TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACT VLIST OF ACRONYMNS ViiTABLE OF CONTENTS ViiiLIST OF TABLES XHCHAPTER ONE 1INtRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.3 Statement of the Problem 51.4 Main Purpose of the Study 61.5 Objectives of the Study 61.6 Research Questions 61 .7Research Hypotheses 71.8 Scope of the Study 71.8.1 Geographical Scope1.8.2 Content Coverage 71.9 Significance of the Study 7VIIICHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW 92.1 Introduct...
ABSTRACT The research work “The impact of Financial Accounting Reporting on the corporate performance of Business Organizations”, basically aims at ascertaining how financial accounting reporting has helped in advancing the objectives of corporate organizations. In the process, it investigated the effected that financial accounting bear on the performance of a business. Furthermore, if sought to ascertain the compliance of relevant statues by corporate organizations and the overall satisf...
ABSTRACT This research study examines the impact of microfinance banks on the economic growth of Nigeria. The general objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of micro-finance bank to the economic growth of Nigeria. The other specific objectives of this include: to determine the relationship between loans and advances of microfinance banks and the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Nigeria, to ascertain the effect of deposits liabilities of microfinance banks on the gross domestic ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................... ,. .......................... ., ............. V LfST OF TAGLES ....................................................................................... VI LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... VII ACRON'i'ivfS ............................................................. : ................................ VII I ABSTRACT ..........................................................
ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of money supply on economic growth in Nigeria. In the model specified, real gross domestic product (real GDP) is the regress while broad money supply, real exchange rate, and real interest rate are the regressors. Data was collected from CBN statistical Bulletin for the period 1981 – 2010. The statistical techniques used for the analysis is the ordinary least square techniques with the aid of Stata 10 software package. The research indicates that real ...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the impact of small and medium scale industries on the Nigerian economy, spanning from 1986 to 2010. The study adopted Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Linear Specification model. Using unit root test, the work shows that small scale industries significantly contributed to the economic growth in Nigeria despite poor funding by commercial banks. The work recommends among others that government should improve its monetary policies so as to reduce to an acceptable leve...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this project work is based on the relative performance of monetary policy in the Nigerian economy. This work discussed the meaning of monetary policy is as combination of measures designed to regulate the value, supply and cost of money in an economy in consonance with the expected value of economies activities. The study shows further, the aims and objectives of monetary policy which includes price stability, maintenance of balance of payment equilibrium, promotion of...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY. Every country in the world tends to generate income through tax administration. In Nigeria the company income tax administration aims and tries to tax each company in the state more effectively. However the level at which the company income tax Administration in Nigeria tend to achieve its desired goals and objectives depends mostly on the tax office and the company that is operating in Abia state. For the tax Administration in Nigeria to be e...
BLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLESLIST OF ACRONYMS viTABLE OF CONTENTS viiABSTRACT xiChAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction 11.1 Background ofthe study 11. 1 .1 Historical background Perspective 11. 1 .2 Theoretical perspective 61.1.3 Conceptual perspective 61.1.4 Contextual perspective 71.2 Statement of the Problem 81 .3 Purpose of the study 81 .4 Specific objectives 81.5 Research Question 91.6 Scope ofthe Study 91 .6.1 Geographical scope 91.6....
ABSTRACT This study is on the Role of Budgeting in Managerial Planning and Control: A case study of Guinness Nigeria Plc. Benin, Edo State and Nigerian Breweries Plc. Ama, Enugu State. This is with a view to identifying some of the factors that has hindered management plans. Budgeting both at managerial level and operational level looks at the future and lay down what is to be achieved. Control checks whether or not the plans are realized and puts into effect corrective measures where deviati...
ABSTRACT Over the years the Nigerian banks have been ravaged by the phenomenon called bank distress. The role of bank Inspectors and External auditors in this regard cannot be over emphasized. when it became apparent that the distress was leading to total; doom, the federal Government stepped in this intervention led to liquidation of banks of curb and menace of distress on our banks. Banks were liquidated due to poor capital base, insider abuse are mismanagement. More also other problems rav...
ABSTRACT This research work was designed to determine the role of small and medium enterprise in the development of Nigeria economy. Some selected enterprises were used as a case study and questionnaires were administered in order to extract information on this project. The objectives of the study includes to identify the roles of small and medium enterprises in the development of the Nigeria economy and to evaluate the problems the encountered in the establishment of small businesses. Some l...
TABLE OF CASES1. 3502 Lending, LLC v CTC Real Estate 229 P. 3d 1016 (Ariz. Ct. App. 2010).2. Abdulrahman v Oduneye (2009) 17 NWLR (Part 1170) 220 C.A3. Adenekan v Owolewa (2004) ALL FWLR (Part 216) 510.4. Adetona & Anor. v Zenith International Bank Plc (2011) 12 SC (Part IV) 44; (2011) 18NWLR (Part 1279) 627 S.C.5. Adjei v Dabanka (1930) 1 W.A.C.A. 636. African Continental Bank Ltd. v Yesufu (1977) NCLR p. 2127. Agboola v U.B.A. Plc (2011) 11 NWLR (Pt 1258) 3758. Alhaji Goni Kyari v Alhaji Ci...
ABSTRACT The study area covered Kampala Division choosing one zone that was Kiti Falawo zone The local members of the community were treated as key informants, the study focused on factors influencing girl children education in Uganda. Random sampling was used to select 60 respondents from one zone from the division as well as key informants qualitative and quantitative techniques were used where by the qualitative data was coded and tabulated while quantitative data was anally selected befor...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION44~PPR~’V’4ItLLDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMmInLIST OF j’ABL~LIST OF ABBREVIATJONS/ ACROYNMSABSTRACTC~A~R 014E IPROBLEM AND rr5 SCOPE1.0 Introduction1.1Background ofthe study1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 4l.3Purposeofthestudy 41.4 Objectives ofthe study 41.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope ofthe study1.6.1 Subject scope1.6.2 Time cope1.6.3 Geographical scope1.7 Significance ofthe study1.8 Operational definitions ofkey terms 6CHAPTER TWO -,LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introc.Iuc...