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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Drug Abuse And Domestic Violence In Uganda (A Case Study Of Nagongera Subcounty Tororo District)

ABSTRACT The study intended to examine the relationship between drug abuse and domestic violence in Nagongera Sub County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the causes of drug abuse in Nagongera; to identify efforts to curb drug abuse and domestic violence in Nagongera; to establish the effects of drug abuse in Nagongera Sub County. The study took a period of two months, from May to July 2017, due to the limitation ofresources for a longer period in the field obtai...

Effect Of Motivation And Employee Performance A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The study set out to explore the affiliation connecting motivation and the level of employee performance. The study had three objectives: to examine the motivation practices used in KIU, to examine factors affecting employee performance in KIU, and to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study used a case study strategy which is Kampala International University and an explanatory research design. To achieve the set objectives the study used stra...

District Government Budgets And Health Service Delivery In Hoima Referrel Hospital

ABSTRACT The research report gives an over view of the study results in which District Government budgets and Health service delivery was assessed. The types of Health services, components of budgetary control and relationship between district budgets and health services was investigated. The study was based on a sample of 50 respondents of which 30 were patients and their care takers and 20 were Health administrators and workers and these were selected using simple random sampling. Data was ...

Effects Of Gender Discrimination On Development A Case Study Of Bunyaruguru Sub-county Rubirizi District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was designed to assess the effects of gender discrimination: taking a case study of Bunyaruguru Sub county, Rubirizi district. The study was empirically conducted and such, the evidence provided has solely relied on data collection and analysis of direct Questionnaires and the interview guide and a computer based packages i.e. Excel was used to analyze the raw information. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out the causes of gender dis...

Audit Reports And Internal Control System Case Study: Lira District Council

ABSTRACT T'he report focused on the audit report and internal control system case study of Lira District Local Government. The purpose of the study was to assess the internal control system and mditing on organizational performance. rhe report adopted three specific objectives; to identify the elements of reports that arc audited: lo assess the contribution of proper auditing t o organizational performance; to identify the ~hallenges in accounts Auditing. The study adopted cross-sectional res...

Corruption And Service Deliveries On Community Development In Northern Uganda A Case Study Of Apac Municipal Council - Apac District Local Government

ABSTRACT The research was done on the topic CORRUPTION AND SERVICE DELIVERIES ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN NORTHERN UGANDA. A CASE STUDY OF APAC MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - APAC DISTRICT LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Objectives of study were to identify the different forms of corruptions in Apac Municipal Council, to understand the different causes of corruptions in Apac Municipal Council and to analyze the impact of corruption on service deliveries and the development of Apac Municipal Council. Briefly on the ba...

Economic And Social Consequences Of Temporary Employment In Financial Institutions In Uganda (A Case Study Of Bank Of Africa (Boa))

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the economic and social consequences of temporary employment in financial institutions in Uganda. The study specifically focused on the Bank of Africa Ltd. Also, the study sought to explore the legal requirements as well as challenges it poses to the Human Resources function. Across-sectional survey design was adopted as the overall strategy for data collection and analysis in order to answer to research questions in the study. The ta...

Internal Control Systems And Financial Performance Of Municipal Urban Councils In Northern Uganda: A Case Study Of Kitgum Municipal Urban Council.

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Internal Control System that influenced financial per balance  in Municipal Urban Councils in northern Uganda: a case folium Municipal Urban  (KMUC2. The objectives of the study were: to explore the relationship between internal control activities and FP in K1vl(JC~ to find out how the internal control environment affects FP in KMFJC; ana~ to assess the impact of auditing on FP in KMUG.A descriptive research survey design was adopted using both q...

The Contribution Of Education On Poverty Reduction, A Case Study Of Makjndye Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of education on poverty reduction in Makindye Division in Kampala District. From a target population of 45, using random and stratified sampling techniques, a sample of 45 respondents dealing in different institutions was selected. Case study research design was used to examine the emotional feelings of study respondents in finding out the contribution of education towards poverty reduction. A qualitative research approach was ...

Internet Banking And Customer Satisfaction In Commercial Banks In Uganda: A Case Study Of Tropical Bank Limited, Kansanga Branch, Kamp Ala, Uganda.

AbstractThe study was about Internet Banking and Customer Satisfaction of Tropical Bank Limited, Kansanga Branch, Kampala, Uganda. The study was based on the following three objectives; to examine the effect of ATMs on customer loyalty; To determine the effect ofA TMs on customer retention and to establish the relationship between internet banking and customer satisfaction of Tropical bank limited, Kansanga branch, Kampala, Uganda. A sample of 80 respondents both female an...

Book Keeping Systems And Profit Levels: Case Study Of Dag + Clinic & Pharmacy Uganda

ABSTRACTChapter one represents! the research study focusing on book keeping systems and profit levels, carried out in DAG + Clinic & Pharmacy.Chapter two represents a view of the selected existing, knowledge from literature on book keeping and profit levels. Therefore the subject of inquirywas extracted in light with the previously conducted research and the scholarly work.Chapter three presents the research methods used in the study. It describes the research design, samp...

The Impact Of Taxation On The Developmentof Small Scale Bussineses In Busolwe Town Council, Butaleja District

ABSTRACTThe study was designed to establish the impact of taxation on small scale business in Busoiwetown council in Butaleja District in Eastern Uganda. The objective of the study included: to establish the types of taxes paid that small scale businesses are required to pay to analyze the effects of the taxes levied on small, scale businesses and to analyze the challenges faced by small scale businesses in paying taxes in Busoiwe town council. Simple random sampling and p...

A Study Of Labor Turnover And Building Employee Commitment Case Study: Mengo Senior School Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT In chapter one, the problem statement has been discussed in details and an introduction to the background of the study. The objectives of the 5tudy and the problem statement are categorically discussed in this chapter. The researcher also shows the purpose of the study which justifies carrying out of the study. The researcher presents a rational justification of the problem statement and how the report was prepared; the problem encountered during the research survey are analyzed and ...

Effects Of Tax Policy On Revenue Management In Local Governments. A Case Of Butaleja District Local Government

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the Effects of Tax Policy on Revenue Management In Local Governrnents.The objects of the study included, to examine different local revenue collection sources in Butaleja identify the limitations experienced by the tax authorities in Revenue, collection and management, to examine the Relationship between tax policy and revenue management in Butaleja District . That the major problem facing Butaleja District Local Government is that pe...

Recruitment Practices And Employee Performance; A Case Of Nice House Of Plastics (Nhp), Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at investigating the relationship between recruitment practices and employee performance in Nice House of Plastics (NHP), Kampala-uganda as the study case. The study employed a case study design to collect data from a sample of 63 respondents working with NHP. Simple random sampling technique was used inselecting the sample and Questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection. Thedata obtained was analyzed using quantitative data analysis techniq...

2731 - 2745 Of 19445 Results