Abstract This chapter constitutes the general introduction to the study. It is made up of the background to the study. The background contains general and specific issues on investment in training and development, statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, research questions, scope and significance of the study and the organization of the study. Investment in training and development has been a great concern to management of most organizations. Some of the reasons assigned to thes...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the effects of leadership styles on sales force performance at Fidelity Bank, in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study involved 152 participants. Census sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. Questionnaires were the main instruments used to collect data. Frequencies percentages, correlation and regression were used to analyse the quantitative data, using Statistical ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine police training instructor’s participation in curricula decision making in the training of police recruits on conflict and crime management in Ghana. A descriptive research design was used where questionnaires were used to elicit information from personnel at the National Police Training School (NPTS). Due to the smaller number of training instructors at the NPTS census was used. The study also uses qualitative information from some of the senior polic...
ABSTRACT To ensure its democratic governance, Ghana has established the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) in particular to promote and protect human rights and freedoms and administrative justice. There is not enough comprehensive literature from studies on the effect of a national human rights institution like the CHRAJ on the development of a culture of human rights and its impact on promotion of good governance. Non-interventional and descriptive study design ...
ABSTRACT This study explored the leadership style in a contemporary church growth in Sunyani Baptist Association churches. The study comprised of 40 pastors and 80 church executives from the Sunyani Baptist Association, using Krejcie and Morgan (1971) mathematical table. A self-administered questionnaire was the main research instrument. The study concludes that the Sunyani Baptist Association church is governed mainly with democratic leadership style. The study further disclosed a positive...
ABSTRACT This study explores factors that contributed to the success of selected women in Ghana and highlights the strategies and motives of the selected successful Ghanaian women in empowering other women. Thirty women in academia, politics and trade were purposively sampled and interviewed on their lived experiences as they navigated their way to become successful women and agents of change in their workplaces and communities. A semi-structured, in-depth interview was utilised as the primar...
ABSTRACT The study was to examine working capital management among small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in the Agona West Municipal Assembly in the Central Region. The study employed a survey research design of which the targeted population was the SME operators in the Agona West Municipal Assembly. The study sampled 155 respondents using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the main data collection instrument. Furthermore, the data were processed using SPSS version 21.0....
ABSTRACT The study seeks to explore the strategic role of human resource management practices on employee‟s performance of some selected commercial banks in Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana. This study was empowered by Resource Based View Theory. In particular, the primary data was collected through standard questionnaires from a random and purposive selected sample of 97 employees of the selected banks. Regression model was used to analyze the data SPSS presented. The findings of this study r...
ABSTRACT The efficiency of resource-use is of major concern in agricultural production since farmers’ productivity and profitability depends on them. The study thus assesses the efficient use of production resource among small-holder pineapple farmers’ in the Akuapem South Municipality. The study area was selected since it has one of the largest numbers of small-holder pineapple producers in the country. The objective of the study was to determine and estimate the levels of resource effic...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate leadership styles (transactional and transformational) among male and female managers and how these leadership styles influenced stress at the workplace. The study adopted the quantitative research approach and used questionnaires in the collection of data. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to collect data from Ecobank Ghana (Accra Zone), which was selected as the population target. Out of 285 questionnaires administ...
ABSTRACT Banking crises are usually followed by low credit, GDP growth and high job insecurity. This is because crises tend to take place during economic and social downturns. The banking crisis affected not only different institutions and companies, but also the economic and financial livelihood of people, especially banking sector workers. Ghana is far from getting out of this crisis, and its impact may be measured by different indicators. This paper seeks to investigate the impact of banki...
ABSTRACT The transition from school to work is one that has long been the focus of academic attention. Two assets, formal and informal have been identified to offer a more successful transition. However, there is a lack of clarity in our context about which supersedes the other in determining this successful transition. Generally, this study sought to explore the nature of assets that enabled an easy transition from school to work. To achieve this, the study utilized a mixed methods approach;...
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to examine the bullying of the male-child in selected senior high schools in Ghana. The descriptive and exploratory research designs were used for the study. A multi-stage sampling procedure, comprising purposive, stratified, simple random and snowball sampling technique, was used in the selection of the sample. A total of 354 respondents were drawn from six schools in Kumasi, Cape Coast and Tamale. Three interview schedules were generated for th...
ABSTRACT The goal of all development is to help people attain high quality of life. People living in rural areas need more attention in the realisation of this goal because they are more disadvantaged. The socio-economic development approach, which is the major approach to development and driven by modernisation, overlooks other important factors of quality of life. From the literature, integrative quality of life (IQOL) theory addresses these challenges when adopted in project planning. Th...
ABSTRACT Although working capital management decisions concern short-term assets and liabilities, they have both short-term and long-term implications on the profitability and shareholder value. The study sought to examine the effects of working capital management policies on shareholder value creation for six manufacturing firms listed at Ghana Stock Exchange for a period of 2000-2013. Data were gathered from the annual reports of the firms and the publication of Ghana Stock Exchange. Descr...