Employee Development And Employee Performance In Fedral Inland Revenue Service, Abuja

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research project is to examine the impact of employee development on employee performance in Federal Inland Revenue Service, Abuja. Structured questionnaires using the 5-point Likert scale were distributed to 255 employees of Federal Inland Revenue Service, Abuja. With a response rate of 74% (191 responses), the data was analyzed using regression analyses on Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The major findings of the study show that job design has a si...

Motivational Techniques And Employee Performance In Nigeria Immigration Service, Abuja.

ABSTRACT The aim of this research study was to investigate the nexus between motivational technique(s) and employee performance. Therefore, it is highly essential for any manager to be aware of what actually motivates the employees, and identifying how to efficiently maximize the overall performance. The research objective of this research study was aimed at investigating motivational techniques and employee performance whereby emphases were laid on assessing the effects of Remuneration, Comp...

Communication Channels And Organisational Performance Of Nigerian Company. A Case Study Of The Nigerian Bottling Company, Abuja

ABSTRACT Working environments differ from all angles as well as their culture, economic and social development. In this context some of these organizations’ have cumbersome reporting lines, which are difficult for the employee to abide by. This study, therefore examined the effect of communication on organisational performance in Nigerian bottling company, Abuja, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study is 6,026 comprising the entire staff of Ni...

Effect of monetary policy on stock market liquidity in nigeria

ABSTRACT This istudy iexplores ithe ieffect iof imonetary ipolicy ion istock imarket iliquidity iin iNigeria.The objective of the study is to find out how monetary policy affects stock market liquidity in the Nigerian economy either positively and negatively. Data for this study were collected through primary and secondary data gathering sources. Data was analysedusing responses received using questionnaire which was designed in a yes or no format.iChi-square iwas iused ito imeasure ithe idis...

Social Control in a Peri-Urban Ghanaian Community, Sege in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Social control had been part of all human societies. Traditional Ghanaian societies had means of ensuring social control and order prior to colonialism. Two systems of social control-formal or Western and informal or traditional exist in Ghana. It was observed that the introduction of formal social control challenged and weakened informal social control. However, in the midst of a distinct bulk of works, a few studies were done on the informal social control systems in Ghana. Specif...

Pub Network 146 PAGES (36626 WORDS) Sociology Thesis

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