ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of procurement practices on the performance of Local Governments in Uganda with specific reference to Bugiri District Local Government and it was guided by the following objective; i) to determine the level of customer orientation. ii) to determine the use of strategic supplier partnerships and, iii) to determine the level of information sharing as lectors influencing the performance of Bugiri District Local Government This study used a descriptive...
ABSTRACT The research topic of the study was domestic violence against women and girl child education in Bundibugyo district Bwamba county. The problem was retardation of girl child education in Bundibugyo district Bwamba county. The purpose of the study is to establish how domestic violence against women has retarded girl child education in Bundibugyo district, Bwamba county Bubandi sub county .. The objectives of the study were; to establish the extent to which socio-demographic factors of...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to evaluate the influence of professional ethics on staff performance in public sector in Uganda with focus o ministry of public service in Uganda. The objective included to examine the role of professional ethics in promoting staff performance in ministry of public service in Uganda, to establish the challenges faced by the organizations in instilling professional ethics in employees in Uganda and to establish the way forward that the ministry of public ...
ABSTRACT The study covers the "role of credit risk management on the performance of microfinance institutions", in Uganda a case study of PRIDE MICRO FINANCE The scope of the research included, the funding of MFI, the role of MFI, the challenges lending policies, how credit risk measurements, the credit of risk management and hoe the credit risks affect the resources of MFI in terms of planning, controlling, directing and organizing. Objectives included establishing the various methods which...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Makindye Division, Kampala District and it was carried out on the impact of decentralization on health service delivery in Makindye Division. The objectives of this research were to examine the impact of decentralization on public health service delivery; to examine the challenges faced in delivering public health services and to come up with possible measures to the problems encountered in health service delivery. The study used a descriptive research ...
ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between "Electronic Banking and Service Delivery in Orient Bank Limited, Kampala, Uganda". The findings indicated that majority of respondents were male (68%) in the age bracket of 20-39 years (46%), most of respondents (3 7%) were Bachelor holders, a large number of the respondents in this sample were tellers (34%) and had worked for 2-3 years (53.3%), these were followed by those who have worked for 3 years and above (33.3%) and onl...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyze the contribution of credit appraisal on loan recovery in microfinance institutions, Katwe branch using the objectives to examine the practice of credit assessment in Finca, Katwe Branch, to find out the challenges faced in recovering loans in Finca, Katwe Branch and to establish the relationship between credit assessment and loan recovery. The researcher used a sample survey research design in the study. The study used a sample size of 70 resp...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction This chapter will look at the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of the study, significance of the study, and the conceptual frame work. 1,1 Back ground to the study One of the pillars of the Millennium Development Goals promulgated by the United Nations (UN) is promotion of gender equality as well as women’s emancipation. The World Bank, like the rest of the inte...
ABSTRACT The researcher aimed at establishing the role of micro-finance institutions on the performance of small-scale enterprises in Uganda and to recommend ways in which micro-finance institutions can improve their effectiveness in contributing to the development of small-scale enterprises in Uganda. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were used. Centenary Rural Development Bank (CERUDEB) was used as a case study point. The researcher discovered that the credit services offered b...
ABSTRACT The study was about the role of the Local Government in promoting the education case study of Wera Sub-county in Amuria District Uganda. The study was mainly based on three research objectives which are; To identify the education services provided by local governments, to establish the challenges faced by the local government in the provision of education services in the Wera Sub-county, and to find out the possible solutions to the challenges. The study employed sections together w...
ABSTRACT This dissertation explores the role of IRC in health service delivery in the conflict zone, examining the activities of the organization in the Mucwini Sub County Kitgum district. The study was based on an analysis of primary and secondary data about the role of IRC in health service delivery in the conflict zone. The study used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. Data was collected by the use of questionnaires, interviews, and observation. Random sampling was used to...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at determining the impact of c—sourcing on cost reduction. It further looked at various specific objectives which include; benefits of implementing c—sourcing and current procurement practices. To determine the various c—sourcing tools used by manu thcturing firms. i- d to examine the various costs incurred by manufacturing firms. And to find the relationships between e—sourcing and cost reduction. The study also investigated the challenges of implementing c�...
ABSTRACT The study was about the effect of land conflict on women's social-economic wellbeing in Tororo. the study objectives were: to examine the causes of land conflicts in Tororo, to establish the [effects of land conflicts on the income levels of women in Tororo District, to analyze the social effects of land conflicts on women in Tororo District. The researcher used an analytical design; it will analyze the elements of the data that was collected in relation to gender perspective to 'Om...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of the electronic tax filing system on tax collection and tax compliance following several claims of lack of transparency. inadequate education on tax matters and corruption in the assessment of taxes. The study objectives involved identifying the components of E-tax service system, to identify the reasons for the adoption and the successes attained of E-tax system by URA, to establish the level of Tax Compliance among Ugandan ...
ABSTRACT A number of factors have always frustrated the efforts of the researcher to deliver services in an attempt to investigate the influence of delegation and accountability in the management of selected primary schools in the Nyabubare sub-county. The research was carried out in Government schools. Government primary schools in Uganda are not yielding fruits to the expectations of the people and instead, people are becoming poorer. It was observed that the inadequacy of the services in ...