ABSTRACT The study particularly establishes the relationship between Procurement and Service Delivery in Mulago Hospital, Kampala District. The study was guided by the four objectives which included:- Demographic profile of the respondents; Level of procurement decision making practices; level of service delivery and Significant relationship between the level of procurement and Services Delivery. The research was principally descriptive involving both qualitative and quantitative techniques o...
ABSTRACT There is poor employee performance among commercial banks in Bujumbura, Burundi. The poor performance has over the years affected the organizational performance of several commercial banks in Bujumbura. This study investigated the effect of organizational change on employee performance among selected commercial banks in Bujumbura, Burundi. The following objectives guided the study: (i) to determine the effect of structural change on employee performance in commercial banks in Bujumbu...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CHAPTER ONE 8 PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Errorl Bookmark not defined. I .Olntroduction 8 1.1 Background ofthe study s 1.2 Problem statement 11 1.3 Objectives ofthe study 11 1.3.] Main ob/ective sf/he study 11 1.3.2 Spec~fic objectives of/he study 11 1.4 Research questions 12 1.5 Scope ofthe study 12 1.5.1 Geographical scope 12 1.5.2 Context scope 12 1.5.3 Time scope 12 1.6 Significance ofthe study 12 CHAPTER TWO 14 LITERATURE REV...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the effect ofjob satisfaction on the employees’ performance in MTN ~. ganda. The objectives of the study were to investigate the factors that influence job satisfaction, assess the indicators of job satisfaction and assess the influence ofjob satisfaction on the performance of employees. The method used fo data collection was through questionnaires distributed to the employees and inter~ ews conducted with the top management of MTN. Data co...
ABSTRACT Employee Job performance is the major issue in an organization due to high level of inefficiencies in the discharge of their duties by the general public due to poor infrastructure, inadequate logistics and equipment, poor remuneration and insufficient reward system have always led to the low level of public confidence and respect in the local government. The study therefore aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the performance appraisal on employee Job performance in Garowe local ...
ABSTRACT Law enforcement is a stressful profession. It is assumed that police work is among the world’s most stressful occupations. Policemen and policewomen are some of the most misunderstood people in the world. As crime becomes a major social problem in the world today, the public perception of the “men in khaki” is very low. Crime rates have been increasing in most developing countries. In Kenya, everybody is concerned about escalating crime rate. Most parts of Nairobi are considere...
ABSTRACT Purpose of the research study was to investigate the relationship between Communication and Employee Commitment in Kampala International University (KIU). Though KIU’s employees usually exchange socio and work oriented communication among themselves and sometimes between employees and management using different communication media, they are not strongly emotionally attached to the university, have no costs at all associated with leaving the university and have no feelings of obliga...
ABSTRACT Formal commercial banks have been recommended as the major source of external financing for the Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SME5) sector. This Is because the informal financial institutions are known to be dogged with both inadequate regulatory framework and problems of financial proficiency therefore making them unreliable in propagating sustainable development &this sector. The study examined the level of interaction between banks and SME5 and the specific gains realized by...
ABSTRACT This study reviews the literature judicial system in Somali/and and in particular reviews the experiences, challenges and capacity gaps in servfrig the criminaljustice system. The study finds there i~ a There has been much focus in recent years on reform of the formal justice sector institutions in Somailland (the Courts, Attorney-General Departmen4 Mi’iistry ofJustice), culminating in a National Justice Reform Strategy 2008 and Action Plan for frnplementation in 2009. Institutiona...
ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between career plateauing and employee performance in Kenya Power Company in Kenya. The study was guided by five objectives, determine; profile of respondents, level of career plateauing, level of employee performance, whether there significant difference in level of career plateauing and employee performance of Kenya Power Company and whether there was significant relationship in the level of career plateauing and employee performance of Kenya...
ABSTRACT The study looked at motivating factors underlying performance of local government employees taking into consideration Kotido District as a case study. The study also investigated the persistent cause of declining employee performance and high rate of turnover considering motivation as the key variable and performance as the dependant variable. The study was guided by the following key objectives: • Identifying motivating factors for Local Government employees in Kotido District. �...
ABSTRACT For Rwanda to develop as forecasted, the private sector had to play the driving role through involvement of commercial banks in assisting entrepreneurs and business operators to easily access finance that could lead to the economic growth. However, the private sector is still facing the problem of access to finance. This study was carried out on assessing the contribution of commercial banks financing and development of private sector in Rwanda. The objectives of the study was to ass...
ABSTRACT The study on Gender Training and Gender Equality in the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) focused on analyzing how gender awareness influences gender equality in UNMIS, how gender planning aspects influence gender equality in UNMIS, how gender analysis aspects influence gender equality in UNMIS and on analyzing factors that affect/influence gender training methods and content in UNMIS, The study adopted a descriptive survey design. It also employed both quantitative and qua...
ABSTRACT The study was to establish the relationship between electronic inventory systems and staff performance in selected supermarkets in Uganda and it specifically wanted to establish (i) level of usage of electronic inventory systems (ii) level of staff performance and (iii) relationship between electronic inventory systems and staff performance of selected supermarkets in Uganda. It employed a descriptive correlation design; the population size comprised of 168 respondents out of which a...
ABSTRACT The study was prompted by the need to explore International Tourism and Local Economic Development in Kasese District, Uganda. The main objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between International tourism and Local economic development in Kasese District, Uganda. A sample of 120 households selected to participate in the study in nine villages of Kasese district. Data collected through structured questionnaires and target respondent was the household head. Out o...