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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Conflict Management and Resolution in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Anambra State

ABSTRACT This study looked at the extent to which conflict management and resolution affect productivity in small and medium scale enterprises in Anambra state. The objectives of the study include to identify the causes of conflict in small and medium scale enterprises, to highlight the positive and negative causes of conflicts, to evaluate the strategies for managing them and to assess to which worker’s productivity are affected by conflicts.This study utilized data from primary and second...

Critical Success Factors for Accounting Information System Data Quality

ABSTRACT Today’s organizations are operating and competing in an information age. Quality information is critical to organizations’ success in today’s highly competitive environment. Accounting information systems (AIS) as a discipline within information systems require high quality data. However, empirical evidence suggests that data quality is problematic in AIS. Therefore, knowledge of critical factors that are important in ensuring data quality in accounting information systems is d...

Economics of Small - Scale Oil Palm Production in Kogi State Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the Economics of Small-scale Oil Palm Production in Kogi State of Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: determine the factors affecting resource use efficiency by Oil Palm Producers in the study area and determine the optimum replacement age of oil palm. The tools of analysis used are:- simple descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, optimum replacement model and gross margin analysis. From the estimate of oil palm in the state,4...

Effect of Bank Consolidation On Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The central tenet of banking sector consolidation was to develop a strong, reliable and diversified banking sector that is capable of playing effective developmental roles in the economy, such as funding of small and medium scale enterprises and becoming a competent and competitive player in the African regional and global financial system. In essence, the reform was expected to create big banks by increasing bank capital base through the capital market and/or mergers and acquisition...

Gender Balance And Energy Policy: A Case of Rukungiri District Uganda

ABSTRACT The topic of research was gender balance and energy policy; a case of Rukungiri districtUganda. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between gender balance and energy policy with particular attention to masculinity issues so as to contribute to the formulation of a policy that takes into account gender issues of sensitive nature. The researcher did not want to lose strategic focus of research objectives and thus formulated research questions to guide in ...

Planning And Sustainable Tourism Development in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Sustainable tourism is about re-focusing and adapting. A balance must be found between limits and usage so that continuous changing, monitoring and planning ensure that tourism can be managed. These require thinking long-term (10, 20+ years) for the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development and involve all stakeholders including native people, local communities, visitors, industry and government. To assess tourism plans on sustainable tourism in Rwanda, wi...

Procurement Risk Management and Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Brookside Dairy Limited in Ruiru, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The problem in Brookside Dairy Limited is alarming competition from the other dairy farms on the pricing of their products since BDL has been continually increasing the prices due to the informal markets, perennial milk shortage are brought about by drought related challenges and also there is a rising case of livestock diseases in a number of counties in the country. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of procurement risk management on competitive advantage in Brook...

Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Commitment in Private Organizationsin Burundi: A Case Study Of Viettel Group Bujumbura

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of human resource management practices on employee commitment in private organizations in Burundi, a case study of Viettel Group in Bujumbura-Burundi. The study was based on three specific objectives; to examine the effect of employee recruitment and selection processes on employee commitment, to evaluate the effect of employee career development on employee commitment, and to examine the effect of employee health and safety management on employee commi...

The Effects of Training and Development on Employees Performance Case Study of Mtn Uganda, Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study entitled "the effects of training and development on employee's performance" was carried out at MTN Uganda-Kampala District, located in Central Uganda. It was intended to determine the relationship between training and development of employees and their performance at work. The study was guided by four objectives. The first one was to investigate the benefits of training and developing employee to a company. The second, one, was to find out the relationship between employee...

Means Of Attaining Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement Process: A Case Study of Mukono District Local Government

ABSTRACT The research sought to address the effects of Public Procurement System in attaining Accountability and Transparency for Public Procurements in Selected Local governments a case of a Selected Local government-Mukono District. Three objectives were set for this research which involved identify the procedures and guidelines set for public procurement processes categorically to the factors affecting public procurements, Assess the public procurement system and determine how these factor...

Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Gisagara District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study Public expenditure and economic growth in Gisagara District, Rwanda was to generate new information from the existing one, to test the null hypothesis, and to establish the relationship between public expenditure and economic growth and to confirm or deny the theory of economy by Keynes (1936). The study was in Gisagara District, Rwanda. Four specific objectives were stated and these were to; Identify the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age, o...

A Tracking System for File Management Using Radio Frequency Identification

Abstract ~ocating files is one of the greatest problems in universities nowadays and large volumes of data are isually generated in most institutions of learning. Time is wasted in searching files, energy is misused in ooking for misplaced files, deadlines are missed and sometimes files are lost. This study proposed the ise of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology as a method of tracking and managing movement of files from one location to another within an organization, special emp...

Labour Turnover of a Selected University in Kampala Central, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was prompted by the fact that labour turnover has continued to threaten the stability of private universities since their inception into Uganda's education system. A review of available literature revealed that some studies had been done about the subject especially in developed countries. Like previous scholars, the researcher employed the various methods for collecting and analyzing data. The findings revealed existence of labour turnover, its causes and effects on the se...

Procurement Process and Project Performance of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study had the main objective to establish the role of procurement process in improving the performance of projects run by International Non-Governmental Organizations in Hargeisa, Somaliland. The main problems which needed to be addressed in the projects were poor performances as evidenced by poor efficiency, quality of service and effectiveness. The study had three objectives which were 1) to examine the procurement process as implemented in International NGOs of Hargeisa, Soma...

Examining The Effects of Budgetary Control on Profitability in Dairy Industries in Rwanda (A Case Study of Nyanza Dairy Plant)

ABSTRACT This research study was undertaken to examine the effects of budgetary control on profitability of milk factory in Rwanda and the case study was Nyanza Dairy Plant. The period of the study was two years (2006-2008). This study was done because most of industries proceeded on employee retrenchment thinking that this could help them to increase the rate of profit. Some managers had avoided budgeting because of the time and effort involved in the budgeting process. In addition of this, ...

2056 - 2070 Of 19638 Results