Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Corporate Governance And Organisational Performance: Assessing The Effectiveness Of Public Limited Liability Companies’ Governance Practices In Ghana

ABSTRACT Corporate governance has several dimensions. This dimension determined the corporate governance performance of listed companies in Ghana and found out whether the companies that adhere to good corporate governance practices create value as reflected in the companies’ return on equity. Research questionnaires were administered to directors of sampled listed companies. Data was collected from the annual reports of the sampled companies and the Annual Facts Book of the Ghana Stock Exc...

Challenges And Prospects Of Group Lending In Microfinance Service Delivery: Evidence From Women Groups With The Bonzali Rural Bank In Tamale

ABSTRACT Globally, microcredit has risen to prominence at a rapid speed after its large-scale success in the 1970s in Bangladesh with Grameen Bank. Its central idea is that traditional banks find the poor too costly to serve due to their lack of steady income and collateral. To address the issue of a lack of collateral to secure loans, some rural banks and microfinance companies have taken to group guarantees as a form of social collateral to provide loans. This study delves into the group le...

SSA Research 104 PAGES (21170 WORDS) Finance Dissertation
Trade Openness And Economic Growth: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT In contrast to previous studies on the relationship between trade openness and economic growth, this study develops a new measure of trade openness. Composite Trade Intensity (CTI) was employed to generate an index to capture trade openness. The study used Trade Intensity (TI) and Relative World Trade Intensity (RWTI) dataset to create an index for trade policy openness. This new measure of trade openness improves on the results of trade openness compared with the traditional measure...

SSA Research 156 PAGES (35713 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Work-Life Balance And Performance Of Employees Of Volta River Authority Limited, Aboadze

ABSTRACT Work-life balance has become major factor in modern trends in human resource management that will enable direct relationship between competent and committed organization and its employees. Studies in the work-life balance literatures have shown that work-life balance has some influence on employees‘ performance but has not been conclusive. The study moves out to investigate the relationship between of work-life balance and employees‘ performance at Volta River Authority, Western ...

Access And Utilisation Of Free Maternal Health Services In The Savelugu-Nanton District In The Northern

ABSTRACT The Free Maternal Health Services Scheme emanated from the conditions and benefits that were outlined in the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative embarked upon by the Government of Ghana to alleviate the plight of the poor and vulnerable in society as well as improve upon the living conditions of the citizenry. As a policy, the essence of the scheme was to ensure easy access and utilization of antenatal care, delivery and post – natal care services by women in the rural...

Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour And Savings Behaviour Among Owner-Managers Of Small And Medium-Scale Enterprises In Awutu Senya East District

ABSTRACT Financial literacy and behaviour have attracted increasing attention in both the developed and developing world due to its role in financial decision and their influence on savings habits of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) owners. This study examined the influence of financial literacy, financial behaviour on savings habits of SMEs owners in the Awutu Senya District of Ghana. The study used across-section data set within a descriptive research design. The study employed quantitat...

Effect Of Working Capital Management On The Financial Performance Of Pharmaceutical Companies In Ghana

ABSTRACT Working capital management plays a vital role in improving the financial performance of companies. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effects of working capital management on the financial performance of pharmaceutical companies in Ghana. For this reason Pearson correlation and regression were used to analyze the secondary data in the form of annual financial report were obtained from the pharmaceutical companies for a period of eleven years (2005-2015). The study measured fi...

Leadership Styles And Performance Of Employees At Ameen Sangari Company Limited, Cape Coast

ABSTRACT Effective leaders are enablers that directly point to competent and committed employees. Studies in the leadership literature have shown that leadership styles and employees‟ performance are of major determinants of organisational performance. The study set out to establish the impact of leadership styles on employees‟ performance in Ameen Sangari Company Limited, Cape Coast. Having used quantitative approach and correlation design, census method, interview guide, multiple linear...

The Relationship Between Determinants Of Working Capital Management And Financial Distress Levels Of The Listed Manufacturing Companies In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between Working Capital Management (WCM) determinants and financial distress level of the listed manufacturing companies in Ghana. This research used evidence from financial report of ten manufacturing organizations selected from the main board of the Ghana Stock exchange. Quantitative research approach involving panel least square estimates with white cross section were used for analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis including regression ...

SSA Research 161 PAGES (40814 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Parental Attitude Towards Girls' Education And Its Implications For Community Action: The Case Of Selected Communities In The Central Region

ABSTRACT Girls lag behind boys at all levels of fonnal education in Ghana. Enrolment, retention, and transition and achievement rates for girls are always lower than that of boys. This means that even many of the girls who are enrolled in school do not complete Junior Secondary School. There is the strong belief that negative parental attitude must be blamed for the low level education of girls. The purpose of the study was, therefore, to examine current parental attitude towards the educatio...

A Sociological Study On Solid Waste Management Practices In The Birim North District, Ghana

ABSTRACT This work looks at solid waste management practices in the Birim North District, Ghana. The study used political economists’ perspectives in provision and management of public service to analyse waste disposal practices in the study communities. The aim was to explore factors responsible for indiscriminate dumping and burning of domestic waste in the Birim North District and suggest solutions to address the problem. Methodologically, the qualitative approach was used to select 87 p...

SSA Research 171 PAGES (36891 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Assessment Of The Effects Of Microfinance On Rural Communities In Agona District In The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study assesses the impact of Microfinance on Rural communities in Agona District in the Central Region of Ghana. The specific objectives of the study were to assess customers’ level of awareness of microfinance programmes in place, the effect of microfinance on poverty reduction, challenges faced by residents in acquiring loans from MFIs, constraints associated with the operation of MFIs and strategies to improve the services of MFIs. A survey was conducted and one hundred (10...

SSA Research 132 PAGES (27520 WORDS) Finance Dissertation
The Influence Of Leadership Styles On Employee Creativity in Ghana's Telecommunication Industry

ABSTRACT  The objective of the study was to understand how leadership styles influence employee creativity in Ghana’s telecommunication industry. Guided by literature reviewed on componential theory of creativity and the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, data was collected from three hundred and thirty five (335) employees using a semi structured questionnaire. The study used the quantitative research approach. Data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistic...

The Effect Of Motivation On The Performance Of Ghana Armed Forces Schools And Selected Public Schools In The Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effect of motivation on the performance of Ghana Armed Forces schools and selected public schools in the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis. Four research questions were posed to guide the study. The descriptive survey design was used. All basic schools in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis constituted the accessible population. However, only six public schools and six armed forces schools were involved in the study. A total of 177 respondents, comprising 12 head...

Does Non-Interest Income Make Banks More Risky? Retail Vs Investment Banking Activities in Africa

ABSTRACT  The study examines how increasing the shares of fees and commissions, trading income and total non-interest income makes African banks more risky, for banks that specialize in either retail or investment banking activities. The study used financial information obtained from the Bankscope database to construct a panel of African banks from 2008 to 2012. The study used the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression model with Newey – West standard errors, robust for heteroskedascity an...

12061 - 12075 Of 19638 Results