ABSTRACT Credit management is one of the most important activities in any company and cannot be overlooked by any economic enterprise engaged in credit irrespective of its business nature. Effective credit management is a prerequisite for a financial institution's stability and continuing profitability, while deteriorating credit quality is the most frequent cause of poor financial performance and condition. As with any financial institution, the biggest risk in microfinance is lending money ...
ABSTRACT This research was carried out to assess the shortages of funds on effective budget implementation of an organization. The research was carried out in Tanzania food and drug authority Dar es Salaam headquarters The objectives of the study include the following: to establish the relationship between shortages of funds and effective budget implementation of an organization, to find out what types of funds are available for budgeting of an organization and to examine the effects of short...
ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of ICT use on staff performance staff performance at Jinja District local government and the specific objectives were to determine the level of use of ICT in Uganda, level of staff performance in Uganda and to establish the relationship between ICT and staff performance in Uganda. The findings of the study revealed that the level of ICT use in Uganda has improved as respondents agreed to most of the statements that were ...
ABSTRACTThis research has taken a central focus on assessing the influence of mral credit facilities on gender relations at house hold levels the service delivery Gulu Municipality. A case study of Gulu Bardege division. This was so because a lot of silence has been built around knowledge on mral credit facilities performance and its relationship with service delivery strategy. The major study area is Gulu Bardege Division in Gulu District with approximate population ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL. ...................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION: ............................................................................................................. ~ .... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................
ABSTRACTThe study was an investigation on the influence of training on the employee's performancewhere the specific objectives of the sturdy were to determine the effect of training to theperformance of employees in cane Uganda ltd, determine the reasons for training the employeesat cane Uganda Itel, determine the problems faced by cane Uganda ltd in training its employeesThe study employed cross sectional research and it used both qualitative and quantitativemethods of research. Cross sectio...
ABSTRACT:This research dealt with the effects of ethical issues on the procurement process in public health sector of Makindye Division Kampala. The study was conducted through a descriptive survey research Design. The research was guided by the following research questions; what is the relationship between ethiQs and the procurement process of public Health sector in MakindyeDivision?, what is the impact of unethical conduct on the procurement process of public Health Sec...
ABSTRACTThis report is entitled "Bank Credit Scheme and success of entrepreneurial projects in Equity Bank Uganda Ltd". The objectives of this study are; to determine the requirement ofloaning followed by Equity Bank Uganda Ltd in terms of success of entrepreneurial Project. To find out the process through the successful projects are evaluated by the Bank, to determine the factors that negatively affect the Bank credit Scheme and Success of entrepreneurial Projects that have borrowed from...
ABSTRACTThis research report gives an account of the role of COSASE on the performance of public sector organizations. Chapter one gives a brief description of financial accountability study,location of organizations. statement of the problem, and general objective of the study, scope. and significance of the problem. conceptual frame work and operational definitions. Chapter Iwo provides thc literature of thc study with its details. Chapter three gives out the details of ...
ABSTRACTThe research study was on decentralization policy and rural development in Kisekka sub county Lwengo district. The objectives of the study were to establishthe role of decentralization policy on rural development, the challenges of decentralization policy on rural development and the possible solutions to the bchallenges in Uganda. The major objective of the study was to examine the roleof decentralization in the promotion of good governance Kisekka Sub County. Research...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to establish the impact of taxes, inflation and governmentexpenditure on economic growth in Kenya. The study sought to establish the effect of taxes oneconomic growth, the effect of inflation on economic growth and the effect of public expenditureon economic growth. The study focused on a period of 20 years after major liberalization oftrade took place in Kenya.Secondary data was used and it was derived from various relevant bodies such as the KenyaNation...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine the impact of sales promotion strategies on sales volume In Kenya a case study of MKL Company limited. The objectives of the study were to assess the impact of the sales promotion strategies employed by multichoice Kenya limited on the increasing sales volume in the organization, to identifY the sales promotion strategy (ies) used by MKL, to establish how to improve sales in MKL, to identify changes faced by MKL in implementing sales promotion...
ABSTRACTFinancial performance requires appropriate internal audit practices to enhance efficiency.For the purpose of this study the researcher sought to determine the effect of internalaudit on financial performance in commercial bank (Stanbic bank). Internal audit waslooked at from the perspective of internal audit standards, professional competency,internal controls and independence of internal audit. The study selected one seniormanager in the finance department. The researcher administere...
ABSTRACTThe research was purposed to investigate the relationship between education levels and unemployment rate in Tanzania and the objectives was to assess the living standard of the different groups of the people such as employed and unemployed, to find out solutions of thestudy or problem -this is essential for the society, to measure education sector performance to theTanzania economy.The hypothesis of the study was that there is no significant relationship between the relation...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ...................................................................................... .iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... 2DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................