Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Relationship Between Determinants Of Working Capital Management And Financial Distress Levels Of The Listed Manufacturing Companies In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between Working Capital Management (WCM) determinants and financial distress level of the listed manufacturing companies in Ghana. This research used evidence from financial report of ten manufacturing organizations selected from the main board of the Ghana Stock exchange. Quantitative research approach involving panel least square estimates with white cross section were used for analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis including regressio...

Determinants Of Demand For Mobile Telecom Services In Cape Coast

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the determinants of demand for mobile telecom services by individuals in Cape Coast metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. The logit model was used to identify determinants of mobile telecom services subscription. The mobile telecom subscription equation was estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation technique. Data for the study were collected via survey of individual subscribers and non-subscribers of mobile telecom services. The questio...

Determinants Of The Choice Of Mode Of Transport Of Intra-City Spare Parts Dealers In Accra

ABSTRACT In contemporary times, there has been a clarion call from transport experts and researchers suggesting the need to discourage the number of trips made on private cars during peak hours. Some studies suggest the use of toll differentials, whereby private cars are charged higher than others to ensure diversion from private cars to public transport. This thesis explored the determinants of the choice of mode of transport of intra-city spare parts dealers, and estimated the specific and...

The Socio-Economic Circumstances Of Women Engaged In Groundnut Oil Processing In Tolon-Kumbungu District Of The Northern Region

ABSTRACT Women all over the world play a key role in the socio-economic development of every country. In Ghana, as in elsewhere. the varied ~t~grees of empowennent due to the social, economic and cultural nonns and practices have attracted interventions that seek to push forward the advancement of women. A study into the socio-economic circumstances of omen is thus important since most previous research treat women as an entity regardless of their intra-gender situations. The objective of t...

Challenges And Coping Strategies Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises (Smes) In The Tema Metr

ABSTRACT Small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) are considered as the heartbeat of every economy due to their immeasurable contributions to GDP as well as employment (Aryeetey, 2001; and Abor and Adjasi, 2007). Despite all these, they face myriad of challenges from capital inadequacy to technological deficiency. This study, therefore, sought to identify the source(s) of funding available to SMEs in Tema Metropolis, their performance and prospects as well as the challenges and coping stra...

Free Maternal Delivery Policy And Maternal Mortality: Evidence From Bolgatanga Municipality In The Upper East Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study was conducted on the premise that despite the introduction of free maternal delivery policy geared at reducing maternal mortality, the incidence of maternal mortality is still on the high side. The objectives of the study were to examine the causes and effects of maternal mortality, examine the challenges of the free maternal delivery policy, investigate the potentials of the free maternal delivery policy and also assess the effect of the free maternal delivery policy on ...

Demand Responsive Approach and its Significance for Sustainable Management of Water Facilities in the Shai-Osudoku District

Abstract Demand Responsive Approach (DRA), adopted as a policy for rural water delivery in Ghana, is an attempt within a decentralized programme to improve the efficiency of service supply and also to make users take key decisions about the service they want and are willing and able to pay for. This study was conducted in communities where the DRA had been applied under the National Community Water and Sanitation Programme (NCWSP) in the Shai-Osudoku District of Ghana. The aim was to examine ...

Empirical Investigation into the Determinants of Non-Traditional Exports Growth in Ghana: A Gravity Model of Trade Approach

ABSTRACT  The exports sector plays a vital role in economic growth and development in Ghana. NonTraditional Exports (NTEs) is essential in expanding the exports sector. Hence, this paper applied the augmented gravity model of trade to investigate the determinants of Non-Traditional Exports (NTEs) growth in Ghana. A panel dataset of Ghana and her 78 major trading partners from 2004 to 2016 was used. The Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood regression (PPML) was used to reveal the effect that var...

Edu Frontiers 107 PAGES (24409 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Attitudes Of The Public, Workers Towards Persons With Disabilities In The Service Sector In The Tema/Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study investigates the attitudes of the public, workers towards persons with disability in the Tema and Accra municipality and metropolis respectively. The study employed a cross-sectional study design to interview one hundred and fifty three respondents made of fifty three Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and one hundred able workers or Non Persons with Disabilities (NPWDs). The one hundred NPWDs were interviewed to collect views on their attitude towards fellow workers who are ...

Assessment Of Job Satisfaction Among Staff Of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation

ABSTRACT The concept of job satisfaction is considered to be a very critical issue for any organisation’s performance. Thus, employers benefit from lower staff turnover and higher productivity if their employees experience a high level of job satisfaction. The study sought to assess the state of job satisfaction among the staff of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. A cross-sectional survey design was used for the study and data were obtained from 126 respondents, using questionnaires. The stud...

Demand and Benefit Incidence of Healthcare Services in Ghana

         ABSTRACT  This thesis investigates the factors that determine demand for healthcare in Ghana by placing emphasis on price, income, and opportunity cost (the price of time). The study uses data from the sixth round of Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS 6) conducted in 2012/2013. The thesis is organized in a paper-based approach. The first paper aims at finding the sensitivity of demand for healthcare services to price and income, as well as finding the benefit incidence of the ...

Edu Frontiers 249 PAGES (62313 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Relevance Ofthe District Assemblies’ Common Fund To Human Resource Development: The Case Of Wenchi District Assembly

ABSTRACT In Ghana, the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) is established to make Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) financially sound to implement their development programmes. Human resource development is among the areas that benefit from the DACF. The objective of the study was to examine how the DACF was used to develop human resources of the Wenchi District Assembly WDA). Descriptive research approach was employed to achieve the objective of the study and thirty ...

Access And Utilisation Of Free Maternal Health Services In The Savelugu-Nanton District In The Northern Region

ABSTRACT The Free Maternal Health Services Scheme emanated from the conditions and benefits that were outlined in the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative embarked upon by the Government of Ghana to alleviate the plight of the poor and vulnerable in society as well as improve upon the living conditions of the citizenry. As a policy, the essence of the scheme was to ensure easy access and utilization of antenatal care, delivery and post – natal care services by women in the rural...

Perception Of Authentic Assessment And Its Practices Among Teachers In Public Senior High Schools In Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the perception of public Senior High School teachers of authentic assessment. It also found out the extent to which public Senior High School teachers practice authentic assessment in their assessment procedure. The stratified sampling procedure was adopted to group Senior High Schools into categories A, B and C. Simple random sampling was used to select three schools from category “A” and two schools from category “B” but the two schools in...

Increasing Access To Higher Education For Teachers In Ghana Through The University Of Cape Coast Distance Education Programme

ABSTRACT Distance education is an excellent method of learning which gives learners the greatest possible control over the time, place and pace of education. However, it is not without problems. This study examined the status and growth of distance education programmes at the University of Cape Coast (UCC). It also examined the significance as an alternative to attaining higher tertiary education, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as the concerns of learners on the prog...

12106 - 12120 Of 19638 Results