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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Labour Turnover of a Selected University in Kampala Central, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was prompted by the fact that labour turnover has continued to threaten the stability of private universities since their inception into Uganda's education system. A review of available literature revealed that some studies had been done about the subject especially in developed countries. Like previous scholars, the researcher employed the various methods for collecting and analyzing data. The findings revealed existence of labour turnover, its causes and effects on the se...

Procurement Process and Project Performance of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study had the main objective to establish the role of procurement process in improving the performance of projects run by International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The main problems which needed to be addressed in the projects were poor performances as evidenced by poor efficiency, quality of service and effectiveness. The study had three objectives which were 1) to examine the procurement process as implemented in International NGOs of Hargeisa, Soma...

Examining The Effects of Budgetary Control on Profitability in Dairy Industries in Rwanda (A Case Study of Nyanza Dairy Plant)

ABSTRACT This research study was undertaken to examine the effects of budgetary control on profitability of milk factory in Rwanda and the case study was Nyanza Dairy Plant. The period of the study was two years (2006-2008). This study was done because most of industries proceeded on employee retrenchment thinking that this could help them to increase the rate of profit. Some managers had avoided budgeting because of the time and effort involved in the budgeting process. In addition of this, ...

Factors Affecting the Performance of Smallholder Dairy Farmers of Central Division in Kitui District of Eastern Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the factors affecting the performance of smallholder dairy farmers of Central division in Kitui district. Milk production in Kitui dropped significantly in the last few years. This has led people to seek supplies from neighbouring places. The decline in milk production has also contributed to increased poverty among smallholder farmers in the division. There has been clear need to identify those factors which significantly influence milk production in g...

The Contribution of Ngos on Family Welfare: Case Study of Francois Xavier Bagnoud (Fxb) Nyarugenge District Rwanda

ABSTRACT 1is study determines "The contribution ofNGOs on Family Welfare: A case study ofFram;;ois ,vier Bagnoud (FXB) Nyarugenge District-Rwanda". The purpose of the study was to examine : contribution ofFXB in family welfare in Nyarugenge District-Rwanda. This study employed ase study design to identify the contribution of FXB on beneficiaries' welfare. Questionnaire I stratified method were used to obtain data. Frequency and percentages mere the statistical ttment were utilized. achieve ob...

Effective Communication as a Tool in the Management of Organization

ABSTRACT This project work examines the effective communication as a rudiment in organization management. Therefore the viability of any existing organization depends wholly on the effective management and communication ability. No action taken in an organization without communication leading to it. There is no life without effective communication. Consequent upon the fundamental roles of communication, this work tries to x-ray the important of effective communication in every business of our...

Factors Influencing Farmers’ Willingness to Engage in Agroforestry Practice in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Abstract  This study examined the factors influencing farmers’ willingness to engage in agroforestry practice in Ekiti State, Nigeria using cross-section data. Multi-stage and random sampling techniques were used to select 180 respondents. The analytical techniques involved descriptive and inferential statistics. It was shown that majority (50.60%) of the respondents were within 26-50 years age bracket while the average age of the farmers was 51 years. Majority o...

Examination of Fair Value Measurements in Determination of Profitability of Listed Manufacturing Firm

Title page i  Declaration ii  Approval iii  Dedication iv  Acknowledgements v  Abstract vi  List of Tables x  List of Figures xi  List of Appendixes xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the Study - - - - - - - 1 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem - - - - - - 4 1.3 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - - 6 1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - - - 6 1.5 Research Hypotheses- - - - - - - - 7 1.6 Scope of the Study - - - - - - - - 7 1.7 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - 7 ...

Monitoring and Evaluation as a Tool for Achieving Success in the Performance of Government Project

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A well-thought and effectively executed project to a large extent contributes to national development. For a project to be implemented and objective of it realized, a thorough monitoring and evaluation of it has to be carried out. Any government intervention project embarked upon without adequate monitoring and evaluation is just like flogging a dead horse as the project is going to be abandoned at last. So before a project is embarked ...

Team Work Approach to The Management of Change in Selected Manufacturing Organization

ABSTRACT This study on team work approach to the management of change in selected manufacturing organisations in Nigeria: challenges, strategies and prospects focused on establishing the extent to which strategies for change management are compatible with teamwork approach to change, ascertaining the extent to which teamwork approach to change management holds good prospects for sustenance and viability in Nigerian manufacturing organizations, identifying the relationship between teamwork and...

The Growth of Marketing Education in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated the reasons for and the problems associated with the low quality and the unemployment saga of the marketing graduates that have impeded the growth of tertiary marketing education in Nigeria. Marketing which should take the centre stage in the holistic development of the nation has continued to play a second fiddle with consequent loss of professionalism in marketing practice and in marketing education. This study also grappled with the problem of lack of stude...

The Impact of Savings and Investment on Nigeria Economy

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Interest is the reward that accrues to people who provide the fund with which capital goods are bought (Soyibo and Adekanye, 1992). Interest can also be defined as the payment made to a lender by a borrower for the use of a sum of money for certain period of time. The charging of interest on loan was initially abolished during medieval days, both was later legalized by King Henry VIII in 1545 when he abolished the usury laws in it was cond...

The Role of Women in Community Development

ABSTRACT This research work examines the role of women in community development in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study critically reviewed the dominant issues on the challenges and prospects of women in the development of local government areas, gender equality and women empowerment in Nsukka Local Government and generally in Nigeria. This study maintains that women are the most vulnerable group in Nigeria, thus, their social, political and economic lives have been seriousl...

Stakeholder Engagement in Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in Kigoma Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of stakeholder engagement on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania. The following objectives guided the study: i) to establish the effect of stakeholder identification and analysis on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania; ii) to determine the effect of information disclosure on sexual and reproductive health program in Kigoma, Tanzania; and iii) to establish the effect of stakeholder consultation on sexual a...

Automated Systems and Cost Management in Selected Commercial Banks in Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia

ABSTRACT .The study investigated the effect of automated systems on the cost management processes of commercial banks in Bosaso, Somalia. There were three objectives that guided the study. The first objective required the establishment of the effect of transaction processing systems on cost management. The second objective required the determination of the effect of management information systems of cost management. The third objective concerned the effect of decision support systems on cost ...

1876 - 1890 Of 19445 Results