ABSTRACT Women and children die everyday from the scourge of maternal and infant! mortality due to the poor primary health care system in most rural communities and as such, this study intends " to explore factors influencing utilisation of traditional birth attendants' services by pregnant women and nursing mothers with children-; 5 years old in Ikole LGA of Ekiti State, Nigeria in a typical rural Yoruba community.
ABSTRACT The continued and sustained growth of any economy is dependent on a strong and robust financial sector. The Bank of Ghana in a bid to reform and ensure stability of the sector, withdrew the licenses of nine banks in Ghana, one of which was uniBank Ghana Limited. This study aims at finding the reasons why uniBank failed from the perspective of former staff. The study gathered qualitative data through interviews and quantitative data from annual reports of the bank. The study found ove...
ABSTRACT Studies on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions in Ghana have not investigated the possible influence of informal groups on these organizational outcomes. The study compared organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intentions among employees in informal groups and those who were not in any informal group. Job satisfaction, organizational commitment and groups (employees in informal groups and those who were not in any informal group) wer...
ABSTRACT The health sector in Ghana has undergone much change over the past decades to improve the quality of care. This research sought to to find patients perception of care at the Greenlawn hospital An exploratory research design was adopted in the conduct of this research work. A sample size of eighty-five (85) patients were chosen and took part in this survey. Donabedian’s structure, process and outcome theory for service quality evaluation underpinned the conceptual framework in this ...
ABSTRACT The study set out to examine the emergence of impact investing in Ghana. The research is to identify what the challenges to the growth of Impact Investing (II) in Ghana are, whiles exploring who the key actors are and the opportunities available to these actors and potential actors. To help reach the set out aim, the following question were asked: 1. What is the current landscape of II in Ghana? 2. What are the major challenges to the growth of II in Ghana? 3. What opportunities exis...
ABSTRACT Malaria has been identified as the single most important infectious disease in children, being responsible for the death of about one million children per year or 25 percent o f all childhood deaths worldwide. Most clinical cases of the disease occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria may also contribute to the severity of other childhood diseases and repeated infections can be a cause of chronic anaemia in children due to their relatively weak immune system. About one million children ...
ABSTRACT In recent years, the issue of juvenile delinquency has become a growing concern worldwide, because in many societies, children are not expected to come into contact with the justice system. This study explored the experiences and perspectives of inmates and officers of the Senior Correctional Center in Accra. The objectives of the study were to find out reasons why inmates committed the acts that led to their detention at the Senior Correctional Center in Accra, explore benefits inma...
Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the thesis. The chapter begin with a discussion that presents an overview of the relevance of service quality in the hotel industry. It also discusses the research problem, the objectives of the study, as well as the questions the study seeks to answer. The relevant theoretical areas that inform the study are also briefly discussed. The significance of the study and the research gaps are identified and discussed. Finally, the chapter outlines ...
ABSTRACT This study examines the role of school quality in Ghana (measured by pupil-teacher ratios and percentage of trained teachers in basic schools), and how it affects earnings of workers in Ghana by identifying the variations in school quality across the country. The Mincer earnings equation is modified to include school quality and other variables and employed to show the relationship with earnings. The study uses secondary data from the sixth round of the Ghana Living Standard Survey a...
ABSTRACT With the exception of the spread of nuclear weaponry and threats td global ecological systems, population growth is the most pressing and urgent issue currently faced by humanity.
ABSTRACT This study investigated the extent to which employees’ perceived organizational safety climate predict their psychological capital and job satisfaction at the Tema Oil Refinery in Accra, using a survey research design. A total of 248 respondents were selected using Stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires that contained the 50-item Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) (Kines et al., 2011), 24-item Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans, Avolio & A...
Introduction Governments, national and international organizations undertake developmental projects or social interventions, and need to conduct research to assess the outcomes of such projects and programmes. This strategy is called Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) research. Monitoring and evaluation are important management tools to track project progress and facilitate decision making that may be geared towards re-strategizing or scale-up. Most funders require evaluation report on the proj...
ABSTRACT The economic activities in Nigeria clearly show that over 60 percent of the population are engaged in agriculture for their livelihoods directly or indirectly. However overtime especially in the last decade, a dwindling state of agriculture and the decreasing number of farming population mostly in Northern Nigeria, known for the production of over 70 percent of the food crops in the country and other West African countries call for concern. Recent geographical survey has attributed t...
ABSTRACT Although most studies have investigated demographic and socioeconomic determinants that influence birth location preferences and child vaccination, there is limited knowledge on the role the mass media plays in awareness creation and health decision making. Notwithstanding its critical role in health decisions, it is evident that the impact of the media on health outcomes varies across education groups. As a result, the objective of this study is to examine the role of the mass media...
ABSTRACT Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have over the years developed to become an important driver of economic growth. Ideas are transformed into opportunities which have provided jobs for a large number of people outside formal jobs through the setting up of small businesses. This study focuses on the Ga-East municipality. The objectives are to identify the factors that lead to MSMEs success and also the major challenges faced by MSMEs operators. Using an ordered probit model w...