ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between communication and employee performance in selected companies in Garoe, Somalia, the purpose of the study objectives was 1) to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents 2) To determine the level of communication 3) To determine the level of employee performance 4) to establish if there is significant relationship between communication and employee performance, the research instrument was questionnaires, the t...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relaticnship between human resource management practices and health service delivery in Kampala, Uganda. The specific objectives of study were to: (1) to determine the perception of health workers on human resource management practices in Kampala; (2) to determine the perception of health workers on health service delivery in Kampala; (3) to establish the relationship between reward management practices and health service delivery in Kampala and (4) to esta...
ABSTRACT Recruitment is a great challenge to the organizations because .of its impact on performance.. Thc study is set out to examine the recruitment policy and institutional performance a case study of Rukungiri District Local Govcrnment.The study was promptod by findings from performance appraisal reports of staff and compluinis about low productivity/ performance of Rukungiri District Local Government stalE The researcher 80 respondents which included Rukungiri district staff. Methods suc...
ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between Women Enterprise Fund Allocation and The Performance of Women Enterprises in Kimilili District in Bungorna County, Western Kenya and was based on four specific objectives: a) to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age and level of education, b)to determine the level of Women Enterprise Fund allocation, c)to determine the level of performance of the funded Women Enterprises, and d) to determine the significant relationsh...
ABSTRACT The study on employee selection process and organisation performance was guided by four research objectives; generally finding out the relationship between employee selection and organisation performance. Over the past years, NPA has not performed well in terms of task execution, either as a result of semi-skilled, inexperienced work force or political interference. It is against this background that the study sought to find if there was a relationship between employee selection (app...
ABSTRACT This study on credit management and performance of Equity bank was conducted with the main purpose of establishing the relationship between credit management and performance. The researcher carried out this study while being guided by four research objectives that were oriented towards determining the respondents profile in terms of age, gender, rank, income level, educational qualification, type of employment and years of service;to determine the level credit management in terms of ...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the effects of Microfinance on financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Tanzania. Data from Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC 2018) shows that 18% of the SMEs collapse in the third year of establishment, while 20% remains dormant making little profits. The specific objective of tl~e study were to establish the influence of provsion of credit facilities on financial performance of Small and Medium Enterprises, to determine the effect of savings mobiliz...
ABSTRACT In order to understand women’s struggle for political independence and other freedoms in Uganda in particular, and Africa at large, it is important to first identify factors which hinder them (women) from freely taking part in the government of their choice right from grassroot levels. This study employed a documentary and descriptive model to investigate the reasons for the low participation of women in politics in Uganda particularly and the globe in general. The results indicate...
ABSTRACT This research dealt with the Extension Services and agricultural crop production in Gicumbi district of Northern Province of Rwanda~ The main research objective was to assess the effectiveness of extension services on Rwandan farmers’ crop production and the unique null hypothesis was that there is no significant relationship within Extension Services and crop production of farmers in Rwanda. The research design was Descriptive Design through a survey from 120 farmers (60 females a...
ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Resources mobilization and Sustainability of selected local NGOs in Bukavu District, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)”. The study was carried out based on four specific objectives: to determine the demographic characteristics of respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Education qualification, Experience; to examine the extent of resources mobilization by local NGOs in Bukavu District; to establish the sustainability level of local NGOs in Bukavu and to est...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out on “opportunities and challenges of electronic banking on organizational performance of indigenous banks in Rwanda”. This identified the opportunities these banks have identified in Rwanda and various challenges they face in their endeavors to provide efficient and effective services and products through electronic banking. The Data was collected using structured questionnaires and interview schedules. The population size was 150 and the sample size was ...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the effect of job design on work stress among the academic staff in selected private universities in Kampala-Uganda on four specific objectives namely: (1) to determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender. Age, marital status, education level, position, and experience; (2) to determine the degree of job design in selected private universities in kampala-Uganda (3) to determine the level of work stress among the academic staff in selected u...
ABSTRACT In the absence of central state or meaningful international intervention, the Somali people have represented and organized themselves and individuals, and organizations have taken on many of the traditional roles of the state, filling the vacuum in service provision and opening channels of debate. The statement of the problem was Violence is the most important factor limiting the ability for civil society to play a meaningful contribution in peace building process and reconciliation...
ABSTRACT The study was to investigate the effect of training on organizational performance in commercial banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. The objectives of the study were as follows: (i) To examine the effect of on-the-job training on organizational performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. (ii) To establish the effect of the off-the-job training policies on organizational performance in Selected Commercial Banks in Mogadishu, Somalia. Data was derived through questionnaires...
ABSTRACT This study explores the relationship between women’s empowerment and employment in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was guided by the following research objectives; the first objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, highest educational qualification, and work experience and the second and third objective was to determine the level of employment and the level of women’s empowerment of the selected local NGO5 and the fourth objective was the r...