ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of working capital management on manufacturing firms’ performance: The evidence came from selected food manufacturing companies in Laga Tafo Laga Dadi town. The study employed a quantitative research approach to test the research hypothesis. A sample of seven (7) food manufacturing companies was purposively selected through purposive sampling, and the sample firms’ financial statements were collected for the period of five...
The Sudden outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic brought a completely new order in national and globaltransactions. The pandemic greatly affected business performance. The global Marketing and World-wide businesses were challenged to retool in order to achieve better and successful performance. Based on this development, establishing the determinants of global marketing performance becomes inevitable for global marketers that wish to remain relevant. The period of Covid-19 witnessed unprecedented eng...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This chapter will show the background, problem statement, purpose, objectives, research questions, hypothesis, and significance of the study. 1.1 Background of the study Following a deep banking crisis in 1998, 1999, Uganda's banking sector has experienced recovery and the regulatory environment has focused on creating security, and confidence and maintaining strong capitalization rates. The sector has experienced higher supervision from the bank of Uganda and hig...
ABSTRACf The study intended to investigate the impact of privatization on the performance of business organizations; case study, of Stanbic Bank (U). With the objectives such as; determine the privatization process in Stanbic Bank (U), establish the relation ship between pre-privatization and the performance of Stanbic Bank (U), and establish the effect of post privatization and the performance ofStanbic Bank (U). The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of privatization on the...
ABSTRACT The study was set to establish the impact of credit policy on loan recovery in microfinance institutions in uganda using a case study of pride microfinance Kisoro district branch. The research used a sample size 59 from population of 70 respondents. The research objectives of the study were: To establish the existing credit policies in Pride microfinance Kisoro, to examine how loans are recovered in Pride microfinance Kisoro and to establish the relationship between credit policy and...
ABSTRACT [n Northern Uganda, the conflict that began in 1986 ravaged the region for a period of more than 20 years. During this period, children suffered the most. Thousands of children were systematically 1bducted and forced to participate in the conflict actively as fighters, wives, servants, and others 1ave lost their lives. Some of the formerly abducted children have since returned. The aim of this ; the study is to examine the contribution of NGOs in addressing the welfare of formerly ab...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine accounting information systems on protthihility of petroleum companies in Uganda: a case study of Mass Petroleum, Wandegeya Branch, Kampala. The study objectives were; to determine the benefits of the accounting ii~forinarion system in Hass Petroleum, Wandegeya Branch Kampala-Uganda, to establish the challenges of fixing the use of the accounting information system in Plass Pthvkum, Wandegeya Branch Kampala$Jganda and to examine the relationsliz~ between a...
ABSTRACT This study was to investigate the problems of transforming pastoralist societies into modem agricultural societies in the Amudat district. The research objectives were to find out the ways of transforming a pastoralist society into a modem society in the Amudat district, to establish ways of transforming the pastoralist lifestyle of Amudat residents into a modem agricultural society, and to determine the challenges of transforming a pastoral society into a modem agricultural society ...
ABSTRACT. This research is done to investigate the impact that the brand has on the performance of an organization, by such analysis the management of an organization will really be forced to try and check whether their brand is performing better than the competitors. The research is divided into five chapters and this proposal has three chapters thus, the introduction and background of the study, chapter two with the literature review and some of the literature discussion as presented by the...
Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate on salary, supervision, promotion, and motivation of employees in the Kisinga sub-county-Kasese district. The study was guided by three specific objectives; to establish how promotion opportunities were availed to members of staff in the Kisinga sub-county, to evaluate how effective is supervision in the Kisinga sub-county, and to find out how salary affects employees in the Kisinga sub-county. The study adopted a descriptive survey researc...
ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish the effect of effective contract management practice on the operational performance of state corporations in Uganda using the Uganda National Roads Authority as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) practices effective contract management; to identify the challenges that hinder effective contract management practice in state corporations in Uganda, and t...
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This chapter provided information on the background to the study, background of case study, problem statement, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study and significance of the research findings and conceptual framework. 1.1 Background of the Study internal control system refers in the direction of all the policies and procedures adopted by the management of an entity to assist in achieving management objectives, ensuring pr...
ABSTRACT This study comes as a result of the increase in youth une111ployment in Kansanga parish and Kampala District and Uganda as a country. The purpose of the stud1 las to investigate the causes of youth unemploy111ent in Kansanga parish. The study had specific objectives of establishing the causes of youth unemploy111ent. assessing the i111pact of Uganda's education system on the unemployment problem and to propose solutions to address the problem in Kansanga parish. A descriptive cross-s...
ABSTRACT Assessment of the contribution of alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviors on Kasensero landing site Rakai district. The research was done in April 2017 for two weeks and it was carried out in the Kasensero landing site that is found in Kyebe County in the Rakai district. This research was basically done to determine the relevant solutions and recommendations that can be put in place to reduce alcohol consumption and its negative effects on the village. This research, still, wa...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out in the Kampala district to investigate the effects of interest rates on Borrowing and investment by the low-income earners in Standard Chartered Bank. In the study, relevant data were obtained from the libraries such as Kampala International University, Kyambogo University, Makerere University Business School, and the internet. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires and study guides. All the respondents that took part in the study were randomly se...